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Forums » General Roleplay » The Grotto

Crystie (played by Crystie78)

Crystie wiped the sweat from her brow before stowing the pick axe beside her. You would think that after a month of doing this work you would get used to it. Her lungs still yearned for fresh air and her muscles strained from the workload. As she caught her breath, she turned her hands over. Once fine, dainty hands were now covered with thick calluses. The soot that covered her hands and clothes almost drove her mad the first few weeks, but she had eventually become accustomed to her new look.
Besides, she had deserved it...right?

Last years's events felt like they had occurred an eternity ago. She hardly remembered he details anymore. She recalled waking up on a fine summer morning, alone in her bed. Wrapping a robe around her, she went to search the rest of he house for Richard. Just the thought of his face made her insides ache. A note on the kitchen counter read: "Went to grab breakfast. I'll see you soon my love". Oh how he had spoiled her with his love.
Then everything went hazy. Had they had breakfast together? No... No Richard never came home. She remembered waiting hours for him to return. Then, the phone rang. They should have never gotten the wretched thing. While many of the events were hazy, she still remembered the officer's voice, as he delivered the same message to her every night as she slept.

"Mam, I'm sorry to inform you that there's been a terrible accident. Your husband, Richard Lowell, was struck down in a drive-by shooting. Officers found him dead on scene. There as nothing anyone could do. His body is now at..." She let the phone clatter to the floor as the officer continued. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. He was there only hours ago!
He next few days flew by her. The tears. The apologies. The funeral. It had all happened too fast.
There was only way to numb herself from the pain: alcohol. Their Guam trip savings were obliterated after just one week. She had known it was wrong, but it helped, even for just a little while.

Then, she did something she would never forget and always regret.

The bartender had told her not to drive, why did she? She remembered getting in to her car, almost too drunk to remember how to start the car. Oh how she wished she hadn't turned he key. She was only on the road for a few minutes before her car drifted off and slammed into a light-post. Slumping out of her car, she went to observe the damage, though too drunk to really care. Steam poured out from under the smashed hood and some kind of fluid pooled around her sneakers. Groaning, she examined the hood closer.
That's when she noticed the blood stained blue uniform pinned up against the light-post. To her horror, the uniform contained a young man. She remembered her scream more than she remembered her trial. They had given her the maximum sentence, claiming the murder was intentional. After all, maybe she had meant to take his life.

Now, she was to remained here for twelve years. Down in this wretched mine. Her hands found he pick-axe again as she went back to work, driving the memories from her mind.
OGR3 (played anonymously)

Just bellow the mine Crystie was working in a city had been built, it wasn't a normal city of people and hard work. It was made as a survival bunker for the cold war, finished in 1985 "The Grotto" as it was called had been long since forgotten over the last twenty five years. The city was somehow maintained, not well but roughly maintained by workers called OGR3s, these giants goals were to keep people safely inside the city from the fallout going on outside. But since there was no World War Three the metal giants were more of a terror to the city, unfortunately they were not the only ones. The people working on the city had gotten trapped down in the Grotto long ago, most men went made, some were eaten alive, and most... Most had some how died and came back to life. Apart from the Ogr3s there were two kinds of enemies down here.

The Empty and the Savage, the empty are just that, they have empty heads with nothing but insanity swirling around in the goop that is left of their brains. Then the savage are the undead who have for one reason or another have been re-animated by the chemicals down in the Grotto. Physical enemies weren't the only ones hidden in the Grotto, Animations roamed free in the cavern streets bellow the mine. Animations are ghosts of the workers and first families brought down here to be protected from the Soviet attacks that never did come. The spirits are mostly sad and lost themselves but some are angry, some have the rage to throw things across a room at intruders. But none of this really mattered, the passage to the Grotto collapsed long ago trapping everyone inside killing most. Everything was lost and the horrors within could never come to light unless someone were to dig deep enough and find the city stained in blood.

A rumble happened beneath Crystie's feet, the rumbling caused rocks to fall. Inmates were crushed instantly and the guards began to run for their lives but they were crushed as well. Dirt started to filter out through a small crack in the ground, some inmates and guards fell in this crack trying to jump over to escape this collapsing mine but it was too late and they were crushed in the earth bellow. The dirt under Crystie's feel turned to mud, thick red mud. But not all hope was lost! The earth shifting caused a small passage to open up with a bronze looking shine on the other side of the passage, the passage was closing fast, what would she do? Travel through the shrinking gate way to the mysterious door on the other side or be trapped on this side and wait to see if anyone would come save them. But honestly who would. Apart from the four or fie security guards they were all criminals down here.
Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

At first, Crystie thought she was losing her mind. She watched in horror as officers and other criminals were crushed by the falling debris. Screams of terror filled the air, only just heard over the falling rock. It was only when a rock ripped open her arm that she was sure she wasn’t dreaming. Blood seeped through her fingers and she held her arm, but the adrenaline running through her made the pain obsolete. RUN! She told herself.

She took off down the mine, dodging falling rock as she did. There was no use in running the other way. The longer she stood in one spot the higher her chances were of dying. Her heart hammered in her chest as she came up against one large rock, blocking her path. She whipped around and watched as the cave-in drew closer. This was it. This was God’s punishment for everything she had done. She couldn’t help the tears that ran down her cheeks.

To her amazement though, a large falling rock broke open a path to the left. Without thinking, she took off, covering her head as more rock threatened to close her in. When she reached the end, she was surprised to find a metal door. She wasn’t allowed much of a chance to think, as more debris bit her ankles. Taking in a deep breath, and praying to any god, she threw open the door and cast herself into darkness. Surprisingly, when she slammed the door behind her, it seemed that the world with falling rock disappeared behind it. Where was she..?
OGR3 (played anonymously)


Moans and groans echoed as the door slightly imploded because of the sheer amount of debree on the other side. What were the noises all around her? Shuffling foot steps seeming to be lazy but through the chaos was a cough. It sounded alive, had someone come in through the door before her? She wasn't given to much time before a metal bodied giant passed the corridor she was wedged inside of. Light dimmed then flickered some how, a few steps forward would prove that this was no place of peace, apart from the beautiful architecture the city was rusted, stained with blood and bodies hung by chain from almost every building. What hell was this?

Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

After looking around, Crystie was sure she had died and this was hell. She took a few steps away from the door and looked around, gaping as she watched a giant metaled creature pass before her. She hadn’t expected her demons to look like that..

Cautiously, she made her way through to get a better look around. Whatever hell she was deposited in had actually looked quite astounding under all the rust and what she imaged as blood. She stopped when she reached a clear blue pool, stooping down and running her hands through the cool water. Eventually, she began to scrub her hands clean, something she hadn’t had the chance to do in the mines. When she finished she stood up and looked around for any signs of life. She pictures hell to be full of people, rather than a desolate area. Keeping on edge, she walked down the pathway filled with empty houses towards the sound of the cough.
“Hello?” She called out, though she expected no response.
OGR3 (played anonymously)

If someone had escaped ahead of her they were gone now, hidden deep within the Grotto. But what did hear her was not human anymore, "eira dey shay dah..." A man with a torn away face knelt on a bridge that led to the main part of the abandoned city. He seemed to be praying in some gibberish language to a basket, but he looked up as she said hello, "the one who passed the one who passed... Gone now, GONE NOW!" The figure screamed before returning to their prayers. In the open basket was what looked like a rotting animal of some sort wrapped in an old tattered American flag. "She's mine, I had her, I gave her to you, don't take me too." The figure begged, pulling a hammer from the head of the animal in the basket the figure grew angry as it had so many times before. "YOU!" He pointed at Crystie, "you promised if I gave you what was mine, you would get me out, you'd fine the amulet of release!!!" The figure tossed the basket into the pool and stood, running towards Crystie with the hammer! Ready to kill she swung at the girl, intended for the Crystie's head the hammer came down hard!

Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

Crystie was taken aback by the strange monster in front of her. Whatever baby used to be in his carriage, it was no more. Before she could get a good look at it, the creature suddenly screamed at her, shoving the carriage aside and making its way towards her with a hammer. By pure adrenaline alone, Crystie managed to run and dodge his first attack, letting a scream lose as she did.

"What the hell are you talking about!" she yelled back to the creature, but was unsure if he could understand her. He turned back towards her and readied his hammer once again, smoke vaping from his mouth. As her heart hammered in her chest she took off running again, looking around for any weapon as she rounded the corner by the houses. Unknowingly, the ground was slick as she slid around the corner, taking a tumble into some nearby trash cans. Swearing, she touched the side of her forehead where blood was now dripping from.

"Alright you..whatever the hell you are. I've been through enough today to go through more of this stuff!" She growled to him, pulling herself to her feet as he rounded the corner. An odd sort of growl erupted from the creature as he took off at her again. Grabbing the handle on the trash can, she waited until the creature was almost upon her before dragging it across his body. He screeched out again before falling to the wet pavement.

"I, don't, have, your, stupid, amulet!" She yelled at him, repeatedly slamming the trash can down on his face. She typically wasn't so violent, but the sight of the undead creature instilled a sort of rage in her. Not checking to see if the creature was dead, she through trash can down as its body before taking off running again. She would have to find shelter before making any sense of where she was. Breathless, she booked her way down the street.
OGR3 (played anonymously)

Crystie tripped almost immediately on her first weapon in this hell she would diffidently need it. It was the same hammer used by the now dead creature Crystie had just killed. Or was it dead? The sound of bones cracking and angry grunts arose as the dead man stood, eyes glowing greenish the mans fingernails began to grow out into points and words fell from the monsters mouth, "The amulet is the only way to escape, god promised me an angel would deliver the amulet to me if I killed... so I killed and I killed." The figure was no man anymore but a monster with spine jetting out of his back, "now here you are, but where is my... AMULET!!!" The monster rushed at Crystie once more, but this time she was on the ground, a hammer at her feet!

Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

Crystie threw a disgusted looked at the creature as he spoke of the amulet. Angel..? She slowly grabbed the hammer from her feet and twirled it in her hands. This would work well.

As he came for her once again she quickly dodge his terrifying nails, only to wind up behind up. Rather than hit him with the blunt end, Crystie flipped the hammer over and jabbed the back end into his skull. Cold, undead blood splattered her face as she did.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm no angel," she spat through gritted teeth before she wrenched the hammed from the back of his skull and kicked him forward. She took only a second to wipe the blood from her face before she cautiously approached the dead creature as it writhed on the ground.

"Seems like i'll need that amulet before I end up like one of these things," she whispered to herself before violently bringing her foot down on the monsters face.
OGR3 (played anonymously)

As she turned around an animated speaker system echoed hauntingly all around her, "Remember in New Grotto there is no crime, Communism is the only true evil, so stay safe, and STAY AMERICAN!" The message repeated a few times before it got staticy and sounded as if a demon was speaking it. The voice died before another one of the giant Ogre things spotted her, it held up it's hand and began to approach slowly. She could either run back across the bridge or duck into an old looking church. The choice was all hers...
Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

The new, sudden voice caused Crystie to jump and ready her hammer for more odd creatures. Once she realized it was a recording she sighed and allowed herself to relax. She had to wonder once again just where she was. How long had this strange town been underneath the city? If it weren't for the sting of her cut and the hammering in her chest, she would have thought she had died back in the mine accident. She knew however, that this was no dream.

The familiar sound of screeching metal drew her from her thoughts; as she turned she noticed the large metal robot down the street from her.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath, looking around for places to hide. Quickly, she slid in through the doors of what seemed to be an old, abandoned church house. A large cross at the other end of the Hall stood, rotting from age. She didn't have time to look around the rest of the place as she made her way to one of the pews and ducked down, trying to breathe quietly. Hopefully the thing couldn't hear very well. She waited until she could hear it pass.
OGR3 (played anonymously)


The front of the church was not abandoned however, people were just still like statues worshiping some sort of valve hung high in the wall where normally a cross of jesus christ would be. But this cross now lay broken on the church floor no heads turned but all worshiped the rusty old valve on the ceiling. "Protect us from the outside world, fire of the red dragon awaits those who allow the doors to open..." One turned their head but a veil covered her face, "join my child." She whispered demonically as the others continued their ritual. "Praise the great defender."

Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

These strange people are everywhere! She thought as she slowly turned to face the person under the sheet. Their facial features were unidentifiable, as well as gender. When the person finish speaking and went back to praying, Crystie gazed up at the level hanging from the ceiling.

“What the hell…?” She whispered under her breath, not wanting to set off the people around her. She couldn’t even be sure they were human either! She rose up from the pew and walked down the aisle to get a better look valve. To her, it looked rather ordinary. She couldn’t see any reason why these people would be worshiping the thing as if it were a god.

Alright, I need to find a way out of this place she thought to herself before looking down to her hands and a better weapon. Doing her best not to disturb the now peaceful prayers, she began scourging the dirty ground for more items she could use.
OGR3 (played anonymously)

No real items of value were on the floor, "come pray with us child," the woman pleaded, "pray to the great one, he who protects us from the outside world and keeps us safe." The valve was hung high on the wall with paint tossed in every direction on the same wall artistically emphasizing the rusty old item. The heads of the others rotated a hundred and eighty degrees, "pray with us...." They all said in tandem, it was erie and creepy. The woman before her put her hand on Crystie's shoulder and the same sharp nails began to grow, pressing into the girls skin, "what are you looking for?" He voice altered from a woman's sound to a demonic echo as her head cocked to the side as the sound of bone breaking rippled through the woman's body. Nails pressed deeper and deeper into Crystie's shoulder.
Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

Shit, I should have known these creatures weren't human. She took one last look or the church before she turned back to the woman and shrugged her shoulder out of the woman's grasp. Her nails were starting to leave indents her skin. Slowly, she slipped her hammer into the side of her shoe.

"I uhh.." She swallowed and took a look around at all the other faces looking at her. If she made one false move, would be all attack her? Slowly, she intertwined her fingers together and lowered her head respectively.

"Oh great one, please protect us," she muttered emotionlessly, trying to blend in with the other creatures. She wasn't sure if it would work, but at this point she had to try to something. She would have to find somewhere safer then an "abandoned" Churchhouse. With her head bowed and her hands still in a praying position, she slowly backed up and made her way towards the door. She was careful to keep her movement slow, hoping not to draw attention to herself. Though the woman's eyes were still on her, she seem to stay in her seat, for now. Just in case, she let her right hand fall and grasp the hammer in her boot.
OGR3 (played anonymously)

The heads continued to turn and focused back on the valve hanging on the wall. The woman who had dug her finger nails into Crystie lowered her arm and continued to stare the girl down, "go if you must... But the amulets protection will not save you from Blight...." The woman pulled from her pocket a silver bell and began to ring it wildly to ward the beast off away from the church. These special silver bells sounded like nails on a chalk board to the beastly creature of webs and venom. "Get out," the woman said calmly. But followed it up with a shriek, "GET OUT!!!" The veil ripped off and her deformed face hissed as it took a powerful step forward. Once out of the church Crystie would have noticed that the door was locked behind her... There were only four of these silver bells in the Grotto, she had to find another one to protect herself from whatever a "Blight" was...
Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

"Alright alright gheeze!! I'll get out of here and run from your blight!" Crystie yelled, her hands in the air as she booked it out of the church. Whatever waited for her out there she would much rather take than the creatures in the church.

"Bunch of weirdos! That lever wont save them, or their little bell! They need some guns or something with real power. I need something like that," she muttered to herself, kicking a pebble and sending it flying down the road. She continued to grumble to herself as she made her way down the dirty streets, looking to see what other resources she could find. Hopefully before she got too weary she could find either more people, or a place she could stay to regain her strength. Did the people here eat? And if so, what?
OGR3 (played anonymously)

Looking up Crystie saw an Ogr3, lingering above her. Drawn to the sound of the bell, this giant steampunk mammoth. The Ogre groaned as the coal in its belly burned strong, it's eyes flickered between green and white. A noise sounded to the left and one of the other Ogres began to jog towards it moaning loudly, this Ogre turned it's head looking at the other ogre catch and brutally murder a civilian who was attacking a younger civilian. The Ogre lowered it's hand and opened it revealing a small silver bell. Standing up write it turned and walked away slowly, off into the darkness of the Grotto. The bells song was like nails on a chark board not in sound, but in warning. That an Ogr3 was on it's way, any citizen with one could ring the bell and get an Ogre on their=side for a moment or two.

Crystie (played by Crystie78) Topic Starter

Crystie was taken aback by the brutal murder of one of the creatures. It seems these giant robots, these “Ogre’s”, only harmed those who harmed others. Hopefully, she wouldn’t cause any trouble for them. If it ever came down to it, she would have zero chance against their strength. For a moment, she was sure the Ogre was about to strike her, but instead he opened up his hands and presented her with the same bell that one of the church-member’s had. She gingerly plucked the bell from its hand.

“Thanks...” She said quietly, looking the thing over to make sure it wasn’t dangerous. Other than looking old, the bell seemed to be intact and safe. Hopefully, she could rely on these giant things to protect her if she needed it. Perhaps they even knew the way out.

Crystie continued down the street, only stopping to inspect a house that, from the outside, looked abandoned. As she stepped inside she was almost entirely engulfed in darkness. Slowly, her eyes began to adjust and make out the broken fragments of the house: A desk, a chair, broken glass from a nearby window.

“Well, it seems empty enough for now,” she muttered as she cautiously stepped further inside, blissfully unaware that something else may be lurking.
Blight (played by LungDrac)

Crystie was right. The house was empty ... for now, at least. The amount of dust covering the rooms made any colour look greyed out. How long has it been since anyone lived here? However long that was, whoever lived in the house seemed to have disappeared abruptly. Papers were scattered on the dusty old desk in the room. If Crystie looked, she’d see that someone had only just started writing on a piece of paper before a long line interrupted the paragraph. It read:

Something’s here with me. I can hear it scuttling upstairs now. The footsteps are heavy, like a human’s, but too fast ... like it’s flying across the room or something. Is it a really big spider? It can’t be! There aren’t any spiders that big here. But there were webs everywhere in the attic yesterday. Whatever it is, I have to go find it. If I can just get it to attack me I can ring —

Then that long line cut in. Did something grab the writer just before he finished his latest thought?

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