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Forums » Smalltalk » Obligatory kitty thread

Hopefully the pictures work because I'm having to link them directly from facebook.

Anyways. Since there are so many cats threads going up, I wanted my little sweet roll in on this hot, unadulterated page viewing action. I got Sophie, my fluffy orange cat, about five years ago. She was my eighteenth birthday present. She was overall a good kitty to me, but she was extremely moody and flatout hissed at most other people, and she PEED EVERYWHERE. It was a constant problem. However, she was raised in an apartment that had quite a few people over in it at night, Andryn (To be fair, it wasn't entirely his fault, it was mostly the girl he was dating at the time.) That caused her to go a bit psycho, I think. When Sophie was about six months old, I got Ruffles. At first, Sophie was very apprehensive of Ruffles, but eventually, they grew to accept each other and formed a strong friendship. They would clean and sleep with each other, but sadly, I had to give Sophie because I had to move to Manhattan, KS, USA, with my mom to live with my (at the time) step'dad,' who later turned out to be nothing more than a [LONG STRING OF RADIO EDITS]. I miss Sophie quite a lot, but I think it is better for her to be in a single-cat home.

Ruffles is actually sitting here watching me type. As it turned out, Ruffles didn't have any urinating problems whatsoever after we moved. It was like it never even happened. One thing you need to know about Ruffles is that she knows that we think she is ADOWABLE. She constantly follows me around whenever I move around my house, and talks to me.

Anyways. Orange cat is Sophie as a kitten. The Sophie pictures are quite old and were taken with a cheap cellphone, sorry ahead of time for the quality, and she was maybe only five or six months old then. She grew up to be a slightly larger and plump version of the kitten you see. Yes, she always sat a little bit pigeon-toed. Ruffles is the tortoiseshell and she is a cutey and nice as can be. Also, yes, she does in fact sleep like this every time she curls up. The pictures of Ruffles are about a year old now, but were taken on a much better phone.





Edit: I swear I had more pictures of Ruffles... I will get some more as soon as I can.
Kittieees <3

I always think it's funny when a cat KNOWS what you think of them... XD
Sophie is so FLUFFY! I love fluffy cats! My male cat sleeps just the way Ruffles does XD He likes having his chest scratched too :)
Sanne Moderator


*scritches and feeds sardines*
Loki wrote:
Sophie is so FLUFFY! I love fluffy cats! My male cat sleeps just the way Ruffles does XD He likes having his chest scratched too :)

Damn they are so fluffy.

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