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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kalor and Elise

Elise had just fallen asleep when there was a loud bang on the door. She jolted awake knowing that knock all too well. "Kal!" She whispered in despair. She grabbed Raine and jumped off the bed silently and ran down the hall and curled up with her daughter. She acted out of instinct at this rate. She didn't want to see her husband again.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor was on his feet in moments, walking over to the door. He opened it and stood in the doorway. "Yes?" he said calmly. "I'm not used to getting visitors out this way. Anything I can do for you?" He kept a careful eye on the man, though seemed relaxed. One thing was for certain, though. Nobody was getting past him.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

There were three men at the door. 2 were guards and the one in the middle was a man with green hair and a black stripe across his nose. His eyes looked lazy, but he was dressed as a noble. He looked at the man, touching his sword at his side. "Ah yes, I am looking for a woman. She is about yeh tall" He held his hand to his chest "and really thin. Shes got a pretty face and black hair. Oh and she has a child with her about 4 years old. Seen her?" He spat out, looking around the house from what he could see, taking notes.

Elises eyes widened at the sound of the voice. "Jaiden!" She whispered. Jaiden was her husbands right hand man which meant Zayne was not far from here. She began to panic as she hid. Scared for Kals life, Raines life, and her own.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor blinked. "A woman? I haven't seen a woman in a forest for a rather long time. Try further east, there is a village that way, perhaps she went there. This forest is dangerous, after all. Not many come through it; too many reports of wolves." He shrugged. "I'm a seasoned hunter, so wolves don't worry me. But she wouldn't last long, especially with a kid, if she came through this forest. Nonetheless, I hope you find her. Before the wolves do."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

The man simply chuckled. "Then you wouldn't mind if we checked your house then?" he smirked at Kal. He pulled out a paper. "From Lord Zayne Farren Asawa himself. I have a warrant to search any house I deem suspicious." He showed him the fancy piece of paper. Elise gritted her teeth, scared out of her mind as she clutched onto Raine. Raine awoke from her being squeezed and looked at her "Mommy..?" She was quickly hushed by her mother, having her mouth covered. Raine became distressed at seeing her mothers silent tears run down her cheek. Raine was now scared too.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kal looked at the paper and nodded. "Of course. Come right in." He stepped aside and let them through. "I was in the middle of something when you came, so I'm going to clean up my whittling mess while you check the house." He walked to where Elise was hiding, humming loud enough that the men would know where he was. He pulled up one of the boards in the floor with no noise whatsoever and pushed Elise carefully into the hole in the ground, setting the board back in place. He did nothing to hide it, it looked like everything else. By the time one of the men came to check in on what he was doing, he was brushing his hands off just inside the window.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

The soldiers pushed their mouths to the side. Jaiden walked in. "Very interesting. Very interesting indeed. Why, I believe this is Elise's ribbon... I wonder..." He looked at Kal smirking as he showed him the ribbon. Elise had taken it off when she was going to sleep and had never put it back on. "Now I wonder how this got here... hmm? You know, the penalty is death for lying to the authorities." He chuckled. The soldiers both drew their swords, stepping near kal.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor glanced at that ribbon and scowled, snatching it from him. "Don't. Touch. The. Ribbon." He narrowed his eyes. "I am not lying, you inconsiderate man. I don't know what this 'Elise''s ribbon looked like, but this is the only thing I have left from my wife. Don't touch it." He held it carefully in his hands, brushing the fabric gently with his thumb before pocketing it. "You are searching, are you not? Then search. I have better things to do."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Hmmm...." Jaiden narrowed his eyes a bit, thinking. He then walked around the place, and looked at his guards. "Lets go. Sorry to bother." He stated and then nodded at his soldiers and then they left. Elise squeezed her eyes shut, holding raine Tightly. she was trembling from the tension, and now she was in a tight space. She was on the verge of having a panic attack. The thought of being caught almost made her want to faint. Raine started to cry silently, shaking with her mother.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kal nodded. "I wish you luck in your search." He closed the door behind them and went about his 'normal life' for between five and ten minutes, then went to the room and lifted the board. "They're gone now." he murmured. He sniffed the air, just to be sure.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

They were gone alright. Elise simply cried into Raine, shaking badly still. Raine looked up at Kalor, frowning. "Are we's in trubbles...?" She said softly petting her moms head kind of like how Kal did.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kal lifted them out and held them both. "No. You're not in trouble. Everything's alright." He nuzzled against her, holding them both close. "It's alright. You're both safe. Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise I will protect you."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise hugged them both very tightly. "Th-Thank you Kalor! I-I... I- was so worried. I didn't want anything to happen to you because of me..." She cried into his neck. Raine frowned and started crying too, "I duns want anything to happens to kally!" At this rate it was almost a domino effect. Elise was crying so then Raine starts crying. She really loved Kal, she was almost instantly attached to him.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor sighed softly and pet them both on the head. "It takes much more than three foolish men to hurt me. If I can't talk my way out of something, I will fight. And I never lose a fight. Not when I am fighting for something as special or important as you two. So calm down now. We're all fine."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise tried to calm herself and wiped her tears. She looked up at Kalor frowning and then rested her head on his chest. She closed her eyes, trying to stop her trembling by taking deep breaths. Raine sniffled and hugged Kal around the neck. "I wuvvles you.." She said and then nuzzled him. "Dont eva leave mommies and mes okies?" She looked at him frowning.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled quietly and hugged her back gently, nuzzling the child back as well. "I won't let you two get hurt." he said softly. He pet her head and smiled at her, then just rubbed Elise's back gently.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise got out of his arms. "I think I am ... going to ... just lay down..." She started to turn but fainted falling into Kal. She truly was delicate. It was a wonder she was still alive after what she had been through. Raine frowned "Mommy!" She reached her little hand out to try and help catch her.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor shifted his position right away, catching Elise gently. He sighed and stood up, holding Raine as well. He brought them both to the bed and laid Elise on it, looking at Raine. "Your mommy needs some sleep. What should we do in the meantime?"
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She looked at her mother, pushing her mouth to the side. "Piggy backs ride" She looked up at Kal. She then nodded to herself in agreement. "Yessah!"
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor laughed softly. "Alright." He picked her up and very carefully settled her on his back. "Hold on." He smiled and just started walking around, trotting slowly at first, then faster, just walking around with the child.

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