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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kalor and Elise

Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She laughed and giggled, holding onto his neck tightly. "Fasta fasta!" Her mood has changed almost 100% "Horsee! Horsee!" She grinned lightly kicking his sides.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled and would oblige, moving faster. Though soon he stopped and took her off his shoulders, setting her down. "No, not horsey." He smirked and got down on all fours, wiggling his back. "Get on. Wolf, not horsey, little Raine."
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She grinned. "W-Wolf!" She then ran jumping onto his back. She held onto his head and laughed, looking down at him "Doggy doggy!" She petted him and giggled.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled and nodded. "Yes. That's close enough." He smiled and would trot around on all fours, letting her ride him like she would a large dog.
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Raine enjoyed herself as they raced around but then she would let out a sigh after a while of playing. "I wish we coulds play outsides..." She frowned "Its so.. smalls in heres." She frowned at him, petting his head like a dog.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor nodded slightly. "I know. But right now it's not safe. You'll be able to play outside sometime." But after the recent encounter with the men, he didn't want to risk it.
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She frowned and nodded "Maybes you should build more rooms!" She cheered in agreement to herself. "3 peoples is a lots yous knows! We cramped like ants!" She grinned.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled softly. "Maybe. But that would take time." He pulled her off of his back and settled her on his lap, petting her head. "Hm, cramped like ants? That won't do."
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She smiled and nodded "Yes and ants are small!" She grinned. Her statements only seemed to make sense to her. She giggled and barked at him.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled and nodded. "Indeed. They are small." He chuckled and growled back at her very playfully.
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She squeaked and then ran into another room, hiding under a table. She giggled a bit as she growled at him from a distance.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor laughed as she hopped off him and went to hide under the table. Still on all fours, he stalked towards the room, peering around the corner and letting out another low, playful growl. Stalkstalkstalk, he got closer and closer, but then...stopped! He waited, crouched low, then...pounced! Quickly he rushed over, snatching her up in his arms and sliding under the table. "Gotcha!"
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She squeeled when he grabbed her. She laughed and then nibbled on his arm. She pawed at his chest, her jaw still locked onto his arm. She let go and panted like a dog, barking at him. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes. "Will you stay with us's forevas?" She looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "You should be my new daddy." She smiled a bit. "You's nicer than my weal one."
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled as she nibbled harmlessly on his arm. "You're quite the vicious one, aren't you?" he teased. He smiled and pet her head as she let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes. The question made him smile gently. "Forever is an awfully long time, Raine. And honestly, little one, anyone is nicer than your real daddy. I'm sure your mommy will find a wonderful new daddy for you someday."
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She frowned up at him. "Why wont you be though?" She looked down frowning as she twisted her hair around her tiny finger. She chewed on her lip, appearing to be upset. "Mommy likes you... and you likes her and mes..." She sighed, this time it was a sadder sigh.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor smiled gently at her and pet her head. "That is her choice, little one. Besides...I don't think I'm the right person for you two." He nudged his head gently against hers. He really did have animalistic tendancies, even if he looked human (except for the eyes). "You and your mommy deserve better. You deserve someone normal, in a town with people where you can make friends and go play."
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She tilted her head some, confused. "But you is norms... Arent yous?" She scratched her head blinking. She looked down and sighed. "Can I's have naps?" She looked up at him. She reached up for him, her little hands reaching out. "I want cuddles..." She frowned.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor shook his head. "Not quite, little one." When she asked for a nap, he nodded and would pick her up. He stood carefully with her and would go fetch a couple blankets, since Raine's mother was on the bed. Then he'd lay down with Raine and hold her in his arms.
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

she rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. She would soon fall asleep curled up on his chest. Elise would wake up after a while and sit up. She looked over at them and couldnt help but smile at the sitght.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor wasn't sleeping, he was just relaxing. And so when he heard Elise sit up, he opened his eyes and looked over. He smiled at her and would shift just slightly to point towards the kitchen, inviting her to get something to eat if she was hungry.

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