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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kalor and Elise

Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She nodded softly and smiled softly. She got up and walked to the kitchen, looking around. She found some fruit and took an apple. She ate it quietly in the kitchen and then moved to the room she was in, eating it as she watched the two softly. "She really likes you..."
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor chuckled quietly. "Yes she does. It doesn't surprise me, though. She probably didn't get to play around with someone like this very often, did she?" He rubbed the child's head and looked over at Elise for a few moments. He would very carefully sit up and lay Raine on the bed, pulling the covers up to her shoulders. Then his attention would focus on Elise as he got up. "How are you feeling?"
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise shook her head softly. "No, She didn't get to play much at all because her brother was very sick.... so she has a lot of energy to burn." She sighed, looking down. "I just wish... I could do more.." She tucked some hair behind her ear, her eyes low. "I feel okay, I suppose." She looked up at him. "I truly do appreciate what you have done, even though you are risking your life..."
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor shrugged slightly when she spoke of putting himself in danger. "I'm fine. I've lived through more than you may think, Elise." He looked at the sleeping child. "You've done too much already, you don't need to do more. It's time you got some rest as well. It's time for both of you to relax and enjoy life now."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She looked down at Raine. "I don't know if we ever can... With him always watching and searching... I doubt we could even leave this land." She sighed. "I don't have my guardian anymore.. I can't protect Raine alone should I try to leave." She looked down, rubbing her arm nervously.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor nodded. "You're right. You can't. Which is why I'm going to protect you. We need to get you somewhere safe. We can leave tomorrow, I'll pack up tonight. We'll get out of this land and I'll take you somewhere that he can't touch."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She frowned at him. "Are you sure you want to do that...?" She rubbed her arm, "I mean, you're risking yourself." She bit her lip some as she looked at him, she showed how worried she was about him, she had come to care for him even though she barely knew him.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

(blegh, post that got lost in the big after-holiday rush and such)

Kalor nodded. "I'm positive. I won't let you get hurt, Elise." He smiled gently to her. "I'm not risking myself very much. I'm in danger no matter where I am. It's alright." He brushed her cheek gently with his thumb, then went to start packing things. "We need to get you both somewhere safe. That's the only thing that matters."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

(its alright.)
She watched him as he began to pack., She rubbed her arm nervously. "Why are you always in danger?" She frowned a bit. "Do people try to capture--- er Nevermind, that was rude of me to ask. Thank you though... I really appreciate your nobleness." She smiled a bit at him and bowed to him.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor smiled at her. "Don't worry, you can ask whatever you like." He put a hand on her shoulder to keep her from bowing. "You don't need to thank me. I'm only doing what's right." He let go of her and continued packing. "But yes, in answer to your question. I am hunted to either be captured or killed. Some people see my kind as a curse, or a monster. An abnormalty that shouldn't be allowed to live. So don't worry about always putting me in danger. I'm in danger already."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

"O-oh......" She frowned, looking down. "I... I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Kalor But I think you are a wonderful man, if that means anything." She smiled a bit at him and tucked some hair behind her ear. "Do you need any help packing? Is there anything that I can do to help?" She smiled, wanting to be helpful in anyway the she could.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kal shook his head. "No 'mister' is needed, Elise. It's alright. And don't worry, I've lived long enough that I've gotten used to it. Besides, it adds a little adventure into my life." He chuckled softly. "Hmm. As for help, I suppose you could help. Go to the kitchen and see what food you can pack up for our travels."
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She smiled a bit "I wouldn't feel right not putting a Mr. In front of your name...: She rubbed her neck and then nodded. "Okay." She smiled, going into the kitchen. She would pack foods for them, picking ones that wouldn't go bad. She sang softly as she did.
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Raine would wake from her nap and yawn. She went and found Kalor, tugging on his pants, we leavins?" She yawned and rubbed her eyes
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kal sighed a little bit to Elise. "I'm not used to it. It sounds strange to me." He was used to being called Kal, or Kalor, and yes he even was called mutt. He was used to those names, they were familiar to him and he was comfortable with them. 'mister' just made him feel weird.

He looked down as his pants were tugged on by the little child. He would crouch down and rub her head gently. "Yes, little one, we're leaving. We're going to go somewhere better, okay?"
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

you'll stay wit us? She asked softly in a hopefull tone. "you my puppy..... You hyas to comes even if you dunh want to." she smiled and hugged his leg. Sh9e yawned once more."where we goin anyways....? I hopes its a bigga house."
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kal chuckled. "Yes, I'm staying. Don't worry." He picked her up and held her in his arms. She was so tiny against his large frame. "It will be a bigger house." he promised. "Don't worry. We'll find somewhere that's just perfect."
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

raine nuzzled him happily."goods" she kissed his cheek and nuzzled him again.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

elise walked in witht their packied food and smiled sweetly at the sight before. She cleared her throat. "im not interupting something am i?" she chuckled softly
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor looked over and smiled as Elise came in. "No, of course not. How are you doing?" He would set Raine down gently and smile. "Go get ready, little one." Then he focused on Elise. "How long do you think you will be until you are ready?" He didn't want to rush her.

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