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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Kalor and Elise

Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Raine nodded "Okay" She smiled and ran off to get ready.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise smiled "Well, not long at all, I don't have many things and the food is all packed up. So once Raine and you are ready, we can leave." She tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled sweetly at him.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor nodded. "Good, good. See if you can help Raine get ready, I'll make sure everything else we need is ready to be packed. You will also be using me as a means of transportation until we get to a town where we can get horses." He went about getting things ready, then.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

She nodded softly "Yes, I will go help her." She blushed lightly when he proposed that they would ride him "Er.... Okay." She rubbed her neck and laughed softly before going to the next room to help raine prepare herself.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor would get everything packed up into a couple bags, then make sure that what they had was packed into a couple bags as well. They could only carry so much. Once they were all ready, he went outside and stretched. "Alright...I'll be right back." He trotted into a dense patch of bushes, and soon out would come a very large wolf. He was big, rivaling the size of a bear. Though with the clothing he held in his maw, it was obvious he was Kalor.

The clothing would be dropped at Elise's feet for her to bundle up, and then he would crouch down and let them get themselves and the bags onto him.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise blinked. "Oh wow..." She knelt down, folding the clothes up. She put them in a bag. Raine was overly excited about the whole situation. She danced around Kal, singing about how much fun this is going to be. Elise sheepishly went about getting onto Kal's back. She didn't want to hurt him. She sat Raine on his back before attaching the bags and getting on. "R-Ready."
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor gave a gentle huff of air, then once they were all ready and holding on, he'd start off. He went on a trot for now, so she would know how tightly she would have to hold on. And then, once they were alright with the trot, he started getting faster, then faster, until he was running. Not too fast of running, but it certainly was running.
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Raine was the happiest girl on earth right now. She cheered and giggled as he ran. Eventually she was shushed because she was making too much noise. Raine bit her little lip holding onto Kal's fur as he ran through the forest. She couldn't help but have a cheesy grin on her face.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise was nervous about him running, she had to both hold Raine and herself on Kal. She was afriad that she might tug on his fur too much and hurt him. Raine was making a lot of noise to add to it and Jaiden could be around so she felt it necessary to tell her daughter to quiet down. Riding the wolf was uncomfortable but she managed, it was for the better good.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor found it amusing, how Raine was so excited about riding him. He would have to take her out more often in this form when they reached their new home. For now, though, when they neared the village he slowed, and then stopped. They weren't at the village yet, but he had to change before he could come with them or else he'd start a fright.

He huffed softly, nudging his head at the pack that Elise had put his clothes in. He opened his jaw for them. He couldn't very well go around naked.
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

Elise would blush lightly when he nudged her, wanting his clothes. "O-Oh, yes, of course." She scurried a bit, getting the clothes out for him and then placed them neatly in his maw. She took Raines hand, who seemed quite disappointed that her ride was now over. She walked with her daughter to a tree to look at it so that Kal could get dressed without them seeing.
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor would wait a few moments to make sure they were able to turn away, then he morphed back into his human form and pulled on his clothing. He had to shake himself a couple times to get used to his human body. He was rather tired now, but he didn't let it show. He walked over to the two females and smiled. "Are you both ready?"
Elise Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

elise smiled at him and nodded. " yes we are thank you. Shall we head to town then?" she smiled sweetly at him, her hair gently flowing with the wind
Raine Asawa (played by InquisitorCat) Topic Starter

raine grinned up at him and reached up for him wanting held. "ready kally!" she gave him a cheesy grin, happy that he was with them
Kalor T'Ran (played by CelestinaGrey)

Kalor smiled at both of them and picked up Raine, holding her as they started walking. The village wasn't a very far walk, and once they got there they were greeted kindly by happy villagers. Kalor found them the inn first and reserved a room. Then he took them to the tavern so they could all get something to eat.

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