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Forums » General Roleplay » RP between me, Foxtrot0813, and sisi234

Micheal Redd (played anonymously)

In a small town in a state somewhere. There wasn't that much here other than some houses and stores. However, something may be on the horizon that would change everyone's life.
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Micheal and his cousin, Jonathan, were sitting in a small diner, with nothing really to do. Their have been rumors of some, uhh odd occurrences in the state.
" Man it sure is boring around here"
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Blady blah blah, is all you do complain Jonathan," I said to him while poking my pancakes with a fork.
"I have my right's you know" I said drinking my milk
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Jonathan Redd wrote:
"I have my right's you know" I said drinking my milk

"DUDE, that's my milk,"
I'm an ass so I spam my beat friends lol suck it wyat ;^)
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Chris Stars wrote:
I'm an ass so I spam my beat friends lol suck it wyat ;^)

Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I bonked him on the head, due to the fact that he drank my milk. He coughed slightly and sprinted to the bathroom.
after fixing my milk nose I came back with a annoyed facial expression and said. "I hate you some much right now you know "
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I just gave him a cruel smirk.
lacy stone (played by sisi234)

A young woman walked in the dinner she had long brown hair and was wearing pants and a long sleeve shirts she was good looking most dude would look at her. She sat down at a table by ear self and order a cup of coffee she sipped her coffee and tapped her foot her hand was shocking on the cup why was she so nervous most girl her age had nothing to worry about beside the boy friend but why was that the last thing on her mind
I sat down at the table and did not looking over at Michael and just sat in silent
"so Micheal any luck with the job last night?"
lacy stone (played by sisi234)

(BTW its older lacy)
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Nah, they turned me down, they are a whole bunch off aholes," I said to him. I looked around, other than that girl in the diner with us. I brushed the pancake bits off of my face as I sat there.
"o sorry hey what you looking at?"
Micheal Redd (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Girl, at the bar table,"
"yeah what for?"
lacy stone (played by sisi234)

She glanced around then dinner to her foot tapping fast and hard she looked up at the time and sighed sipping her coffee she had some place she had to be today it was amieign ejr so nervous and scared she whished she had someone to talk to

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