She jumped at everyone talking " I have to go to cu-court" she said truing to see everyone around her she was gettinglsittle scar esbaout the men
"This is my dad, obviously. He is nothing but kittens and sunshine. This is my cousin, he is all bark, no bite," I said, gesturing for them to give her room.
" well I came to get john so bye" David walks off dragging john
She nodded slowly "o...uh hey" she said solfy sinking down in ehr seat keeping ejr eyes on the men's
"Um I be right back" ebe said getting up walking tot eh bathroom with a bag over her shoulder
setting at the opposite table holding arm as I put bloody rag on it to stop the bleeding from a unknown wound
"do I know you' I said looking away from him
"Yeah, you killed three dozen men in the blink of an eye man,"
"....'I pull my hood up over my head and my mask up
"your one to talk'
Lacy took some pulled before chgaeing in the bathroom she put on shirts and a thank top she had the cgahed because of court her body was covers form Mandy scared she pulled her hair up and walked back out laying for her coffee
"I did not come to fight you"
"CPL.Redd...." I said under sigh
"I'm here to enjoy my leave. You act like I'm here to fight. By the way, welcome back Lacy, I said to her as she waited for the next cup.
"as am I "
She smoeld slighky "hey...." She said solfy sitting back some in the seat and sniffes looking down at her arms rubbing time she happen to look around and jumped at the guy that was just talking to Michael
I quickly look away in flushed red face
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