I've been having both an art block and a writing block as of late... However today I wanted to draw just didn't have any solid ideas to draw. So I sat down, put my music on shuffle and drew a picture for every song. Once the song ended, i moved on to the next drawing. (felt like i did more than 9). But since I couldn't think of anything to draw, I just drew what the songs told me to. Which ones should I finish? Do any even look like they're worth finishing?

1, 6, 7, 9
I'm really fond of 1, 5 and 6! If you finish any of them I hope you post the finished product!

I like 1 and 5, myself.

I'd love to know how 1,4,5 and 9 turn out. Either way, kudos to you for trying to push past your block! Since I don't draw, I'm going to say I share half of your problem:/
I vote for whichever one you think will be the hardest to draw.

Thanks, everyone! I was currently working on 7 when I got distracted (And it is more difficult to draw than I originally anticipated.) I also did not expect many people to be interested in 6, but I am happy to do it!
1,3,4,5,6,7,and 9 will hopefully be completed! Thank you all! It gives me inspiration to do them if people are actually interested in seeing them ^^
1,3,4,5,6,7,and 9 will hopefully be completed! Thank you all! It gives me inspiration to do them if people are actually interested in seeing them ^^
Thank you :'D
Yes, please finish them I would love to see

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