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Forums » Looking for RP » DnD? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Demitra Delphie (played anonymously)

I have a great idea for a DnD but I need some people, my elf would be an NPC, I need about four or more people. I want only DnD races, Elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes, and DnD classes; monks, fighters, rangers, sorcerers, wizards, druids, bards, clerics, paladins. This will use dice rolls and you will all start at a certain level and I will be DM. This will have lots of fights, some puzzles, magic, and low tech. Are you ready for an adventure?

What is the starting level? (Experienced Dnd player here)
Demitra Delphie (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Everyone is going to start at level 2 probably

(Hm, level two... Alright, I can work with that.)
Demitra Delphie (played anonymously) Topic Starter

alright still looking for people

Yes or no to a rogue? And what edition?
Demitra Delphie (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Yes to the rogue and first
I'm a bit new to DnD if that is okay because I'm actually looking to get familiar with it.

Okay I've never played first, so if you could direct me to where to find the info for setting up, I'll transfer her stats and get her set up.
Demitra Delphie (played anonymously) Topic Starter
and sure Danger that would be fine

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » DnD? (closed)

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