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Forums » RP Discussion » Body Visualizer - Useful tool for human chars!

Sanne Moderator

Figuring out what someone looks like with a certain height, weight and exercise regime when these numbers don't reflect your own can be tough as balls! I sure as heck scratch my head often enough trying to figure this out. Then I stumbled on this tool today, and tested its accuracy by using my own measurements.

This is me in my natural habitat! XD

This is the image the tool gives me.

Of course it's not 100% accurate, but the tool does a pretty good job at giving an estimate visualization for what the combo looks like. I've seen quite a few people struggle, complain or just be defeated by this kind of stuff for their regular human characters, so perhaps this tool will be useful to the community to help with that!

Have fun! Also, you can create terrible abominations with this tool, in case you needed something awful for a horror RP or something.
I saw that on imgur just now! I haven't tried it out yet, but it looks super nifty! <g>

Tried it!

Ommmg thank you for finding this <33 This is like spot on to what I've been searching for! Not as detailed as I would like it to be, but super helpful nonetheless!!
Ben Moderator

This is a great tool. I just want to point out that if you take the height to lowest and inseam to the highest setting the results are hilarious.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Ben wrote:
This is a great tool. I just want to point out that if you take the height to lowest and inseam to the highest setting the results are hilarious.

You misspelled terrifying <.<

I have found the most accurate representation of myself.
True Beauty
I think it's interesting how the facial features also change as things are adjusted...

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