This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hi there! I'm looking for about three to five extra people that would be interested in role playing with me in this thread that are familiar or are okay with the setting of Neverwinter Nights, or on a grander scale, the continent of Faerûn of Toril from the Forgotten Realms.
If at all possible, it would also be appreciated if these role play partners were also familiar with setting up Pathfinder sheets for future reference since I really enjoy seeing how the dice rolls dictate how the role play will go (that, and I find myself not wanting to risk the possible 'one man army' that I've unfortunately come across one too many times).
If you're wanting to role play, though don't really know anything about Neverwinter Nights (and the surrounding areas in Faerûn) I'll be happy to catch you up to speed if you so desire! I've played both original Neverwinter Nights games, and even dabbled in the Neverwinter MMO a bit to see what it was like.
Same goes for setting up a Pathfinder sheet as well! I'll be happy to help you with getting one set up if you're not sure how to get it set up. I personally use the sheets found at the Myth-Weavers site, seeing as a lot of their sheets are easy to access and use. :')
Neverwinter Nights References
Toril World Map - Map of Faerûn
Wiki page on Faerûn - Wiki page on the city of Neverwinter
Events of Neverwinter Nights - Events of Neverwinter Nights 2
Making Your Character Sheet
Link to Myth-Weavers.
Character Sheets
Tinnalia 'Nalia' Jhet played by FreeJayFly
Alia Porter played by CrimsonKnight212
Allon played by Netherweave
Zhouken Taishin played by RedHeadSamurai23
Sylvia Alde Mardyn played by EN-09
Saba Kekit played by Miss
Current Post Turn Order
Note: Every three days that goes by and a person does not post, please skip them and carry out the turn post order!
There are some spoilers from Neverwinter Nights 2 in the descriptions below, so be advised! If you ever plan on playing Neverwinter Nights 2, I'm sorry!
From my LFRP description
"The city of Neverwinter has seen its highs and its lows, though currently, the city and its people seem to be suffering from lycanism from an outside source. Some rumours say that it came in from down in more southern parts of Faerûn where more of the lycans lurk. Other rumours say that the remaining druids that reside within the Circle of Mere are at work, lashing out against those that blindly venture into their home and disturb those they live alongside."
Further in detail
Rumours spread pretty quickly on the streets of Neverwinter -- even more when you frequent the local taverns and market stalls. Ten or so years ago, the rumours were that the Knight-Captain of Neverwinter had perished within the Vale of the Mere. Five years after that, it was said that a new Circle of Mere had been formed, rebuilding their home and continuing their druidic practise.
These days, Duncan Farlong has returned to his old tavern, the Sunken Flagon. While he always seems to have a smile on his face, those that knew seem to question his happiness since the Knight-Captain never returned. Be that as it may, however, there are new dangers arising, and there are new faces showing up more than just a couple times a week these days. Most of these individuals were armed with weapons of pure silver, other people seemed more like they were excited to learn of the new things happening here in Neverwinter.
Picking up on some conversations while you sat there in the Sunken Flagon, you learn that there seems to be a lycan uprising in the works, and the citizens of Neverwinter have been some of the most affected by this. While there are those that are attempting to keep the outbreak under wraps, it seems moot to keep lying to the public face when more hunters come in, and when more adventuring parties come in in order to quell the strain from advancing any further.
The question now is: are you up for taking on this challenge? Are you willing to party up with other members and risk everything you have just for the sake of others, or even just for the sake of yourself? Or maybe you're here because you want to learn about the lycans.
If the answer is 'yes' to any or all of those, then have a seat in the Sunken Flagon, and perhaps we can have a chat.
If at all possible, it would also be appreciated if these role play partners were also familiar with setting up Pathfinder sheets for future reference since I really enjoy seeing how the dice rolls dictate how the role play will go (that, and I find myself not wanting to risk the possible 'one man army' that I've unfortunately come across one too many times).
If you're wanting to role play, though don't really know anything about Neverwinter Nights (and the surrounding areas in Faerûn) I'll be happy to catch you up to speed if you so desire! I've played both original Neverwinter Nights games, and even dabbled in the Neverwinter MMO a bit to see what it was like.
Same goes for setting up a Pathfinder sheet as well! I'll be happy to help you with getting one set up if you're not sure how to get it set up. I personally use the sheets found at the Myth-Weavers site, seeing as a lot of their sheets are easy to access and use. :')
Neverwinter Nights References
Toril World Map - Map of Faerûn
Wiki page on Faerûn - Wiki page on the city of Neverwinter
Events of Neverwinter Nights - Events of Neverwinter Nights 2
Making Your Character Sheet
Link to Myth-Weavers.
- When making your character sheet on Myth-Weavers, please choose the 'Pathfinder' sheet. Do not choose to use the Alpha sheets! They are still buggy and do not auto-calculate some of the fields!
- We are NOT playing with 3.5e rules or mechanics. We are playing with Pathfinder's rules and mechanics.
- Characters will be granted a 20 point buy for their ability score distribution. You can find a calculator for skill point buy here. The link provided includes all information regarding the point buy system that is associated with Pathfinder.
Any race that has been covered and published by Paizo and third-party publishing is allowed in the role play. This goes for classes as well. If you have questions about how to build your character, or what to do, we can discuss it over PM. :'D- To reduce headache and stress on my end for any future players in case someone drops out for any reason; only races and classes that are covered by Paizo publishing are allowed. If it is not published by Paizo, I will ask for you to change it.
- Oh, and because I'm incorporating some of the new features from Paizo's Unchained book, remember to add two additional skill points for your character.
- All characters should be given two traits and one flaw!
- All characters are gonna start at level one!
- In terms of character currency, please just take average. You can find the average of each class's starting gold on their class page on the d20pfsrd.
Character Sheets
Tinnalia 'Nalia' Jhet played by FreeJayFly
Alia Porter played by CrimsonKnight212
Allon played by Netherweave
Zhouken Taishin played by RedHeadSamurai23
Sylvia Alde Mardyn played by EN-09
Saba Kekit played by Miss
Current Post Turn Order
Note: Every three days that goes by and a person does not post, please skip them and carry out the turn post order!
There are some spoilers from Neverwinter Nights 2 in the descriptions below, so be advised! If you ever plan on playing Neverwinter Nights 2, I'm sorry!
From my LFRP description
"The city of Neverwinter has seen its highs and its lows, though currently, the city and its people seem to be suffering from lycanism from an outside source. Some rumours say that it came in from down in more southern parts of Faerûn where more of the lycans lurk. Other rumours say that the remaining druids that reside within the Circle of Mere are at work, lashing out against those that blindly venture into their home and disturb those they live alongside."
Further in detail
Rumours spread pretty quickly on the streets of Neverwinter -- even more when you frequent the local taverns and market stalls. Ten or so years ago, the rumours were that the Knight-Captain of Neverwinter had perished within the Vale of the Mere. Five years after that, it was said that a new Circle of Mere had been formed, rebuilding their home and continuing their druidic practise.
These days, Duncan Farlong has returned to his old tavern, the Sunken Flagon. While he always seems to have a smile on his face, those that knew seem to question his happiness since the Knight-Captain never returned. Be that as it may, however, there are new dangers arising, and there are new faces showing up more than just a couple times a week these days. Most of these individuals were armed with weapons of pure silver, other people seemed more like they were excited to learn of the new things happening here in Neverwinter.
Picking up on some conversations while you sat there in the Sunken Flagon, you learn that there seems to be a lycan uprising in the works, and the citizens of Neverwinter have been some of the most affected by this. While there are those that are attempting to keep the outbreak under wraps, it seems moot to keep lying to the public face when more hunters come in, and when more adventuring parties come in in order to quell the strain from advancing any further.
The question now is: are you up for taking on this challenge? Are you willing to party up with other members and risk everything you have just for the sake of others, or even just for the sake of yourself? Or maybe you're here because you want to learn about the lycans.
If the answer is 'yes' to any or all of those, then have a seat in the Sunken Flagon, and perhaps we can have a chat.
I'm not familiar with Neverwinter Nights at all, but the scenario sounds like something I'd enjoy

Alia Porter wrote:
I'm not familiar with Neverwinter Nights at all, but the scenario sounds like something I'd enjoy 

I'm really happy that you're interested! ; v ; I'm really excited for this roleplay to start happening~
I've added some reference material to the original post, so please be sure to check them out if you're interested in learning more about the setting and even the surrounding areas if you want! :'D
Forgot to update last night, though I'm posting this to let people know that the original post of this thread has been edited to include more information and links regarding how this role play will be played out. There is also a thread that is currently open regarding this RP called 'Lycans of Faerûn' that is up in the Fantasy Role Play forum. C:
Still looking for three or four other interested players. > u < /
Still looking for three or four other interested players. > u < /
(Sorry if I'm stepping out of bounds for this post... :'D;; )
Still open for two more characters!
We have a party of three so far, which is fine! The role play already has thread up, and it'll start off mostly with introductions before characters are expected to start walking around and venturing about. :'D If two characters don't show up by March 12th, then I'll go ahead and just continue the thread off with Nalia's introduction to kick it off. ; v ;
If people become interested in the RP while it's going on, then that will be all fine and good! It can work like a pick-up role play if you're willing to fill out a Pathfinder sheet and get it sent in to me. > u < / We'll then introduce your character into the game and have them party up with the rest of the group. :'D
Still open for two more characters!
We have a party of three so far, which is fine! The role play already has thread up, and it'll start off mostly with introductions before characters are expected to start walking around and venturing about. :'D If two characters don't show up by March 12th, then I'll go ahead and just continue the thread off with Nalia's introduction to kick it off. ; v ;
If people become interested in the RP while it's going on, then that will be all fine and good! It can work like a pick-up role play if you're willing to fill out a Pathfinder sheet and get it sent in to me. > u < / We'll then introduce your character into the game and have them party up with the rest of the group. :'D
Hello everyone. Looking forward to gaming with all of you when this thing starts up.
I enjoy Dungeons and Dragons vastly and would be ever so ready to make a character for this adventure. I hope there is still room!
Miss wrote:
I enjoy Dungeons and Dragons vastly and would be ever so ready to make a character for this adventure. I hope there is still room!
I'm still waiting on a character sheet from someone, though I wouldn't mind having an additional person for this role play. C:
I had been originally looking for five other players, and you would actually make the fifth. :'D Wasn't sure if this would get that much attention, so had only placed four slots. But now that it seems like there's five other players that was originally asked for, I'll be happy to have you.
I'll be kicking off the RP thread in the next two days for introductions. > u < / If you need more time to get a sheet in, no worries!
Will Lycans be the main enemy of the adventure? I am regarding playing a Paladin that has been sent to cleanse them and return them to normal.
Miss wrote:
Will Lycans be the main enemy of the adventure? I am regarding playing a Paladin that has been sent to cleanse them and return them to normal.
They are a key part of the adventure, though I'm a little unwilling to give direction one way or the other whether or not they are the main enemy. Just to keep things interesting. :') If that's alright.
Oh, no, I understand! I believe I will create someone else. Are the classes of 3.5 available for characters?
Miss wrote:
Oh, no, I understand! I believe I will create someone else. Are the classes of 3.5 available for characters?
Classes are okay; we are utilising the Pathfinder sheets. C: If you can find the class in base 3.5, you can most likely find it in Pathfinder and overall stats/modifiers that they would have. > o < / Intermixing the versions with one another would just be a little messy. :'D; I was thinking of playing this class, which is an archetype-like class for the paladin. However, the class replaces turn undead, while the Pathfinder paladin lacks the ability. I would likely lose channel positive energy, I believe, but I would like your opinion on this matter.
Just to clear up any misunderstandings of me disregarding the above post -- Miss and I have spoken via private message about character building while I was in the process of responding to the forum post, though the private message discussion then made my response to here moot.
Alright... so... all the characters seem to have been built and run by me for the most part. I think I'm only waiting on two people to complete some extra things before they make a post to the actual Lycans of Faerûn thread. Mostly just in terms of getting their character pages on RP Repository set up and figured out.
Now... here is the general status of all the characters that I have received along with the one that I have made. Two characters are using the Dreamscarred Press publishing classes, templates, and even some of the feats. One character is using a class from the Rogue Genius Games publisher. One character is using a class from Tripod Machine publishing. The last two characters are using information from the original publisher, Paizo.
Overall, I am kind of surprised by how many chose to use third-party publishing... though in the end I kind of expected it. Unfortunately, it also means a lot of things on my end of things. Because of the astounding progression from the other third-party publishers in some aspect, I am going to have to beef up opposition that any of you come across to keep the game balanced. Another thing that this means for me is some delayed response because I am more familiar with Paizo rather than any of these third-party publishers, so if you're waiting for me to post one thing or another, it's likely that I am reading up on your class, and attempting to get a better understanding (also, many thanks to RedHeadedSamurai23 for sending me the .PDF files for Path of War from Dreamscarred Press).
So yeah... as a general rule of thumb at this point, all of the players should know that because of the third-party publishing, battles will not be as easy as they normally would, so that will probably also make me make them appropriate to the progression of the story. So unless you're trying to pick a fight with everyone in the cities and towns that you go to (and I have no idea why you would want to), the experience gain will also be staggered to an extent.
Alright... so... all the characters seem to have been built and run by me for the most part. I think I'm only waiting on two people to complete some extra things before they make a post to the actual Lycans of Faerûn thread. Mostly just in terms of getting their character pages on RP Repository set up and figured out.
Now... here is the general status of all the characters that I have received along with the one that I have made. Two characters are using the Dreamscarred Press publishing classes, templates, and even some of the feats. One character is using a class from the Rogue Genius Games publisher. One character is using a class from Tripod Machine publishing. The last two characters are using information from the original publisher, Paizo.
Overall, I am kind of surprised by how many chose to use third-party publishing... though in the end I kind of expected it. Unfortunately, it also means a lot of things on my end of things. Because of the astounding progression from the other third-party publishers in some aspect, I am going to have to beef up opposition that any of you come across to keep the game balanced. Another thing that this means for me is some delayed response because I am more familiar with Paizo rather than any of these third-party publishers, so if you're waiting for me to post one thing or another, it's likely that I am reading up on your class, and attempting to get a better understanding (also, many thanks to RedHeadedSamurai23 for sending me the .PDF files for Path of War from Dreamscarred Press).
So yeah... as a general rule of thumb at this point, all of the players should know that because of the third-party publishing, battles will not be as easy as they normally would, so that will probably also make me make them appropriate to the progression of the story. So unless you're trying to pick a fight with everyone in the cities and towns that you go to (and I have no idea why you would want to), the experience gain will also be staggered to an extent. long we gonna wait for everyone to post their introductions before we press forward with the plot?
I'll give it another couple of days (till the end of the 16th CST/CDT)? I was hoping to get a post turn order settled before this, but I suppose those who don't reply to the thread within the next couple days will have to get their chance afterward.
I know that two people are still getting RP Repository profiles settled, though I'll give them a gentle nudge in regards to posting. :')
I know that two people are still getting RP Repository profiles settled, though I'll give them a gentle nudge in regards to posting. :')
Alright, so I'll be posting tonight to help the thread move along. Apologies for the overall delay. I was waiting on Netherweave to post, though he says that if anything continues to bog him down, he will simply drop out and I will look for another player to join us. In that time, however, we can go ahead and keep the thread moving so as to not inconvenience the thread.
Very well! I will be anticipating the continuation of the story!
Sounds good to me.
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