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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » Fringe, a deep space planet exploration!

*Puts on RE4 Merchant Voice* WEEEELCOME! Just post right in, but try to come in with the RP!

Arctigon arose from his hypertransit tube. He stumbled out of the tube and almost tripped on the floor. "Jesus christ.." he whispered to himself, making sure nobody saw. He casually walked down the hall to the observation deck, the computer had obviously awoken an Engineer for some reason, he had to find out. "VOX, whats the reason I was woken up?" he said to the ceiling in a low murky voice.
"There has been a breach in the hull on the Hydroponics deck." said the computer in its womanish monotone voice. His ears immediately shot up. "Oh s***!" he ran into his quarters and hit the emergency breach button. The ship glowed red and he could hear the tubes hiss open down the hall. He yelled "ALL HANDS TO THE DECK! WE HAVE A BREACH IN HYDROPONICS! WE'RE LOSING AIR SUPPLIES!" He could hear the worried voices. He slipped on his HEV vacuum suit and sprinted down the hall onto the elevator, its doors welcoming him. He quickly pressed the button heading to hydroponics. The elevator proceeded to give him a red button. "Goddamn machines!" he quickly grabbed a card out of his suit and swiped it on the console. The button became green and he quickly pressed it. The machine made a calming whir as he put on his helmet. The chamber instantly became de-pressurized. He floated out into what used to be the Hydroponics deck.

The light of the nearby sun pierced through the rip in the hull. The plants were frozen in mid-air, nothing could be done to save them now. He looked to the right and noticed that the second hydroponics lab was securely sealed. He made a sigh of relief, the ship would survive for a bit longer. He floated over to an emergency supply closet and unlocked it. He grabbed a plasma torch and some welding sand, along with some thick steel. He floated over to the dismembered wall and analyzed it. The suit projected a solution for him. He traced the hologram on the steel and cut out a perfect replica of the hole in the wall. He placed the steel into the wall and stuck the welding sand onto the steel. He started to weld when he heard someone behind him.


So yeah, join in.
Would it be too late to join in?
Just give me a day or two to come up with a character, and then I'll join in.
Anything you don't want in a character?
Arctigon Farwather (played by karagera) Topic Starter

Go freakin' nuts brahski.
Arctigon Farwather (played by karagera) Topic Starter

[[Just going to properly bump this now.

He turned around to find nothing. He shrugged and thought to himself Maybe it was just some debris so he continued welding the hole.
After a while, the welding was completely sealed, he checked the room for any other holes and engaged the centrifuge. The room came to a crashing thud as everything stopped hanging mid-air. He walked over to the second chamber and opened the door. He needed to start back up the air filtration system into the room next door. He flipped a few switches and fed the plants, and viola, the frost from the windows went away and the room was considered secure.
He ran back up to the main deck to find everyone in a stir. They all looked at him as he exited the elevator. "I hope you woke us for a good reason, First Engineer." said the Captain from behind. His voice crept down Arctigon's spine, it was bone chilling.
"Ahem, yes sir, there was a critical breech in the hull down in hydroponics." replied Arctigon as quickly as he could. He looked up at his Captain, he was much taller and had a sort of higher command towards him. He felt, small. The Captain grinned,
"Is the problem fixed?" asked the Captain, hastily.
"Yeah, temporarily. It won't take another hit like that we should stop at a star-"
"Not necessary. We're at our destination. Seems that little disturbance wouldn't have gone unnoticed for long. Good job though." The Captain strolled away back to his quarters. The crew returned to their stations. A one Katie Durmington walked by. She like Arctigon, was a Tegronian. "You patchworking skills are getting better eh? You've learned a lot since I've taught you." said Katie.
"I learned from the best" quickly replied Arctigon as he returned to his quarters. Katie looked at him strangely as he hastily walked away. She would deal with why he was evading her later.

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