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Forums » Art & Creativity » Writing Contest

Claine Moderator

Over at my forum, we very rarely have a writing contest. Usually the theme is a bit more 'serious' than the one today, but this one will be very very fun. Here are the details. You can win a game!
Wow we sure haven't done a writing contest in a while, but this one has me so excited, I'll even be writing a story to fit the theme. I obviously can't win :B


- Minimum of 1200 words. No maximum, but let's not go crazy.
- Short stories only. If there's interest for other kinds of written work such as poetry or scripts, we may hold contests for those in the future.
- No plagiarism. This one's a given. If you're found out on this you may even be banned from the site.
- If your story contains adult material (drugs, sex, disturbing violence) provide a warning at the top of the piece.
- One story per person.
- This time, there is no minimum number of entries for the major prize. Wow!
- Entries close at 11pm, 17nd 31st January, Japan Time.

The Theme:
Best Worst Story.

Several further rules
- Must contain an action scene.
- Must be real life setting with magic.
- Must contain pretty anime demons / nekomimi characters
- Must take itself seriously. This is important. Obvious parody will not win.

When you have written your story, please PM it to me. When the contest is complete, I will post them all up in the Written Works forum. You can also repost it in your own thread - but only when the contest is complete. But really, why would you want to show a thing like this off?

The Prizes

The Winners will get a special medal made by me. As it is made by me, I wouldn't hold my breath on it being a masterpiece. This will be displayed under your username for all to see.

Major prize is a copy of Left 4 Dead! If your PC can't run it.... wellllll....

But Claire, I can't enter/can't write
Tough luck. I'll judge this one myself.

Questions? Ask them here.
Writing contest? Ooooo :O

The best worst story.

The prize thing is from the original forum, right? You might want to exclude that from the quote. xD

Still, I have my first 1000 words done already, I'm estimating about 2500 prolly by the time it's done.
*thinks about writing a story with pretty anime demons* .......... *eyes bleed, brain melts, projectile vomits* Hm.. Might whip something up. I like torturing myself.
Kim Site Admin

This made me lulz. Please post a link to the entries when you have them, Claine! :D
Claine Topic Starter Moderator

Minerva wrote:
The prize thing is from the original forum, right? You might want to exclude that from the quote. xD

Still, I have my first 1000 words done already, I'm estimating about 2500 prolly by the time it's done.

I'll still make you the badge. It just won't have any purpose at all :B
Kim wrote:
This made me lulz. Please post a link to the entries when you have them, Claine! :D

For sure :D

(mobile) i vote kim adds an accolade for it! I could sprite it! ( just being a smartass)
Something parody but not parody? I've never done something like this, interesting...>3
Claine Topic Starter Moderator

Only four days left on this thing, and not a lot of entries.

Zero entries.
I'm kind of pro at pounding out entries at the last minute. ^^;

Still, I'll see if I have time to write it out and send it in soon.

Sigh. I can't guarantee submitting my piece. The door fell off our minivan, limiting my availability to and from work which is my primary times to log on and submit posts/miscellania. Right now I'm on at my grandfather's for his birthday, and for miscellanious reasons my laptop didn't come with me. Even if it had, I would have had to take a clusterfork route to hook up his dialup connection to my laptop.

=/ doesn't seem like contests on RPR are very popular... xD;

And I doubt if I entered I would win by default. *gigglegiggle*
Kim Site Admin

I just tweeted this post in the hopes of spurring an entry or two for you. :)
Kim wrote:
I just tweeted this post in the hopes of spurring an entry or two for you. :)

Potentially extend the deadline a little too, Claine? Give people more time to work instead of rushing, especially with Minerva's situation and me having semester finals. ._.
Claine Topic Starter Moderator

I usually feel a bit bad extending the date after receiving entries and I got one just today over at the other forum from the lovely GloriousCookie. However, it's a bit of a sad win if you're the only competitor.

So I'll give you until the end of the month. Entries in by the 31st.
Hi! Look who came out of the woodwork!!

I'm actually sort of interested, but guess I don't really understand. "Best Worst Story" as in... bad fanfic?
Claine Topic Starter Moderator

The specifics of things you need to include are up there in the actual post.

I'm sure you've seen some awful writing around by 12 year olds which reads like a bad anime. Perhaps you even wrote one yourself at one point. The theme of this competition is to capture the spirit of that bad writing, but try to make it suck as least as possible.

As for fanfic... I'd prefer if you stayed away. There's no rule against it, so I'll allow it. I'm not going to retroactively change them. However, since I'm the judge, I'll give you a hint and say I prefer original fiction!
Okay! Thanks for clearing that up. :)
Yay for extended deadlines!

that works. worst case scenario i can make the almighty demand of going to mcdonalds for my birthday. Rofl. Wifi there and i can submit. Itll also ensure i can give nikina her extra present before the friggin chinese new year hits.

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Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus