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Forums » Looking for RP » Kingdom Role Play (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I am looking for active role players who can play in this Category. I will except only seven people who will be fitting for this type of plot. Sexual and Violent themes are allowed, but if this whole role play is going to be a smut, then no thank you. The same goes on for violence, if your going to sword fight for seven days non stop, it'd be boring. Strong characters are indeed needed, but if your looking for a 15 year war, this is not for you. If you want to use fantasy characters, they would need to be able to interact with other players.

Alright time to explain setting. The main kingdom in this story is Merce. It's built not far from a forest filled with demons and a mountain looking over its large villages. The main setting will be placed in the village Nausicaa which holds the holy castle of Merce. There will only be one ruler which is King Achilles . The wife of the king holds no power, only tempting him to change his mind, if that's what you are asking. No, you cannot interact with them but just participate in the festivals and events they hold up since both characters aren't important. Although if you want, you can be a prince/princess and I can play king/queen if your going to interact with them.

There are five classes within in the kingdom. Kings, heirs, nobles, scholars, and peasants/servants. Nobles can be assassins, war chiefs, blacksmiths, guards, or teachers of fighting. The scholar caste holds travelers, teaches, and artists. The peasant/poor caste is filled with farmers, servants, slaves, drunkards, thieves, storytellers, and beggars. Of course you don't have to be any of those, but these are al the people I could think of so please explain your spot in what you want to be.

Optional choice, if you want to be oh so detailed like a person like me, you can add religious traits. The main religion in Merce is Lotun [literally making up words here] where you believe in three gods Luviminda, Thranacia, and Mercel. Animal sacrifice is common in the religion and you pray in the way Japanese give a real sorry.

That is all I got for now so if you have any ideas please reply back and tell me so I can think if its a good idea or not. Also, don't be shy or scared about if your accepted or not, I'm actually new to this myself.
Hey! This world you've created sounds fun! I'd like to join if there's room. Merce sounds interesting
Would we perhaps be able to play other kingdoms?

I like this a lot I have a human that could be an assassin and an elf that could be nearly anything.
ItalianMyth Topic Starter

Sketch444 wrote:
Would we perhaps be able to play other kingdoms?

Other kingdoms as in people from other kingdoms or if you can play in them? Well yes to the both of those questions. My original story had 27 kingdoms but putting 27 kingdoms in the description would be way too long to write up. If your character were to travel to another kingdom by itself then of course not. But if him/her/it were to travel with the group I could put up more ground in the setting and add new restrictions and new events. If I answered your question wrong please be specific to what your asking of.
Shikoru Hawke (played anonymously)

This sounds really cool! This character (of course, if it fits anf you like it) could be a Blacksmith (and if the rank on the character's page doesnt fit, i can just change it to a.. normal person? XD)
ItalianMyth wrote:
Other kingdoms as in people from other kingdoms or if you can play in them? Well yes to the both of those questions. My original story had 27 kingdoms but putting 27 kingdoms in the description would be way too long to write up. If your character were to travel to another kingdom by itself then of course not. But if him/her/it were to travel with the group I could put up more ground in the setting and add new restrictions and new events. If I answered your question wrong please be specific to what your asking of.

That really didn't answer my question. What I was asking is if we could play as a different kingdom and have people from it come over to the one in the rp.
ItalianMyth Topic Starter

SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY, ugh now I'm embarrassed. I'm so new to this site, I'm a noob -.-'. I've never played on here to be honest and I was just finishing up reading FAQ's. Okay okay I got this now. So anyway with the question understandable in my terms, yes I will make an exception for people from other kingdoms to come in.
Okay, cause I have a few characters I can use then :3
Armony Layne (played by kuroi_neko)

I'd be willing to join, if you are still looking for more.
ItalianMyth Topic Starter

Sabriel wrote:
Hey! This world you've created sounds fun! I'd like to join if there's room. Merce sounds interesting

Hey, have a seat man! *pats to an imaginary chair beside me* As you can see these chairs don't fill themselves. I accept you.
ItalianMyth Topic Starter

nerdessofbooks wrote:
I like this a lot I have a human that could be an assassin and an elf that could be nearly anything.

Looks like your going to Hollywo- whoops wrong show. Wait it isn't even a show. Oh well, I love your characters! I didn't even meet them but I'm so interested with them. They seem fitting for the plot, and I'm probably just assuming who's who but I like them all. Please choose one character if your to be playing, spots are running out and I'm getting worried about equal genders.
Grey (played by Fanggreywolf)

Hm, this actually looks rather interesting, and I would be more than happy to join, if you would have me that is. Grey is generally either an advisory character to royalty or their equivalent of a personal bodyguard or champion. Although he does occasionally have his own agenda.
ItalianMyth Topic Starter

I checked him out, thought he was great, what more can I say? Actually a just little more. His personality seems interesting in a way and usually would allure me. Of course, I thought he was a great exception. Fantasy characters aren't usually my, what you say, "forte" when it comes to interacting with them but I do hope to get the chance with my character
Hey! This seems interesting and yeah, I'm enjoying what I'm seeing so far with everyone joining it. I really don't have a preference with whomever you could choose within my characters, and I'm willing to tailor a little bit to get them to fit in!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Kingdom Role Play (closed)

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