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Forums » Looking for RP » Hybrid Setting Scifi Adventure! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

William Aidral (played by GabrielH)

Hello denizens of RPR! Currently I'm looking one or two other players to join me, and more specifically William, on a scifi adventure. The details can be hashed out by we the players, of course, but the general setting is one of mixed high-science technologies all centered around a crumbling galactic empire. Want an analogy to get your brain juices flowing? The Old Republic during the Clone Wars. This is NOT a Star Wars rp, though, but it can have elements of that if you'd like.

I'm really quite flexible, but I'd like to set it up so that my guy, Will, is basically a stowaway on your character's ship. Or, conversely, he's found by them after being stranded. Hell, maybe he's just looking for a job! Either way, the story would center around the two or three person crew, hopefully, working together to explore the galaxy, avoid the dictatorial military, fend off pirates and raiders, scavenge and scrounge for money and resources, and, ultimately, not kill each other! Adult themes are TOTALLY cool with me, from violence to a little eroticism and whatever else, but, again, details can be hashed out in private.

Message me if you're interested!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Hybrid Setting Scifi Adventure! (closed)

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