For everyone who dreams of inputting to games. I figured I'd point it out here right now since I just came up with a relatively easy idea that's very open to suggestions and input. Bring attention to current members and maybe bring in a few more. Artist? Musician? Programmer? Level designer? C'mon and join the club. There's ice cream involved.
One day, I'm going to be active in this group. It's a grand idea.
I applied.
Can I play too, even though I don't really possess anything skills than "I've played hundreds of games in different genres" and "I've got an overactive imagination"?
Bonebag wrote:
Can I play too, even though I don't really possess anything skills than "I've played hundreds of games in different genres" and "I've got an overactive imagination"?
S'pose you could. We're just gonna have to cap how many of them there are for security reasons eventually, in case we ever do start on a project. You shall be number 1!
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