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Forums » Looking for RP » Prince x Protector? (MxF) (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Piper Osborne (played anonymously)

Greetings! I am here to share my roleplay idea!

Alright, let's see..

Since my character (Piper) is a Royal Knight and Royal Protector, i thought about this idea. It would be (as the title says) Prince x Protector (MxF) romance RP. I am (obviously) looking for a male character (prince) (and also, male player, sorry uWu). The RP wouldnt go straight up to romance but slowly, show some hints and see what happens after. Now, warning, this MIGHT, and i say, MIGHT have some VERY SLIGHT adult themes. Of course, if you're not okay with it, we can just reduce the 2% to 0% XD

Alright, who's interested? XD
Well, the only prince character I have is a monkey, so you probably won't want a romance with him. I do have three other guys, but they seem pretty rooted down in commoner status. But this idea still sounds so cool!!
Piper Osborne (played anonymously) Topic Starter

ConnanBell wrote:
Well, the only prince character I have is a monkey, so you probably won't want a romance with him. I do have three other guys, but they seem pretty rooted down in commoner status. But this idea still sounds so cool!!
I could possibly bend The status of Prince to Soldier for you, perhaps?
I got allot of princes... but im a girl in RL =(
Piper Osborne (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Sweetyceltic wrote:
I got allot of princes... but im a girl in RL =(

Eh, sure, which characters, Tell me?
Well theres Audric von Tambrin, true sweetheart not got to play him as a prince in a while

Prince Gian-Carlo Marineo Kinda Shy, hes an Elf.

Kethual Myrth (my 2nt fav) Hes also an Elf hes very out going and a very friendly person. Good leader as well.

Those are my main ones but Audric has the most developed personality.
Piper Osborne (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Sweetyceltic wrote:
Well theres Audric von Tambrin, true sweetheart not got to play him as a prince in a while

Prince Gian-Carlo Marineo Kinda Shy, hes an Elf.

Kethual Myrth (my 2nt fav) Hes also an Elf hes very out going and a very friendly person. Good leader as well.

Those are my main ones but Audric has the most developed personality.
ill Check them.
Piper Osborne (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Still open.

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