I look around the adoption center, trying to ignore the mean looks I get for my ears, tail, and, well, neko-niss. Then, I spot another neko who looks to be about 11. "Hello, sweetie. What's your name?" I say gently.
Ceilibell didn't move when she first heard the voice. She was in her little corner space, where the kids seemed to pick on her a little less. Finally, she realized she was the only person that they could possibly be talking to and looked up. Her purple eyes widened in surprise as she took in the cat ears and tail that this woman had. Her own ears pricked up. "Hey, I have those too!" She smiled shyly. "I'm Ceilibell."
"Hello, Ceilibell. That's a pretty name! My name's Chloe." I smile. "How long have you been here?"
She shook her head. "Not very long. Maybe a month." Now that she'd lifted her head there were very light marks visible on her neck, like faded bruises. "Are you...going to take me away?" Her voice was a mixture of hope and fear.
"You could put it like that. I'm going to give you a new home, one where you don't get those." I point to the bruise-like mark.
She blushed in embarrassment, covering the bruise with her hand. "No, I...I didn't get that here. The people here aren't especially nice...but they aren't mean either..." She realized something and ran out of the corner, coming back with a violin case in one hand. "If we're leaving I need to remember this
"Okay." I reach out my hand to you. "Come with me so I can pay and take you home."
Ceilibell nodded, smiling. Home. That would be nice to have one again. "Thank you." She whispered.
I walk up to the counter and pay. "Hop in the car, little one. Time to go home!"
Ceilibell couldn't keep the grin off her face now. She nodded and jumped into the passenger side, practically bouncing into it. "Do you live nearby?" She didn't really feel the need to say good bye to anyone at the orphanage. She didn't really have any friends there.
"Not real close, but kind of." I look at the smiling child in my car as I drive. "We'll be home soon, though. What type of music do you like?"
Ceilibell shrugged. "I don't know, instrumentals? Anything I can play on my violin, definitely." She patted the case that held the instrument fondly.
"The radio doesn't play much of that."
//Still here?
"There's this singer, P!nk, and she's really cool." I turn on one of my CD's and Dear Mr President comes on.
"Pink?" She tilted her head a little. That was a strange name for a musician. Then the music came on. After the initial shock of it, she found that she liked it. She smiled and started humming along with it.
"She's pretty cool, isn't she?" The current song ends and So What! comes on.
Ceilibell nodded her head in agreement. She looked at Chloe and frowned a little. "I like it, but she sounds so mad too."
"She's supposed to." I smile. "It goes with the song. In Dear Mr President, she was upset and a little mad in parts."
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