I know this is a little unorthodox, and I apologize if it seems lazy and presumptuous, but rather than lurk through endless galleries of endless numbers of artists trying to find a style I like, I'd like to advertise what I want done and see if anyone on RPR has a particular interest in doing it. I'm going to start by explaining what I want and how I'm paying for it. If you're still interested, I'll explain the basic character concept. If you're still interested, I'll give you basic stats, and if you make it that far, detailed descriptions. Unfortunately I don't have any visual references beside one symbol. If you manage, somehow, to survive reading all that, then you will have proven yourself to be Dovahkiin and must embark on a dangerous new quest. I mean, er, reply or PM me or something.
I want a large, full body, full colour piece, the main subject being a medieval knight. I will want a reference of both his helm and his bared head (one will probably have to be off to the side). Background would be nice but it not required. As far as artistic style goes I would prefer not anime-esque, I want a more western fantasy rpg feel to it, with armour that looks relatively historical (if a little ornate.)
I will be paying you, with currency. Not gifts or in game items or trades. Paypal is preferred, and I would rather not spend more then $50. But if you have higher priced packages, please do pitch them and I'll think it over.
My friend is going to be DMing a D&D campaign set in Eberron. I'm mainly a furc roleplayer myself, and I've always wanted to find a way to insert the furcadia canon Raptor Knights into a D&D character. SO I did! I've created a backstory that fits with the Eberron setting, and, since we'll be running the campaign digitally, over the internet, I would LOVE some awesome art
It would also be nice for future RP purposes to have a ref of some Raptor Knight armour (even if the knight himself is human.)
Basic Stats:
Race: Human.
Age: 30.
Build: Stocky.
Hair: Black, shoulder length, unkempt, a few strands of gray.
Facial hair: Black, very short.
Features: Stress lines, a scar down the side of his chin, interrupting the beard.
Eyes: Hazel.
Expression: Determined but kind, jaw set, eyes intent.
Cheekbones: Highish.
General feel: Noble breeding grizzled and hardened by the rigors of war, looks older than he is.
Armour: This is where I get detailed! I would like the style of the armour to be very distinct. He is wearing full plate, carrying a heater shield and a warhammer (leather beneath chain mail beneath plates.) The details on the armour, like the edges of plates, shoulders, helm, etc, should be modeled in the style of a bird of prey. Feathers, talons, beaks, etc. I'm leaving most of it up to you, just make it look cool!
Coat of arms: It's a little unusual. Painted on his shield, on a banner, or his surcoat, or wherever you think works in the picture, should be a symbol that looks something like this:

A soaring bird within a circle, then wreathed in flames.
If you want more detailed physical information I can provide it, but this will do to give you an idea of what I want. If you would like to take on this commission, please reply to the topic or send me a PM with details about your pricing and maybe a link to some examples of your work. I may even decide to commission multiple artists if more than one of you catches my eye and I get good prices.
If you want to learn a little more about my character, Saurn Glissamord, I'm posting a history below. Written by me but using names, places, and themes from both the D&D Eberron setting and Furcadia's Dragonlands.
The Raptor Knights were a well respected order in Breland, gaining a moderate amount of recognition during the early years of the Last War. The Order of the Raptor Knights was stationed in the lowlands of what was previously Breland-owned Droaam. The Lord who ran the estate, Saurn's father Styurn Glissamord, followed the Raptor Knight tradition strictly: he and his knights trained giant eagles, serving as both useful mounts and loyal companion when patrolling the treacherous, inhospitable landscape. When Saurn was very young, however, a large monster warband conducted a vicious raid on the estate and surrounding countryside. Saurn's father spirited him away with a household servant, but none of the Order survived the attack. Not long after, the King evacuated Droam of all Brelish citizens and declared it off-limits. Now with Droaam's sovereignty declared, any claim Saurn may have had to his family's estate has been lost forever.
When the King learned that Saurn had survived, he put him in the care of one of his vassals, Ustat, and promised him that while he had no estate to inherit, he would be allowed to become a knight. Slowly, grudgingly, Saurn developed a relationship with Ustat, resembling that between a father and son. He insisted, however, that he keep his family name. In time, he adopted his Lord's banner, and served Breland for many years during the Last War.
One day, Saurn overheard Ustat discussing conspiracy with an unknown man in the middle of the night. When he confronted the man he had come to know as his father about this, Saurn was told to keep quiet. Not knowing the specific nature of the conspiracy, nor having any evidence, Saurn felt unable to go to the King. He felt betrayed, however, and informed Ustat that he was disengaging from his service. Guessing at his motivation, Ustat warned Saurn not to leave. It didn't take long before an assassin caught up to Saurn, and, after dispatching the man, he mournfully left his home, swearing to return one day. He abandoned his Lord's banner and took up the colours of his father. Becoming a wandering Knight, he seeks to restore the glory of his order and gain influence in the realm before returning to his home and making his claims.
A Raptor Knight's first test of valour and duty was to train his own giant eagle, either by claiming one from the wilderness or training one from the moment it hatches. Buying one will not suffice. This is one of Saurn's personal goals.
The symbol of the Raptor Knights was a soaring eagle caught in a circle. While Saurn keeps this as his official seal, he has changed what he paints on his shield and banner. The circle is wreathed in flames, likening the eagle to a phoenix.
I want a large, full body, full colour piece, the main subject being a medieval knight. I will want a reference of both his helm and his bared head (one will probably have to be off to the side). Background would be nice but it not required. As far as artistic style goes I would prefer not anime-esque, I want a more western fantasy rpg feel to it, with armour that looks relatively historical (if a little ornate.)
I will be paying you, with currency. Not gifts or in game items or trades. Paypal is preferred, and I would rather not spend more then $50. But if you have higher priced packages, please do pitch them and I'll think it over.
My friend is going to be DMing a D&D campaign set in Eberron. I'm mainly a furc roleplayer myself, and I've always wanted to find a way to insert the furcadia canon Raptor Knights into a D&D character. SO I did! I've created a backstory that fits with the Eberron setting, and, since we'll be running the campaign digitally, over the internet, I would LOVE some awesome art

Basic Stats:
Race: Human.
Age: 30.
Build: Stocky.
Hair: Black, shoulder length, unkempt, a few strands of gray.
Facial hair: Black, very short.
Features: Stress lines, a scar down the side of his chin, interrupting the beard.
Eyes: Hazel.
Expression: Determined but kind, jaw set, eyes intent.
Cheekbones: Highish.
General feel: Noble breeding grizzled and hardened by the rigors of war, looks older than he is.
Armour: This is where I get detailed! I would like the style of the armour to be very distinct. He is wearing full plate, carrying a heater shield and a warhammer (leather beneath chain mail beneath plates.) The details on the armour, like the edges of plates, shoulders, helm, etc, should be modeled in the style of a bird of prey. Feathers, talons, beaks, etc. I'm leaving most of it up to you, just make it look cool!
Coat of arms: It's a little unusual. Painted on his shield, on a banner, or his surcoat, or wherever you think works in the picture, should be a symbol that looks something like this:

A soaring bird within a circle, then wreathed in flames.
If you want more detailed physical information I can provide it, but this will do to give you an idea of what I want. If you would like to take on this commission, please reply to the topic or send me a PM with details about your pricing and maybe a link to some examples of your work. I may even decide to commission multiple artists if more than one of you catches my eye and I get good prices.

If you want to learn a little more about my character, Saurn Glissamord, I'm posting a history below. Written by me but using names, places, and themes from both the D&D Eberron setting and Furcadia's Dragonlands.
The Raptor Knights were a well respected order in Breland, gaining a moderate amount of recognition during the early years of the Last War. The Order of the Raptor Knights was stationed in the lowlands of what was previously Breland-owned Droaam. The Lord who ran the estate, Saurn's father Styurn Glissamord, followed the Raptor Knight tradition strictly: he and his knights trained giant eagles, serving as both useful mounts and loyal companion when patrolling the treacherous, inhospitable landscape. When Saurn was very young, however, a large monster warband conducted a vicious raid on the estate and surrounding countryside. Saurn's father spirited him away with a household servant, but none of the Order survived the attack. Not long after, the King evacuated Droam of all Brelish citizens and declared it off-limits. Now with Droaam's sovereignty declared, any claim Saurn may have had to his family's estate has been lost forever.
When the King learned that Saurn had survived, he put him in the care of one of his vassals, Ustat, and promised him that while he had no estate to inherit, he would be allowed to become a knight. Slowly, grudgingly, Saurn developed a relationship with Ustat, resembling that between a father and son. He insisted, however, that he keep his family name. In time, he adopted his Lord's banner, and served Breland for many years during the Last War.
One day, Saurn overheard Ustat discussing conspiracy with an unknown man in the middle of the night. When he confronted the man he had come to know as his father about this, Saurn was told to keep quiet. Not knowing the specific nature of the conspiracy, nor having any evidence, Saurn felt unable to go to the King. He felt betrayed, however, and informed Ustat that he was disengaging from his service. Guessing at his motivation, Ustat warned Saurn not to leave. It didn't take long before an assassin caught up to Saurn, and, after dispatching the man, he mournfully left his home, swearing to return one day. He abandoned his Lord's banner and took up the colours of his father. Becoming a wandering Knight, he seeks to restore the glory of his order and gain influence in the realm before returning to his home and making his claims.
A Raptor Knight's first test of valour and duty was to train his own giant eagle, either by claiming one from the wilderness or training one from the moment it hatches. Buying one will not suffice. This is one of Saurn's personal goals.
The symbol of the Raptor Knights was a soaring eagle caught in a circle. While Saurn keeps this as his official seal, he has changed what he paints on his shield and banner. The circle is wreathed in flames, likening the eagle to a phoenix.
Ben wrote:
I know this is a little unorthodox, and I apologize if it seems lazy and presumptuous, but rather than lurk through endless galleries of endless numbers of artists trying to find a style I like, I'd like to advertise what I want done and see if anyone on RPR has a particular interest in doing it.
It's actually super common and a well accepted practice. Don't worry.


I am not an artist myself, but I know a few very good ones.
Edit: I know you wrote you would rather not look through endless galleries, but believe me. Those galleries are definately worth it
Edit: I know you wrote you would rather not look through endless galleries, but believe me. Those galleries are definately worth it

I also want to recommend an artist:
http://chicochan.deviantart.com/art/Commissions-and-Rates-276818923 <- Commission info
http://chicochan.deviantart.com/art/Commissions-and-Rates-276818923 <- Commission info
Recommendations are very much welcome. I don't mind doing a bit of research x3
There is also a forum on here about artists looking for commissions too

Eh, it depends on the quality of art you want. I'm not all that hot, but I only charge 7$ for a full color lineart without background. Background can bump it up a whole few dollars, lmao. Top price for full background full color is about 15$. I've got a thread floating in this section, but the art isn't my most recent. Check my profile > Santhis/Rudianos' gallery and the pencil work on a lined piece of paper for how my art with knights is. I've improved drastically since then. Given, that's about a two year old piece and not on the best paper, you can be sure I'd apply much more effort to yours.
I'm ironically laziest with my own characters. I PROMISE I wouldn't leave a bend in the paper when I scan it LOL. It's not a knight, but here's my most recent piece. That was for free (birthday/christmas for a friend), but is the type of art is what you can expect for 7$.
My most recent humanoid lineart is here. Batman-esque vigilante. This would be 4$ as it is B&W, if I cleaned it up; again, it's mine, and I don't have any expectations/fees for myself so I don't bother cleaning up my own work; as you can see by Bella/wolf, I clean it up for others, however.
I enjoy eccentric designs and figuring out logical armor contours.
I charge a base amount, and record my time taken on each picture. If you feel the amount of time, effort, and quality I put in is worth considerably over what I charge, I allow a small tip, but that's all based on your own judgment. I take tips as cash money, counter-art (even something small/sketchy), character slots here, whatever.
I might sketch at a base idea for free, and if you enjoy what I've done, I'll tackle a fuller idea of it for the 7$? Worst case scenario, you can get a free sketch to choose whether or not to use, right?

My most recent humanoid lineart is here. Batman-esque vigilante. This would be 4$ as it is B&W, if I cleaned it up; again, it's mine, and I don't have any expectations/fees for myself so I don't bother cleaning up my own work; as you can see by Bella/wolf, I clean it up for others, however.
I enjoy eccentric designs and figuring out logical armor contours.
I charge a base amount, and record my time taken on each picture. If you feel the amount of time, effort, and quality I put in is worth considerably over what I charge, I allow a small tip, but that's all based on your own judgment. I take tips as cash money, counter-art (even something small/sketchy), character slots here, whatever.
I might sketch at a base idea for free, and if you enjoy what I've done, I'll tackle a fuller idea of it for the 7$? Worst case scenario, you can get a free sketch to choose whether or not to use, right?
Thanks so much for the replies! I've found my artists, and I'm happy with the way things are going.
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