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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for someone to help me with a ne (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

On top of my MxM search I've been trying to work on making a new world and have a few basic things down. I wanted rose did anyone would be interested in helping out with the rest and RPing with me.

I have a name for some of the cities and a partial layout for the capital. I want the to be a sort of dystopian world. I also have a small idea for my first character I would put in it. Let me know if your interested.
This may sound dumb, but what is MxM?

I would be interested in helping you with a new world. Are you wanting to RP in your world or just want help with creating it/running ideas by someone? I really enjoy dystopian worlds.

Let me know. :)
Ohermichi Topic Starter

Male x male.

And it would mostly be the RPing but basically both.
Oh, so is this a MxM RP? 'Cause I'm not sure I'm down for that. But I am down for the new world RP! :)
Ohermichi Topic Starter

No it doesn't have to be
Cool! Do you want to PM or do forums posting? Also, how and when do you want to talk about the world so I can plan a character?

Yay! I'm excited.
Ohermichi Topic Starter

I prefer PMs just because I won't usually pay attention to forums. And we can talk about it through there as well.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for someone to help me with a ne (closed)

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