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Forums » Art & Creativity » I don't know what I'm doing!

Ahahaha... I really don't.

I tried looking through some of the commission posts, but I guess I got confused. o.O

I'm looking for someone to do a 'port' or 'avatar' or little picture thingy up in the corner for my character, and possibly one for my character's companion. I can provide full descriptions of both characters. Looking for a face type thing, I guess? I'd like to be able to use it here, and maybe elsewhere if I ever find an 'elsewhere'.

Did that make much sense?

Sorry. I've been role-playing for a while; started out on Furc for a few months, but have now been RPing with the same partner for almost 5 years, but I'm new at this public exposure thing. :D
I think what you are looking for is just a picture of your character's face to use as your avatar? Those are generally fairly cheap, depending on what you want. (Color etc) I'd recommend PMing the artist of your choice and explaining what you want, and they could probably give you an accurate pricing. If you don't have an artist in mind, I'd suggest Minerva :) she's really friendly and can probably get you what you need. Hope this helps! Good luck!

(mobile) just an avatar, not full art? Thats a whopping 2$ a piece including color. Full character art is 7$ each with color. Full chara with no color is 4$. Pm me details if you're interested. Also if comfortable you can pm me a cell # and i can txt you or call much more efficiently.
CaptainCassie Topic Starter

Hey! I didn't want you guys to think I never saw this or didn't appreciate your help- I'm just still trying to remember to check RPR more often! I'm awful!

Thank you both so much for the help- and Minerva, I am going to try to send a PM your way this weekend!

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