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Forums » Introductions » Hello!


So this is a freshly made RPR account, I have used this site before a while ago but some things came up and I had gotten rid of the account sadly. But I am back and hoping I can actually manage this account and get some good roleplays going!
Sanne Moderator

Welcome back to RPR! So glad you've joined us again. :) I hope you can stick around for a while! How long has it been since you were here? We've got a lot of upgrades during the past year, so you may have fun exploring all over again. ;)

Hey welcome back! I'm sure you already know how great RPR is then :) were glad to have you with us again!
WandererXx Topic Starter

Thank you both for such a great warming welcome back :)
and it's been a few months actually ^^; But it's just as great as usual!
I am also a returning user! May we re-explore this awesome website together! Seriously though, welcome back.
Welcome back! Cheers to sticking around and making a new start :3
WandererXx Topic Starter

Thanks guys ^.^
:D Welcome! Are you settling back in well?
WandererXx Topic Starter

I am, I just wish I could find some more rp partners sooner. Haha XD
WandererXx wrote:
I am, I just wish I could find some more rp partners sooner. Haha XD

Be careful what you wish for XD Or you might capsize your boat with RP requests lol.
WandererXx Topic Starter

True XD But I adore roleplaying..!
Welcome (back) to RPR! :) Hope you are enjoying the site and decide to stick around this time <3
WandererXx Topic Starter

Thank you :3
Welcome back! I hope things have been well sorted and that it won't be an issue anymore. ^^;
Kim Site Admin

Oh hurrah, glad you decided to come back! :D

I'm certain you'll find plenty of RP soon. In the meanwhile, you know the drill; pretty much everyone is happy to help, including me, so don't hesitate to ask if you run into any issues. :)

Hi there and welcome back, my friend! :D
Welcome (BACK) to RPR! ^_^

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