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Forums » Introductions » Hi! I'm really quite new to this..


Hi everyone! I'm a bit new to role playing, as I've only ever really role played through text messages, if that even counts. I have a wide variety of interests though, so I hope that can make up for the newness of it all. I'm really open minded when it comes to role playing. Want to role play some video games? Sure! I play tons of video games and I've dabbled in a bit of World of Warcraft role play. Found a really cool world in a book and want to go there with me? I'm always down for entering into the world of books. In fact (even though the page isn't finished yet) I've made a page for a character in the world of Eretz from the book "Daughter of Smoke and Bone". Even if I don't know the world you want to role play in, I will definitely take the time to look into it if it is from a book, video game, a movie, or anything else of that nature. If I haven't made it clear already, I'm down for anything, and will try anything at least once. I hope to meet a lot of awesome people on here, and I also aspire to learn plenty of new things during my stay here. I hope that was a good introduction, but if anyone has questions, I'd be happy to answer. :)

Hey there, welcome to the site! RPR is a super friendly and varied community and you'll find people with all sorts of interests and preferences. If you ever have something specific you're looking for, don't hesitate to post in the forums or in the Find RP section of the site. Also, never hesitate to send someone a PM asking to RP or just to chat! We're all here for each other, and it's great to have you with us :)
Sanne Moderator

Welcome Sugoi_Carrot! That was an excellent intro, thanks for telling us so much about yourself! :) We have such a diverse community that there's definitely someone out there who'll love to play your kind of games with you.

As you mentioned you're new to roleplaying, it might be a good idea to check out our New to Roleplay guide. :) It's useful even for experienced roleplayers to help get a feel for the most common methods and cultures of RPing on RPR (though we have people with tons of different styles and their own rules, this is just a good starting point). If you're ever unsure about anything, please do let us know! We love helping people out. :D
Welcome to the site! Most of us don't bite... much. I'm sure you'll love it here, most do. If you ever need anything then just remember that we have a friendly user base and most people would be happy help!

Good luck with your RPs!

Hi there! I'm not much of a gamer, but I really love books, so maybe we could RP sometime. Anyway, welcome and enjoy your stay here at RPR! :)

Heeey! We share some roots! :D
Welcome to RPR! Everyone here is super friendly, so I'm sure you'll have a great time! It's pretty cool that you're a gamer, too! That's sure to give you a lot of inspiration for RPs.
Good luck and fair winds to you!
hey, glad you could join us, im always up for an rp and i try to be as flexible and open minded to new ideas so shot me a pm if you want to talk or rp (if you dont mind short posts :D)
Kim Site Admin

Awww, no need to "make up for newness". We're a friendly bunch who like new players! :D
Welcome to RPR! :) Fandom RP's are always popular...I even have a couple fandom characters myself XD Hope you're enjoying the site so far! :D
Hello and welcome! And I think text RP would still count, even if it may be on the brief end of things. :) RP comes in many, many varieties! ^_^
oooogh, carrots (yum), Welcome to RPR, the home of RPers every where, feel free to message me if you need help or want to rp.
I must commend you, as I don't have the patience to RP with my phone XD

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hi! I'm really quite new to this..

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus