I'm not necessarily new here, but it seems to be rather difficult to make any sort of roleplay friends without some for of introduction, so here it goes:
I've been an avid roleplayer for about 10 years now. My settings range from modern, medieval, medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, future fantasy, sci-fi and many others. I'm absolutely addicted to roleplay and I can promise anyone if they wish to play that they can expect very quick replies. Sometimes within hours. I roleplay paragraph only and don't tend to settle for anything less. I live in Nebraska, so you can probably guess the lack of entertainment around these parts, but I still manage to tackle a few concerts as well as a few anime conventions throughout every year. I work as a part-time in-home nurse aid assisting the elderly in their homes and facilities. Whenever I am not working, I am typically playing Playstation, playing Pokemon TCG and Warmachine at my local game shop and/or hanging with friends.
If anyone wants to chat or start up a roleplay, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message!
Happy to be here c:
I've been an avid roleplayer for about 10 years now. My settings range from modern, medieval, medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, future fantasy, sci-fi and many others. I'm absolutely addicted to roleplay and I can promise anyone if they wish to play that they can expect very quick replies. Sometimes within hours. I roleplay paragraph only and don't tend to settle for anything less. I live in Nebraska, so you can probably guess the lack of entertainment around these parts, but I still manage to tackle a few concerts as well as a few anime conventions throughout every year. I work as a part-time in-home nurse aid assisting the elderly in their homes and facilities. Whenever I am not working, I am typically playing Playstation, playing Pokemon TCG and Warmachine at my local game shop and/or hanging with friends.
If anyone wants to chat or start up a roleplay, please don't hesitate to shoot me a message!
Happy to be here c:
Hey there! Welcome!
So I don't know how much you've looked into and tried using the "Looking for RP" forum or the "Find RP" section of the site, both posting in there and simply looking for others' posts and opportunities. You can also always directly PM someone if you think their character looks interesting! Overall, just take a little bit of initiative and I'm sure you'll have more RPs than you can handle in no time!
So I don't know how much you've looked into and tried using the "Looking for RP" forum or the "Find RP" section of the site, both posting in there and simply looking for others' posts and opportunities. You can also always directly PM someone if you think their character looks interesting! Overall, just take a little bit of initiative and I'm sure you'll have more RPs than you can handle in no time!
I haven't had too much luck looking for roleplays that suit my interests, but I have tried to post a roleplay concept. It drew people that never posted or posted once and never showed up again. Though I have never considered looking at other characters as they come up and IMing them, thanks!
I'm so sorry to hear you had bad experiences in trying to find RP! I hope your luck changes very soon. And welcome, even if you've been here for a bit.

Thank you Kim. I have to say I love how personal this place is and I have started a few roleplays just today! I have found other roleplay sites, but I love the layout of this one the best. It's clean, simple and easy to maneuver. It's less...intimidating than a typical forum which tends to be messy looking and hard to navigate x.x
Poor Niya! I hope your luck changes, and if you ever wish to play upon here, I will gladly play with you! I share your concern, with fetching interest and others to play with. My schedule leaves little room for posting, usually.
Welcome to RPR! I'm glad to hear your luck turned around and you found some folks to play with!
Kim makes great efforts to make the site as usefriendly as possible, it's exciting to hear how much you enjoy it.

Hey there ma'am, Welcome to RPR, the home of all us glorious wierdos, feel free to message me if you need help or want to rp.
Welcome to the site!
No lack of entertainment here!
No lack of entertainment here!

Niya wrote:
Thank you Kim. I have to say I love how personal this place is and I have started a few roleplays just today! I have found other roleplay sites, but I love the layout of this one the best. It's clean, simple and easy to maneuver. It's less...intimidating than a typical forum which tends to be messy looking and hard to navigate x.x
Oh man this makes me INSANELY HAPPY. Thank you for saying so.
Welcome to RPR! So glad to hear you finally found someone to RP with!

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