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Forums » General Roleplay » The League of Typical Individuals

Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

This is a world made for those who live in it. This world is an Island in a vast ocean. This world has many unknown layers to it... Who are you? Where did you come from? You don't know... none of us do.
Nyx Lilith (played by Pineapple)

((so...what type of rp will happen. Character restrictions?]
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

(Its a suspense rp the setting is a dark wet room with no light.)
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

(may i join?)
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

(absolutely, I'm in chat now for a few, the only character restriction is you character has to at least be neutral)
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

(i'll go by any restriction but what do you mean by neutral? like not good and not bad? sry bout questions i might ask i'm just a little tired lol)
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

(i'm not very good at this lol, not bad. Meaning you can be neutral or good. It just makes the gameplay better, evil people and good people end up duking it out and it's not pretty lol, All actions require a roll, we'll assume you're skilled so you only have to out roll a 10, ie. jump in the air and grab a rope. Any other questions?)
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

(not that i can think of at the moment but if i do i'll ask. im a experienced RPer i just get the "stupids" every once in a while lol XD could you start it off from here so i can get an idea of how to reply?
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

"Hello? Is anyone there? It's so damn dark in here... I know I can hear you! Come out or I'll start blasting!" *Draws Desert Eagle .50 ready to fire*
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

Morganna stayed where she was floating above the ground. Shemoved around for a bit till she felt someone nearby. She looked in front of her holding up a glowing orb to see someone. "H-Hello." She said softly.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

"EEK!... er I mean I knew you were there, who are you?" *Making it known he had a gun may have not been the best way he thinks to himself, but he can't take it back now... he begins to holster gun slowly and stands up*
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

"Even if you shot me with that i won't harmed..." She sat down on the floor. When she sat down some of her dress seemed to go through the floor and her tail swished around on the floor.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

"Well... that's weird, not that it's new, just weird. Where'd you learn to do that? Do you know where we are? *he crosses his arms* "Did you do this to me? Bring me here?"
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

Morganna shook her head. "none of those. I'm a ghost. In life i commited suicide so thats why i can float and other ghost stuff but the tail and ear i have no clue. I woke up a while ago in here."
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

"Strange, I'm talking to a ghost... so that makes me dead too?" *Beginning to panic a little bit, he pinches himself several times* "I mean it's not like people talk to ghosts everyday while they are still living. I mean think about it, that would make me dead, I would really prefer NOT to be dead right now... hmmm" *ponders for a moment* "I know! If I was dead, I could fly, like you, and I'm not flying nor can I seem to lift myself from the ground, thus I AM ALIVE!" *wondering what the ghost thinks, but at the same time relieved that he is likely alive.*
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

"sure lets go with that." She got up and and hovered to the ceiling of the encased room. "Why don't you make youself useful and help look for a way out." She felt the top looking for a way out. Her one ear twitched at every slight sound in the room.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

"Yeah, that's a good idea... hmm... HELLO!!!" *echos after a long pause* "This is a pretty good sized room... *Jettikai reaches out for a wall hoping to find anything, he finds the wall and it's covered in some type of vegetation* "Okay so we're near water, we'd have to be... What's your name anyway, what do I call you? Ghostfacekillah? *chuckles to himself quietly*
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

Her tail flicked furiously and she sighed. "your lucky that im forbidden to kill you. I'm Morganna but you can cal me Morgan. Whats your name?" She sunk back to the floor and held the glowing orb out so she could see better.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus) Topic Starter

"Call me Jett, and killing me wouldn't really help you get out of here." *smirking all the while* "What do you think we should do? I've found vegetation, and vegetation grows to water, for it's own survival, I suggest we walk down this wall til we find water and go from there. What do you think?"
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

"Sure. Thats pretty much all we can do right now."

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