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Forums » Looking for RP » Room 133 (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Esme Levett (played anonymously)

Esme has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, and is currently undergoing a long term evaluation. Your character is a volunteer at the hospital. They bring the families of the residents anything they may need, sit with patients that have no visitors, or simply act as a good listener when needed. A doctor on staff directs YC to Esme, explaining that Esme is very much alert, but does not respond to anyone that attempts to interact with them. The doctor suggests that YC sit with Esme on the next day, perhaps reading them a novel or telling stories in the hopes that a fresh face who is neither staff nor patient will garner a positive response. YC signs in the following day with a copy of their favorite book in hand and sits at Esme’s side to read. Esme does not respond for days on end, but one afternoon they finally make eye contact with YC, the hint of a smile on their features, looking forward to continuing the story. YC is overwhelmed by the small gesture, suddenly hit by the realization that in spite of Esme’s complete and utter silence, they have grown incredibly fond of them. As the novel progresses, so does the connection between volunteer and patient. Only when the last page has been read aloud does Eme finally speak to YC

Option 1 : Esme has been faking all along in hopes of using insanity as their defense in a criminal court case against them. YC discovers this and is embarrassed and heartbroken.

Option 2 : YC confesses their feelings to Esme, who reciprocates and in turn informs YC of the reason for their admittance to the hospital. YC promises to stand by Esme, no matter what happens.

Option 3 : We could switch roles.

PM me if interested!

Im interested!
Esme Levett (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Pm me!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Room 133 (closed)

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