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Forums » Looking for RP » The day the sun stood still (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

"When the sun stood still, everything changed. People couldn't adapt, became scared of the Gods while animals simply lied down and accepted their ultimate fate. And I am unable to catch my beauty naps. Now I look like an ogre in heat." ~ Some miffed Druid.

Greetings, my dear, handsome readers!

I am looking for people to join in a grand adventure! I say grand because the implications are quite severe. It so happens that the sun stands still its highest point in the sky, and has done so for a few weeks. This has extremely devastating effects on the world as we know it.

Fear drives the surface dwelling races to drastic acts in order to escape what most believe to be the apocalypse.

People wage war with the Underdark, trying to claim the darkness bellow as their new home turf. Animals and vegetation quickly die to the constant heat and light of the merciless sun. Cults have appeared, believing this to be their sign to spring into action and fulfil their dark agenda while in the meantime the greatest minds in the world have come together to come to a solution, if there even is one. Truly the world is in chaos. The only way for it to return to normal is if the people actually find a way to get the natural cycle going again. And perhaps you will be among the heroes who solves this issue.

You, a group of unlikely heroes, will play a huge part in solving what seems to be the end of the world. Though perhaps not by choice. This tale starts with our heroes' likely demise as they are captured by a band of deserters and cultists, seeking to sacrifice them to whatever old god they follow in order for it to hear their prayers. But help will come from an unexpected corner, which will force the group to play their part, whether it is against their will or not.

On their travels they will meet creatures honourable and vile, donning different skins. They will be forced to make hard decisions, but in the end, their tale will be told. Whether the bards of the future will sing of their victory of their demise, is yet unknown.

The fate of this plane of reality hangs by the thread.


Now with that backstory out of the way, I am seeking for about 3 or 4 other players. Depending on the amount of people are interested, I will either add in my own character or simply don the mantle of the storyteller. This will be a medieval fantasy setting, more specifically it will be D&D inspired. Your character will be travelling a long ways! Not only that, they'll need to fight as well.

I may or may not ask for the occasional roll of the die here and there. That will depend on the group and how they feel about it. Besides that, any character goes! Just as long as they fit into a character narrative and aren't overpowered in a medieval fantasy setting.

So, does this strike your interest? I sure hope so! Leave a message right here if you want to join! I'm looking forward to weaving a tale with you! Hopefully you'll like it!
Elias Fiore (played by sinspired)

This sounds really cool! I'd be interested!
Pirate Topic Starter

Glad you're interested, bud. But it doesn't look like that character would a fit a medieval fantasy setting. Forgive me, but I can't have your character as part of the story.
Kvothe (played anonymously)

I can see Kvothe getting mixed up into the heroic part against his will. He's capable but reluctant to utilize his skills. Will he fit?
Elias Fiore (played by sinspired)

Rynh wrote:
Glad you're interested, bud. But it doesn't look like that character would a fit a medieval fantasy setting. Forgive me, but I can't your character as part of the story.

He is very adaptable and I do have him in a medieval roleplay at the current time already. But, I understand! Thank you for your response. ^^
I think this would be a good way to flesh out Silvia a bit, so I'm definitely interested! If she doesn't work though, I also have Shita Simuo who has a little more going for her in the fighting department.
Pirate Topic Starter

@Sinspired: You're welcome, but I don't want to write you off completely! If you have any kind of medieval fantasy character that'd fit the theme, I'd gladly welcome them!

@Kvothe: Oh, he'll do nicely! You're in!

@Luulu: And you're in too! I hope this RP will do her justice!

I think I have room for one more person or so. If anyone's interested, go on and apply your character!
Kvothe (played anonymously)

Huzzah! :D Will this be a public forum, group or PM? I'm a-ok with all of those!
Medeia Larcener (played by PacificGhost)

I haven't seen plots that actually fit my taste for a while, and suddenly I find this, it may be heaven sent or not, I don't care! It's absolutely wonderful!
If you'd like, maybe Media could join, if you don't like something about her, I could bend her a bit, maybe stop her from spilling too many vulgar words, her profile was done as it is to show a bit more of her personality, I guess, so that's why it's a bit messy.
//even if she doesn't get in, I really want to see how this story unfolds :> //
Zirquoise (played by PacificGhost)

Medeia Larcener wrote:
I haven't seen plots that actually fit my taste for a while, and suddenly I find this, it may be heaven sent or not, I don't care! It's absolutely wonderful!
If you'd like, maybe Media could join, if you don't like something about her, I could bend her a bit, maybe stop her from spilling too many vulgar words, her profile was done as it is to show a bit more of her personality, I guess, so that's why it's a bit messy.
//even if she doesn't get in, I really want to see how this story unfolds :> //
Eh, this is me again with a deferent character, XD
Same things as said before, only difference is the vulgar words since this one uses none :>
Dawson Guidio (played by EpicMan561)

I suppose if you'll have me, I'll join as Dawson Guidio.
Pirate Topic Starter

Very sorry for the delay. Exams are right around the corner, so I was quite distracted!

@Pacific: How can I say no to someone so excited? Your character seems fine! Come on in, buddy!

@EpicMan: Sorry man, would like to add more folk, but first come is first served, I'm afraid. I'm full up.

Now, as for where you'd prefer to get this RP done, I'd like to hear from you lot. Do you prefer PMs or would you like this be done on the public forums? It doesn't matter much to me. I just need to know if I can throw the occasional F-bomb here or not.
Zirquoise (played by PacificGhost)

Rynh wrote:
Very sorry for the delay. Exams are right around the corner, so I was quite distracted!

@Pacific: How can I say no to someone so excited? Your character seems fine! Come on in, buddy!

@EpicMan: Sorry man, would like to add more folk, but first come is first served, I'm afraid. I'm full up.

Now, as for where you'd prefer to get this RP done, I'd like to hear from you lot. Do you prefer PMs or would you like this be done on the public forums? It doesn't matter much to me. I just need to know if I can throw the occasional F-bomb here or not.

I prefer forums, but PMS are fine. May I ask what an F-bomb is? ((I seriously don't know. .-.))
Kvothe (played anonymously)

Zirquoise wrote:
I prefer forums, but PMS are fine. May I ask what an F-bomb is? ((I seriously don't know. .-.))

It's a forbidden word on RPR that starts with an F. Just hit up google with 'define f-bomb' and it will tell you what it is, but we can't say it on the public forums. :)
Zirquoise (played by PacificGhost)

Kvothe wrote:
Zirquoise wrote:
I prefer forums, but PMS are fine. May I ask what an F-bomb is? ((I seriously don't know. .-.))

It's a forbidden word on RPR that starts with an F. Just hit up google with 'define f-bomb' and it will tell you what it is, but we can't say it on the public forums. :)
Oh... that word, well I didn't expect that.
Thanks for the help! :>
Pirate Topic Starter

Ahh, the process of learning important words~~

So far forums seem to be the favoured option. So be it! I shall soon invite you all into a private conversation so we can discuss certain things like where you want the story to head, or when you might be absent. That way we can assure that the RP doesn't end up dying out. That happened a bit too often to my liking in the past.

Glad to have you all a part of it!
Zirquoise (played by PacificGhost)

Rynh wrote:
Ahh, the process of learning important words~~

So far forums seem to be the favoured option. So be it! I shall soon invite you all into a private conversation so we can discuss certain things like where you want the story to head, or when you might be absent. That way we can assure that the RP doesn't end up dying out. That happened a bit too often to my liking in the past.

Glad to have you all a part of it!
YASSSSSSSS[insert about a million "S" letters]

Still open? I have a character that would fit very nicely

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