i kinda wish id just left your new guy dead lol.... then id be alive and on top. Damn my kindness

Dukonuu wrote:
Fight the new guy
He did not roll. But he sated he was attacking me
Dukonuu wrote:
You roll first and maybe he'll get the idea.
Do I ignore his post then? Because he attacked me but no dice roll

Yeah, act like he missed, if he doesn't roll he can't hit.
Sorry I'm new to the website, how exactly do you roll dice, I clicked add some dice to this post and set the die I wanted and such, but it never responded.
After you add the dice you need then you hit to apply the post. Your result will appear at the bottom of your post. Like this.
rolled 1d20 and got 16
If you land a hit you use the modifier like this.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 7. After the modifier of +1, got 8
Like this?
rolled 10d100 and got 602
Alright, and another question I ha was let's say you get a hit. Then, your next turn you get +1, do you go back down if you miss? As in to +0
Negative. The modifier is to accomodate for your opponents injury. They won't heal if you miss.
Alright, thank you.
I'm waiting for their post.
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