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Forums » General Roleplay » Night Time Wanders (closed)

Now that she sun has sunk below the horizon and the city bathed in darkness. The cities undesirables began to stir, but the darkness brought more than the undesirables out of their hiding places. It brought other things out.

Bliss sighed softly and looked at herself in the mirror of her dresser. Vivid bubble gum pink hair, near marble like skin and crystal blue eyes. She grabbed a brush and some powder make up she dusted her face and neck with some of the powder. The over all effect was her skin appeared more human like. "Better..." she snapped the compact shut and headed to the door. She paused to stuff her feet into a pair of green and yellow skate shoes and then she was off.

Out the door, down the hall, and out of her club. She didn't care that no one was watching the bar tonight. She needed a night off in the worse way, she was beginning to feel too restless and antsy, and a sure fire cure was always the hunt.

After leaving the building that served as both her home, and a nightclub. She headed downtown on foot. Her hands stuffed into the pockets of her acid wash jeans.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

After seeing The Sun go down, Jett walked down the road on this cold night, sure he'd left the agents behind for a while. The duplicate was a good idea. Too bad he squeaked and they killed him anyway. "You pay a guy to wear a coat and walk down the road, tip his hat and go have a drink, what's he do?" he thinks to himself, "Gets himself killed." Jett had to shrug off that someone was killed because of him, he told the guy the whole story, what could happen, he didn't care all the guy wanted was booze money.

Jett tugged at his coat feeling the cold air rush down the road moving leaves and discarded garbage. He listens to the night life start up in the city and looks up to see the lights, he sees a girl in pink hair, cute, but definitely looking for trouble. He rounds the corner and watches her walk downtown out of the corner of his eye...

He can't shake that she's going to get in trouble... he can't save everyone, but he can at least give watchful eyes. Jett begins to follow her... just to make sure she at least makes it to her destination, keeping far enough back to see her, not close enough to be noticed.
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

Dispite the cold Bliss was wearing only a tank top and her jeans, as she walked the femme looked around her crystal eyes taking in every detail, nothing was too small. She strolled past stores, restaurants, and bars looking for anything promising. She long ago found that she could easily hunt, and easily take a life if she lived off the evil ones, ones who committed wrongs. A rather cliche thought really, but her conscience was quieter.

She walked on and on, into the more seedy parts of the downtown core. Hang outs and safe houses for the cities local gang bangers. This was an area that sutited her purpose just fine. She stopped on the side walk and closed her eyes a moment letting her preternatural hearing be of use, the first thing that hit her ears were footsteps. Then whispers of a small group in one of the lower levels in the building across the street. Opening her eyes she abruptly turned around, her bright crystal eyes gazing down the way she had come. Her movement so quick that it would seem that she hadn't moved at all, once second she was facing one way but then she was facing the other.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

Jett followed the young lady, "Is she on something? Or is the city just that pretty?" he thought to himself. "Either way she was stumbling into a pretty shady area... he didn't like it at all and felt something would happen soon...

She suddenly stopped up ahead, fearful he'd been found out he ducked into a dice game crowd. He peered over his shoulder to see her facing down the opposite way of the road they'd come down. Not sure what to think he just threw down some money, much more than was there and asked for the dice.
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

Bliss was beginning to get the feeling that she was being tailed, she stood for a moment or two exactly as she was. Her eyes scanning over the various groups of people, seeing nothing she turned her eyes on the building. She was formulating a game plan, bored and hungry were a bad bad combination when it came to Bliss. well I'm gunna guess that there's only four of them in the basement. I can handle that. many will I encounter on the way there... she thought to herself. After a few moments of appraising the building she would turn and head down the street.

"Miss..can you spare some change?" a homeless man leaning against a wall stopped Bliss, he reeked of booze and unwashed bodies. She was nice and offered him a dollar, "Well I'm sure you can afford more than that, what with those nice clothes and them fancy tattoos." he responded ungratefully, and loudly.

Bliss stopped in her step and looked up, "Trust me, for the likes of you I've only got a dollar." she turned back the way she was headed. The man obviously didn't like this comment as he stepped towards Bliss, grabbing for her arm. Bliss in a quick movement again shoved the man backwards with one hand, sending the man stagging backwards eventually landing on his arse. Bliss continued on her merry way, the homeless man only a distraction.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

Watching closely he saw the man walk up to the young lady, he held the dice in his hand watching closely... the man came up and then was knocked back. Jett was moderately impressed and turned back to the game and rolled himself a couple extra hundred bucks and began to walk away with the money. He was sure she could probably handle herself after that display...

He felt a gun against his spine, "Hey mister... maybe put down the money and you can keep those legs working."

Jett knew he could turn and rip this guy's throat out in less than a second, but didn't want to have to kill anyone, besides, he had plenty of money.

"Okay boys I'll give you the money, just let me walk away and we'll call it even."

Jett set the money down on the ground... "There, it's yours, no tricks." He said calmly, hoping they were smart.

"Problem with that mister is that is a lot of money, most people don't give up that kind of money easily without having a lot more at home... let's take a field trip home eh mister?"

Jett tensed up and began to feel out for each person... he'd have to cripple them or at least disarm and knock each of them unconscious...

"Okay boys, we can do that..."
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

As she walked she felt eyes on her again, and now she was sure she felt them. Not imagining she felt them. She turned and looked over her shoulder her eyes narrowing on a group playing Dice. She watched a man get up but stop, a brow perked and she loosened her preternatural hearing, and figured out what was going on. She began gauging he group around the man six of them, most likely armed in some way. Before she knew it she was making her way back, her eyes fixated on two to the left of the intended victim (Jett).

She was nearly there, "'Scuse me boys." she said rather loudly, and distractingly.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

Jett took this moment to aim to swing his right back foot into the gun and jaw of the guy with the gun to his back, he would hit and send the man literally a story or better into the air, it didn't matter he would hit the ground far to slow to be noticed. Jett landed on his feet facing the remaining 5 men...

"Let's take a field trip boys" he chuckled.
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

With her distraction a success a little triumph and nearly cock giggle came from the vampriess's lips and she advanced on the two she had set her sights on.

A grin came to her face, Bliss often liked to toy with her adversaries. "Just remember boys. You can't see me." Another laugh came from her lips as a rather confused look crossed the face of one of the men. Obviously not to bright, had he just looked at her shirt he would have seen the bright yellow letters saying exactly as she had said.

Balling up her fist she hit the first, aiming for his jaw. When she succeeded the sound of bones breaking would be heard, and the man staggered backwards landing on his rear, a look of disbelief and pain on his face.

Now she turned to the other one, "Your turn."
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

"I agree" Jetticus said laughingly.

He then disappeared, ending up behind the men in the back aiming to hit him with a knockout blow. The man falls to the ground and before the others can see him, he disappears again behind the man that was originally to his right and knocks him out as well.

He then appears in his original place with his arms crossed, smirking.

"I believe you get two turns now, sorry about that." he said with a low chuckle and a smirk.
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

Had been speaking to the second man she had in her sights, but when Jett answered her she threw her head back and laughed. As she was laughing her hand unclenched and her fingers curled inwards a little bit, then she lashed out at the man her finger nails acting as claws. The blow was aimed across his chest, but it caught him a little high. Her nails caught chest, colarbone, and his neck, causing a proper mess. As the man staggered from the blow she grabbed his arms and pulled him forward. As he staggered forward she grabbed his head and pulled it down driving her knee into his forehead. Rendering the man unconscious.

"Next." she says as she shakes out her one hand. The one she used to claw at the now unconscious man
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

"Well if you insist, Ma'am."

Jett steps up to the last remaining man, youngest of the six men, obviously in the wrong crowd, who is now standing there with a knife and shaking like he's at the edge of The Earth.

"Look kid, you can do one of two things, you can run away, make something of yourself, be a good person, or I can smash you... your call?"

The young man sets down his knife slowly and turns slowly. Jett leans in and removes the kid's wallet.

"I will check in... don't make me regret letting you go." Jett says in a very condescending and intimidating tone.

"Yes, sir... I will make sure you're not regretting this decision."

The kid takes off running until he is far out of sight.

Jett takes out the kid's I.D. and throws the wallet on the ground. He puts the I.D. in his pack and looks to his fellow "destroyer in company" to see what she has to say.

"I was the one following you, wanted to make sure you could handle yourself... Thank you for your help."

He tips his hat zips his coat and begins to walk away.
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

Made no reply as Jett started in on the last remember. She walked over to one of the fallen men and leaned forward wiping the blood off her hands. She listened carefully as Jett instilled fear into the young man. As the kid took off she turned her crystalline gaze on Jett, seeing him stash the kid`s ID into his pocket. She found this rather interesting to say the least, but she made no comment on it.

As he sputtered out what he was doing previously she seemed to smile a moment, "Can I handle myself?" she laughed a little as he turned around. "Oi, so you've followed me and I helped your butt out, no introductions?" She stood there a moment with her hands on her hips and a mischievous grin pasted on her lips.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

Jett turned back to the young lady with a grin on his face.

"First my name is Jett, second I could've handled them, but I was still appreciative of the help. Third how was I to know you were a Vampire?"

Jett stood still thinking she wasn't going to expect that.
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

Bliss would smile again as he turned around to face her. She would laugh softly when he said he would have handled it, if he could have he was definitely more than a mere mortal. However when he called her for what she was a one thin brow flared she had not expected that, but now a days mortals were surprising. "A vampire of are you sure of this Jett." A slow smile spread across her face, her sharp canines showing. "If you are so sure that means you've encountered a vampire before." A giggle came from her lips. Bliss didn't seem angered or agitated for being called out, it did the exact opposite in fact. Knowing she didn't have to make an effort to conceal herself she seemed to be more relaxed

She would nod her head, "You may call me by the name Bliss." The more the vampiress spoke, her age crept into her voice. It was a voice that didn't exactly sound right coming from the apparent young woman before him, it sounded wiser than it should for a woman in her mid twenties.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

"Seems like you don't meet many humans that have. Neither do I... most don't live to tell the tale. I met a Vampiress in my mid twenties, I was smart enough to get as far away from her as I could. She killed my whole team."

Jett tightened up a little feeling uneasy about the memory he was recalling in order to tell the story.

"I found a few years later, after some unfortunate events, I was able to track her down. I only wanted her tell me she was sorry, to tell me she wouldn't feed on the kind, the righteous, the worthy anymore. She spat in my face, more or less. I then put the paces to her and made her pay for everyone of the men I served with. She still lives, but she doesn't feed on the right and kind anymore. I have her aliases on file."

Jett relaxed and sighed deeply.

"I don't kill if I don't have to, even Vampires deserve that mercy. Everyone can change. Speaking of change how many years have you been pretending to be a teeny-bopper?"
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

A little shrug came from the femmes shoulders. "Vampires around here...we like to be unnoticed. Usually don't do anything to draw attention to ourselves." She would look around she could hear sirens, no doubt someone had called the cops. "Time to get going." she pointed to one of the side streets. She shakes her head as he recounted the tale, "There's rules around here...some don't follow 'em but there's rules."

When he called her a teeny-bopper, her jaw dropped. "Excuse me?" she would say, nearly offended. Bliss was more than happy with the way she looked, she long ago shed the woman she had been in life, and never really turned back. She loved her tattoos, the vibrancy of her long pink locks, and the clothes, she loved modern fashion. Back home she had a room full of wardrobes to house her clothing that has been acquired over the years. "I happen to like how I am Jett, It suits my life just fine, I fit right into this club scene." She began to giggled, "Even one of the girls who frequents my club dyed her hair pink because she liked it so much."

She would sighs softly, "As for Mercy...there is always room for mercy." she murmured softly, "If more people showed mercy there would be less redemption..."
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

"Let's get going! I can't be caught, long story tell you when we get away."

He would aim to follow her down the side street if she took it.

"Teeny-bopper wasn't meant to offend you, it was more of an observation, I know what it's like to with you looked younger than you actually are... my apologies, if I could maintain a look and age with the flick of a wrist I probably would as well."

Jett would follow the route she would take.

"Redemption is the step-child of hate and ignorance, so I agree."
Abigaile Fisher (played by Pineapple) Topic Starter

Would lead him down the side street, "Okay sounds good." she murmured, she wondered why he couldn't be caught." She would stuff her hands into her jeans. "I got a good place to hide." She grinned again, her eyes flickering around. Being aware of her surroundings. "I love this age...the beauty varries. I can change the colour of my hair at the drop of a hat! Just last week it was purple." a laugh came from her as she continued down the way they were headed.

"We'll head back to my club...cops don't like coming there." She laughed, "And it's closed nobody should be around..." she would nod.
Jettikai (played by Jetticus)

"Thanks much appreciated, I will make sure to pay you back for any of this inconvenience."

Jett would follow closely behind til they would reach the club. Keeping an eye on his "6" would allow him to be more comfortable about the run.

"Lead on we can talk when we get there."

Jett admired the rear quarters of his acquaintance for only a moment and then cleared his throat.

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