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Forums » Art & Creativity » interactive story

so i'm doing this interactive story thing where i write partsof a story and then people vote on choices below before i write the next piece. but there is a twist. if you like i will write you character into the story as wel. Limit to 5 main, 10 sub [nevil longbottom from harry potter] and unlimited oneshots. For a main it's $35 sub it's $15 and one shot it's $5 you can also donate if you like it ect. ect. i'll post payment info in messages. But anyway here are the first two parts for you to enjoy.

Volvoreta�s Travels
Part one
By Varoona

The winters on the plains were extremely cold. The temperature dropped to minus thirty degrees sometimes. Today was one of those cold days and Volvoreta decided to say inside her warm den until the wind stopped. Making sure the animal skin flap that was across her door was nice and secure she moved though the darkness of the underground den groping out until she found her fire starting kit. Taking a fresh stick she wrapped the sinew string of her fire bow around it and placed it atop some dried leaves and grass. Next she placed the fire stone atop the fresh stick and rocked the bow back and forth spinning the stick betwixt the sinew until enough friction caused the grass to spark and ignite. Adding a few more logs she soon had a roaring fire going. After making sure the flap for the chimneys� was open she hunkered down near the fire and warmed her frozen toes.

The fire danced the light playing across the walls in strange shapes and shadows as Volvoreta stared into it. Her people were nomads and hermits by nature and now as she stared into the fire she began to remember the old stories that dictated most of how they lived. �To be free of outside assistance and doing everything for your self was the only way to live with a sense of accomplishment. However, if you ever need guidance look to a fire, the Spirits of the flames will guide you to truth.� Her mother had said just before she left home. She tossed a few more logs on to the fire pit causing the flames to jump into the air. With a heavy sigh she reached into a small medicine bag around her waist and sprinkled some of the powder on the flames. The fire turned and eerie blue color and Volvoreta looked hard into the inferno searching for an answer.

A vision came to her One telling of the old ways. Not the ways her people lived now but before the Sundering had scattered their people. They told about the old ones. Knowledge locked away to be kept hidden from all but those that were worthy. It spoke of six artifacts that needed to be collected. A vision of the noble Miocene people, her people, reunited once more flashed though her mind, then nothing. Reeling a little Volvoreta collapsed the visions were too much for her to handle.

When she awoke once again the howling wind had stopped and the fire was little more than a few glowing coals. Her head was still spinning a little as she sat up and tried to figure out what to do next.
End for now

This is where you come in. You decide what she does next. Your choices are below.
A) Gets something to eat to regain her strength
B ) Looks into the fire again so see what else she can see
C) Go outside and look around.


Volvoreta�s interactive Tale part two
By Varoona
[Before we get started, the votes were 4 for A 1 for B and 1 for C. however to get the story moving we will be doing option C as well. Hope you enjoy the next part]

The ordeal with the fire had drained much of her strength. Adding one or two logs to the little smoldering coals to get the fire started up again she looked around her den for something to eat. The earth made a fantastic refrigerator both in the summer and winter. It kept things cool and fresh. Moving to the back of the underground den she dug out part of a horse carcass. Though it did not look like any horse most people were familiar with. Instead of the Flat tombstone teeth this one had little sharp leaf shaped teeth. Designed to nip of branches and leaves. It was also much bigger than most horses. For this was the golden age of Mammals Where bigger was better.
Dragging the hunk of meat over to the fire Volvoreta tore one of the legs off and started to strip the meat from the bone with her powerful claws. The Miocene were an interesting people. They stood on average 10 to 12 feet tall and were powerfully built. Millions of years ago or so the legend went there was a species called the Amphicylons. These great beasts eventually evolved into the Miocene people though they had kept some of the key parts of the original build. A body stronger than any bears, the tenacity of a wolf, and the grace and power of a lion. The dim fire flickered across the now blood stained face of Volvoreta her silvery and black fur glinting a bit.
Soon enough though the mead had been stripped from the bone of the unfortunate animal and Volvoreta stretched getting herself ready for the day. Her obscenely long black hair was tied into a thick braid with only a few strands left to frame her face. Next she opened a little wooden box and removed six gold earrings. She put three in to each of her ears and flicked them listening to the soft jangle of the metal. Clothing would come next. And after a bit of thought she put on her hunting outfit. It was a simple leather skirt with a fur frill and a long loincloth-esque thing that came down both in front and back. Next she lashed on the furred leather bracers to keep her joints war, The little studded leather pads on top her feet, the ankle bracelet adorned with the teeth of some of the main enemy of the Miocene, The Grutroots, And finally the simple brown cotton v cut top.
Now that she was dressed she packed the rest of her things into a large brown sack and slung it over her back. Cold as the day was she needed to get some food and figure out what the vision had meant. So she unhooked the flap across the entrance to her den and headed out across the frostbitten grass land of the plains.
In the distance, and to the west, there was a massive mountain range covered in evergreens. Beyond that lay the ancient redwood forest with trees that would tower over even modern day buildings. To the east, there was nothing but the barren grasslands as far as the eye could see though they eventually ended in a large canyon. To the south lay the desert, Snow covered as it may be now it was still a wasteland that her people had come to call the badlands. To the north lay the frozen lakes and rivers. Volvoreta stood there surveying her surroundings trying to decide what direction to go.
End for now

Yes so there are four choices this time.
A) West to the mountains
B ) South to the badlands
C) North to the frozen lakes
D) East across the grassland

one last thing. if you don't want to read <= playlist of me reading it to you.

I'm going t try to do twp parts a week assuming i get enough votes if not i'll just do one. Hope you like it";
Varoona Topic Starter

Voting closed here's the thid part. Part four will be up at the end of the week

Volvoretta’s interactive tale part three

Volvoretta turned to the north and headed out. She had always found better hunting around the lakes frozen or not. And if all else failed she could go ice fishing which was always entertaining. With her choice decided she trudged across the wasteland of the grasslands. The frozen grass underneath her feet crunched a little as she plodded along. Not too many creatures were out and about on days like this, and understandably so. However, a few snowshoe bunnies ran across her path but she didn’t bother chasing them .They wouldn’t provide her with anything substantial anyway.

The sun was high in the sky and beat down on the thick fur covering her back but even it didn’t take away from the biting cold of the wind as it blew across the plains. The chill cut though her fur chilling everything that was exposed and making her shiver a little bit. As time went on she drew closer and closer to the frozen lake the shiny reflective surface of the snow covered ice could be seen in the distance. Sighing in relief she picked up her pace hoping to get there sooner than later.

As she drew closer she stopped short as she saw the long time enemy of her people the Grutroots. A low growl emanated from her chest at the simple site of the despicable thing, and she crouched down trying to conceal herself in the tall grass. Grutroots were built like battle tanks. Huge and powerful neck muscled held up an over sized head. Their head looked somewhat like that of a boar though it had been warped, and mutated in a disgusting manner. Long massive tusks sat before rows of sharp bone breaking teeth, and powerful jaws. On this one’s hip was a huge club with spikes sticking out of it. Thankfully though it had not spotted Retta just yet.

Volvoretta set her large sack down and crept a bit closer. She wasn’t sure if she could take this thing one on one unless she got a jump on him. She crouched down a bit further the powerful muscles in her legs coiling up like a spring she prepared herself for attack. Sucking in a deep breath she pounced forward with a loud bestial roar. The Grutroot started as he saw the massive creature barreling towards him and raised his club in the air. A hellish squeal came from his mouth as he charged back at the Amphi.

Volvoretta swung her huge arm in a long sweep and caught the hell boar on the side sending him spinning away from her but not before the Hellboar had connected the spiked club with her thigh. The spikes punctured deep into her flesh and got stuck a little bit ripping her muscles, and causing a long gash as they were pulled back out. Howling in pain Volvoretta gripped her leg and glared at the Grutroot. The Hellboar hadn’t fared much better though it lay on the ground with a massive slash torn across its side. Struggling to stand Volvoretta moved over to the Boar and with one swipe of her huge paw ripped the jaw off to it. She struck again disemboweling him.

With the deed done she limped her way back over to her large bag and fetched some bandages. Binding her leg up tightly she continued on towards the lake leaving the Grutroot behind to rot. Though it took her twice as long with her wounded leg she finally made it to the frozen lake. This was a massive lake. Nearly 18 miles long and 12 across. Though from the cold weather this winter there was a solid 6 foot thick layer of ice on top of it. Volvoretta found a nice rock next to a large tree to keep out of the wind and sat down with a heavy sigh. Her leg was still killing her and she most likely couldn’t go hunting with it. She could always try ice fishing. Or there was a town a few miles away on the lake shore. Sitting there she pondered over her choices.

End for now

A) Try hunting anyway
B ) Go fishing
C) Go into town

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