This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
I want to do a fantasy role play.
I'm fine with anything happening in it,Really i'm opening to anything,I love trying new tings.
I'm fine with anything happening in it,Really i'm opening to anything,I love trying new tings.
I would be interested in RPing with you
I have a few fantasy characters so I'm sure I could find one for any plot.

Alright.I really didn't think anyone would want to role play with me.Well if you could tell me about your character that you wish to use i can make a plot around that.I'm quite fine with anything.But if you wish for me to make the plot first then you pick your character,Just tell me and i shall.
I don't mind if we make the plot together if you don't already have one.
I'm thinking of either using Matteo a kind of magician who has power over the element of earth or a half human half orc character named Metal.
I already have a profile for Matteo but it doesn't contain anything useful besides his age and a few other details. I would have to make a character form for either of them.
I'm thinking of either using Matteo a kind of magician who has power over the element of earth or a half human half orc character named Metal.
I already have a profile for Matteo but it doesn't contain anything useful besides his age and a few other details. I would have to make a character form for either of them.
Ok.Well i have a lot of character's.I have one witch is a neko,I have one witch is a demon.I have one that goes with a Anime i watch called Black butler,I have one that goes with a movie i watch called harry potter.I have one witch is a human doll.I have a werewolf one.I have the forms made just not on here.If you wish i could send you them and you could look at witch one you would rather role play with.
Would it be alright if you chose which character you want to play and send me their form and I'll send you information on a character that can work well with them.
Sure! ^~^ ill use this person i have,Name:Alexander Moon.
Height: 3'5
Weight: 50.2 Ibs
Skin color:White
Hair Color:Light brown
Eye Color:Dark green
Abnormalities:He turns into a were wolf every full moon.His father is the alpha.He is in line to be the next alpha.He does not want to be the next alpha.
Like's: Sleeping.Staying in his room.His best friend Luna.His mother.His kitty.Ice cream.
Dislike's:Full moons.His father.Other were wolfs.Being woken up.Being in his wolf form. Having to be the next alpha.
Personality:Shy.Kind.Happy.Sweet.Playful.Tired.A bit sad since he doesn't want to be the next alpha.
Bio:Ever since he was young hes been strange he never liked being in his wolf form where others do.His wolf form his pure white with bright green eyes.White is not a normal color for wolfs.He is the only one that has that color.All the kids in the pack never liked him.They made fun of him.Always pushing him around since they new he would never tell on them.When he got older his parents started training him on how to be the next alpha.It didn't go so well,He never did any of the training right always messing up.When he turned 16 he had to start looking for a mate.He still hasn't found his.))I can pick another one if you do not like this one
Height: 3'5
Weight: 50.2 Ibs
Skin color:White
Hair Color:Light brown
Eye Color:Dark green
Abnormalities:He turns into a were wolf every full moon.His father is the alpha.He is in line to be the next alpha.He does not want to be the next alpha.
Like's: Sleeping.Staying in his room.His best friend Luna.His mother.His kitty.Ice cream.
Dislike's:Full moons.His father.Other were wolfs.Being woken up.Being in his wolf form. Having to be the next alpha.
Personality:Shy.Kind.Happy.Sweet.Playful.Tired.A bit sad since he doesn't want to be the next alpha.
Bio:Ever since he was young hes been strange he never liked being in his wolf form where others do.His wolf form his pure white with bright green eyes.White is not a normal color for wolfs.He is the only one that has that color.All the kids in the pack never liked him.They made fun of him.Always pushing him around since they new he would never tell on them.When he got older his parents started training him on how to be the next alpha.It didn't go so well,He never did any of the training right always messing up.When he turned 16 he had to start looking for a mate.He still hasn't found his.))I can pick another one if you do not like this one
No, this character is fine, i like him
Here's the one i would like to use, though i can choose someone else too if his personality is too much.
Name: Valr
Age: ???
Valr is a strange young man not very well liked by either humans or other creatures, he wanders from one place to the next always confused and seemingly lost. He doesn't care whose land he is on or what rules he is expected to follow.
He is well built and tall but frighteningly pale and is often covered in filth as he doesn't do much more than occasionally splash water on himself when passing by a stream in the forest. His light brown hair is a tangled mess due to the same lack of care.
Valr seems to have no patience at all and is very aggressive and fond of starting fights but has more than enough skill and strength to back up such an attitude. His steel blue eyes often watch people with a threatening glare and only a few people have seen his features forming anything close to a happy smile.
Though he knows he is not a were wolf due to how little effect the moon has on him, Valr is obviously not human either since he can undergo partial or full transformations into a monstrous creature whenever he needs to.

Name: Valr
Age: ???
Valr is a strange young man not very well liked by either humans or other creatures, he wanders from one place to the next always confused and seemingly lost. He doesn't care whose land he is on or what rules he is expected to follow.
He is well built and tall but frighteningly pale and is often covered in filth as he doesn't do much more than occasionally splash water on himself when passing by a stream in the forest. His light brown hair is a tangled mess due to the same lack of care.
Valr seems to have no patience at all and is very aggressive and fond of starting fights but has more than enough skill and strength to back up such an attitude. His steel blue eyes often watch people with a threatening glare and only a few people have seen his features forming anything close to a happy smile.
Though he knows he is not a were wolf due to how little effect the moon has on him, Valr is obviously not human either since he can undergo partial or full transformations into a monstrous creature whenever he needs to.
I think he will go quite well with my person.I would be happy to do a role play with you playing as him.Do you have any ideas for a plot?
Perhaps my character wanders into the area where your characters pack rules and causes some havoc, they group up against him and defeat him after which he meets your character? Or maybe my guy just seems suspicious and they send your character to keep an eye on him?
They sound like good ideas.What do you think should happen in this role play?,And what way do you RP?.Like do you role play in Third person?,Are you a one liner?,If yes i'm fine with that,I don't really mind how you role play i'll just go along with it.
I'm not sure what should happen, I don't plan too far ahead, especially when our characters have never interacted before. I write in third person and I pretty much never do a one liner unless the other person shows no interest in their reply.
Alright.Well should we set a time for when it is both good for us to start the Rp?
Ok well i will not be able to do it today.But the next day i should be on at anytime i think.
I think i should be ready now to role play with you,Sorry it took so long,I have gotten slightly sick.
I hope you get better soon. We can start whenever you like just where should we begin, my guy causing trouble? Also, should iI start or will you?
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