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Forums » General Roleplay » Noah's ark circus rp!

Mira Faller (played by magmagirl468)

"NO! I'm just saying that they'll think it did and that none of us have a good alibi. We were all in our tents or trailers or whatever, the point is that no one saw us there." She said. "Now maybe we should say that we got ready together, give us all an alibi. Now I trust you guys but no one else does, not the police, or anyone, it's just us!"
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky and skyla: so your telling us to lie to the police?

Sky: The police will figure it out whether we have an alibi or not though, right?

Skyla: they should!
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

"She's right." She says. "I mean Mira, if we tell them that we were all together then they will pick one of us. If we were all together then they can't just blame one of us. We all know that they will easily pick one of us over one of the normal people that they know in the audience waiting outside the gates."
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky and skyla: you mean they'd use us as a scape goat....
Mira Faller (played by magmagirl468)

"Exactly, so maybe we should get a story and tell them that and then when we come back figure everything out." She said slowly. "I mean I don't want to go to jail. And who knows where they could send any of us."
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky: but don't you want to know what happened to the ring leader?!

Skyla: well never find out if we lie to the police!
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

"Okay guys it's not a lie, it's a bend of the truth." She sighs. "We were all getting changed, just not together, but if we were then that's a simple alibi and then none of us can get blamed for something we didn't do. Unless one of you did do it?" She stops. "I didn't mean that."
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky and skyla: !!!!

Sky: -glares- sorry but I think I heard you wrong....

Skyla: yeah, because it sounded like your accusing US of doing this...
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

"Well that's not the point. I mean if you think I accused you which I didn't mean to. The police would to. Only they would be worse because like you said we are going to be used as escape goats." She groans. "Don't think like that I can sense your anger and your scared emotions! Anyway any of us could have done it, but I doubt that we did. WE just need to figure this out, together because if we don't, the police will send us to weird prisons on remote islands."
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky and skyla:.......fine......
Mira Faller (played by magmagirl468)

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Okay so what's the story, we were getting changed and then we left to go to the tent and I stumbled across the body?"
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

"Sounds good, um, so what about the crowd?" She asks looking at them.
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky and skyla: the show must go on....-walk to the main tent-
Mira Faller (played by magmagirl468)

"Right." She said walking into the tent.
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

"I'll go let them in and get the tickets then." She said walking away to the booth.
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky: so whos gonna replace the ring leader tonight?

Skyla: -shrugs- I don't know...maybe we just tell them that he can't be here tonight and move on?

Sky: I dont know. There isn't any reason to involve the audience
Mira Faller (played by magmagirl468)

"Uh I guess I could do it, for awhile at least. I need someone to hold a ring for me to jump through." She said blushing slightly. "But we should just say that the ringleader is preoccupied and we're here so the show must go on."
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

About 10 minutes and a few thousand dollars later Selena walked into the back of the tent. "So everyone is in, what's the plan?"
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten) Topic Starter

Sky and skyla: I guess....whoever is posing for the ringleader needs to announce the acts too...
Selena Stars (played anonymously)

"Well who wants to go first?" She asks. "Who ever goes last can be leader for the others and then someone can do it for the last person. I don't really need a ring leader for mine I just do fun stuff with electricity."

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