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Okay, I've made an RP group with it's own setting and such, what I'm wanting to know is how do you set up an RP chat or Forum within the group? Is it like making a normal forum or do you need to do something specific?

(...I'm beginning to wonder if this is a stupid question, seeing that no one has replied to this yet...)
No question is a stupid question! It just means no one's taken a moment to answer it yet!

To set up a group-specific chat (such as our Just Talkin' thread), here's where you go:
Go to your Dashboard, scroll down to your group's name (all groups you're a part of are listed near the bottom), click on the pencil icon beside the name.

That pencil takes you to your group management page--the overarching hub page that allows you to navigate to every aspect of your group. On that page, click Forums.

That takes you to the forum editor, which is a page that shows all your current boards you've created for the group. At the very bottom of that page is the "Official Chat Topic" section, with a "Select a chat topic" button. Click that. A little window will pop up, telling you to type in the name of the thread you'd like to designate as the chat thread. Much like with PM's, when you begin to type the thread's name, it'll show up as part of a list. Click on the thread name, then click on the "Select this thread" button. Tada, done!

But! If you don't have a thread already created, go post a new topic on your forum so you can come back and select it. The thread has to already exist for you to pick it.

And that's it! It's mostly just a lot of navigation and some button clicking. Was I unclear anywhere?
Draken901 Topic Starter

Thanks, no, you weren't unclear. :D
Kim Site Admin

Not too many members visit this forum unless they have a question of their own, so sometimes responses often have to wait until a moderator or I am online and able to answer. :) A few hours delay doesn't mean it was a bad question! :)

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