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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Group Drama RP! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Recently, I have been watching a special person play-through of Desperate Housewives: The Game, on Youtube. I'm not too sure why I was drawn to it, but I just find the fact that these woman are just so... horrible to each other. There are a few that are very nice, and wouldn't harm a fly. But then... There are the characters that shade every chance they get, and are total B's, if you catch my drift (o.o)

What I am looking for here is simple: I am wanting to create something similar to those television dramas that everyone seems to love or hate. I want to create a town (or city if that is voted for more) in which there is a group of people who are similar to the people dramas. I want there to be this facade that no one can guess, but everyone has. I want to see characters gossip about each other, and be utterly nasty to one another. I want to see characters talk behind each other's backs. I want to see people break up relationships (romantic or plain friendship). I want to see people get jealous. I want to see "normal people" do crazy things. I want make this idea slice of life, but twist it so that there is a complex web of events going on at the same time, so it is just as enjoyable as an action rp! I want everyone to have to choose who to trust wisely, and choose who they should be very weary of at the same time.

Of course, the most important rule of this idea is this: IC=/=OOC or OOC=/=IC. It is one of the most important rules of roleplay after all, but this idea is the reason why it is important to keep this idea in mind.

As for the players go, here's the catch: My idea of doing this is to get maybe... three or four other fellow roleplayers to join in on this idea that will be the moderators of the group. The, at a later date, we would bring in more roleplayers if they are wanting to join, and they would be able to play, but won't be able to set things up. Speaking about setting up, I was thinking that we could use Asana.Com in order to set everything up before we move onto actually creating the group. I was also thinking that the easiest way for me to control the amount of people that are wanting to join should message me with an application so I know who wants to help out, and who wants to just wait until the rp is finished to join.
This would be the following App:

*Q1.) How long have you been roleplaying?

*Q2.) What is your average post length?

*Q3.) How advanced are your roleplaying and/or writing skills?

*Q4.) Are you new to group roleplays?

*Q5.) What are your preferred genres of roleplay?

*Q6.) What are your least preferred genres of roleplay?

*Q7.) How much time do you have available daily?

*Q8-a.) How much time do you have set aside for roleplay?

**Q8-b.) Are you able to put aside more for time if you have little time already?

*Q9.) Are you wishing to help out with creating the roleplay setting, plot, group, etc?

*Q10.) Any questions?

*=Required to answer.
**=Required unless above answer is a long time (All day, all night, all the time, multiple hours, etc.)
To enter the app:

1.) Copy the above app.
2.) Fill out the app in your own words.
3.) Send me the app through my private messages.

After that, just wait for me to look over the app, and await your response :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my topic! I hope to hear from the people who are interested in this roleplay! Also, feel free to comment down below if there are any questions. Also feel free to private message me a question if it is either personal or is an otherwise private questions. Please do not private message me to tell me that you are interested in this idea unless it is also followed by either a question or an app. Do not post apps on this topic, only through the private messages!
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 20%
A peaceful setting, but with a chance for small fights and struggles to break out on a very small scale.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

That sounds cool! Can a non human join? Like a sergal or a anthropologist dragon?
SummerNights Topic Starter

ilikdragins wrote:
That sounds cool! Can a non human join? Like a sergal or a anthropologist dragon?

I don't think honestly. It really depends on the pool of people that are interested in this idea. If the crowd leans towards that sort of world where those species are normal, then yes. But as I see it now, I sort of doubt that it would get to that point (but I wouldn't put it completely out of the question!)

Hope that this helps,
lance (played by linktheriolu)

I dont know how to here o.o
SummerNights Topic Starter

SummerNights wrote:
Please do not private message me to tell me that you are interested in this idea unless it is also followed by either a question or an app. Do not post apps on this topic, only through the private messages!

Apps are supposed to be sent to me through private message, not through this forum topic. I will ask that you resend me that app through the correct way (through my private messages, just like the correct way says so in the original message) and delete your comment from this forum topic. Otherwise, I will do so myself, and not give you a chance to join because you have failed to send me your app the correct way.

I'm giving you a second chance, so don't blow it,
SummerNights Topic Starter

*Just a bump...*
That sounds awsome can I join
SummerNights Topic Starter

Aj100 wrote:
That sounds awsome can I join

You possibly could, but you must fill out the Application above, then message it to me through the Private messages. Then I can look it over ^w^
SummerNights Topic Starter

*Bumps again because there are a few more spots*

Hey Summer, I'd love to join this! I'll private message you later (you know why) but just letting you know before hand. I like the concept and this time I promise I won't randomly drop out. >.<
SummerNights Topic Starter

Tfa_96 wrote:
Hey Summer, I'd love to join this! I'll private message you later (you know why) but just letting you know before hand. I like the concept and this time I promise I won't randomly drop out. >.<

Okay, I'll talk to you about it later when you private message me ^3^

Until then!
Bai!~ <3

Till then summer! ^3^
SummerNights Topic Starter

I would like to say that we still have a few spots left! There are four members, so I am still looking for one or two more players who are interested in either helping out with creating the group!

I would love to join!
SummerNights Topic Starter

Claudia wrote:
I would love to join!

Great! Here's how you would go around joining:

1.) Copy the app, which you can find in the first post in this topic.
2.) Fill out the app, and of course answering any questions that are relevant to you, the player.
3.) Send me the app through my private messages, so that I can respond once you have filled out the app.

After that, just wait for me to look over the app, and await your response. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for Group Drama RP! (closed)

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus