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Forums » Introductions » BEHOLD! It Is I!

Greetings and salutations various Roleplayers from about the universe(s), I have joined upon this forum upon the request of a friend (Or, mention there of) from LoTRO. I have done most of my interactions in that universe, but also have a some experience world building, tabletop RPing, and Forum RPing. Just giving this place a shot, maybe I'll find something new to do!
Another person brought in By their friend~
Welcome to the site :3
Gutebnurg456 Topic Starter

Thank you! Though it's only been about a day, I'm already enjoying the atmosphere presented.

Hi there! Welcome aboard!

Maybe we could RP sometime?
Gutebnurg456 Topic Starter

More than likely. Once I get into the flow of things here, that is. I will likely try and set something up myself.

Cool. 'Til then!

Kim Site Admin

Welcome to the site! :D Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or run into any snags in your stay here. :)
Gutebnurg456 Topic Starter

Well so far I'm having no issues. All the people here seem like minded in some way or another, and reading over the forums has already proven a good source of entertainment. I hope to get my own things going soon, as well. I've had a lot of ideas over the years, but never had a place to put them. I have one particular universe, in mind, that I want to one day bring to life, to some degree.
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to the site! I think RPR will offer you all the tools you need to make that happen. :D
Welcome to RPR! Glad to see you're enjoying the site so far :D
Welcome to RPR!

Welcome to RPR!
Greetings! Welcome to the site! ^_^
Kim Site Admin

Gutebnurg456 wrote:
Well so far I'm having no issues. All the people here seem like minded in some way or another, and reading over the forums has already proven a good source of entertainment. I hope to get my own things going soon, as well. I've had a lot of ideas over the years, but never had a place to put them. I have one particular universe, in mind, that I want to one day bring to life, to some degree.

I am so happy to read this! :D
Welcome to the site!

Welcome to RPR, friend! Careful, it gets addicting!
Welcome to RPR!
I hope you're enjoying yourself!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » BEHOLD! It Is I!

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