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Forums » Art & Creativity » Skyrim Haikus

Kim Site Admin

I don't know why, but for some reason I was inspired to write these tonight.

slaughtering dragons
softly drifting snow melting
I'm a dinosaur

Erandur sucks hard
Good thing my horse is the best
Yay fast travel

deadra hearts beating
quick with fear of certain death
om nom nom nom burp

fus ro dah? for chumps
More important that all know
I'm a dinosaur

plague upon skyrim
more rampant than the black death
arrows to the knee

Hi dark brotherhood
Allow me to loot your corpse
Oops no shadowmere

Aren't I dovahkin
and prettier than Ulfric?
Why am I not king?

impossible climbs
my horse defies physics but is
slow as molasses

heavy armor and big shields
tanking for the win

ineffective mage
I am a nuclear bunker
how you like me now

some may call this junk
me, I call it loot to sell
to buy a new house

vow of silence, huh?
did i forget to mention
my dog likes to bark
I cannot describe how much I wish we had a 'like' button right now. I will give you gratuitous amounts of American currency just to do that, so I can like that post.
Darth_Angelus Moderator

What a brilliant thing to wake up to :D
<3 Thank you for sharing. That gave me a happy. :D
Sanne Moderator

Oh my god. XD This is freaking brilliant!!
Incredibly clever!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful tale of dragons, arrowed knees, and words that kill!
((lol I feel old now))

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