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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » (Private) Caged

Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby:.....wamt me to take you back?
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: N-no, I-I'm alright... I just wonder how Seth's going to react to this..! *Laughs slightly*
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby: -looks at her briefly before starting a fire-
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: *Stares at her, bewildered* W-what are you doing???!
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby: ???? Building a fire to keep warm??
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride:... Fi...Re..? That thing that everyone says is 'Hot'?... Ugh... They lie..!
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby: ????? -she starts humming a quiet melody to herself and the materials she needs for the fire appear in front of them-
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: OMG SHE IS A SORCEROR!!!! @#$%!!!!!!


Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby: yeah?? Amyway...-starts singing a soft melody to herself, then everything they need for the fire appears-
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

(Lolz naw)
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: Y-y-you... Are you... Are you with ShadowDood?! <No official Name

You know, that ShadowDooD?>

Sthap!! Nu moor!!
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby: what??? No? Its an ability I was born with. -builds the fire and lights it on fire- there -sits, puts her arms out in front of her and keeps warm-
Nicholas 'Pride' Syn (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: Sorcerer... So... Well, since you said 'born', I'm going to assume you have parents... So, what are they like?
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby:.....-rubs her hands together- some things are better left buried with the past..
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

(Goddammit >.< Didn't mean to press Pride!)
Pride: *Rage quits* Oh... I understand... *Rubs her back*
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby; -eyes go wide as she looks at her- w-what are you doing?
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

(Math test D:)
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: Rubbing your back..?
Sky emerald (played by SinceForgotten)

Lullaby: why??

(Sorry, that test was hard!)
Ray (played by Derglet) Topic Starter

Pride: Because... No one likes it when they lose someone, emotionally, physically and mentally. I understand how you feel... I think, anyway...

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