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Forums » Looking for RP » Lost child on the beach (Closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

When the balance of power tipped in the people's favor the royal family was designated to be executed. During the fight the young prince fell from his sky sphere. The boy awoke some time later on a strange beach. The differences between this world and his own allow him to fly and fall from great heights without injury. However he is still a little boy and all alone in a strange place that is far from his home.

(The planet can be Earth but doesn't have to be.)
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

Moon (played by Ms_Draca) Topic Starter

Moon is a little like superman but with fewer powers and more alien acting since he came to Earth or wherever as a kid and not an infant.

Moon looks human and aside from his upbringing and the flying thing he mostly could pass as human.

The tech level may increase (ie move from modern to sci-fi) if the RP lasts a long time(a year or more of RL time).

Moon was raised in near isolation having no contact with anyone other than his tutors. The kid's family being the ruling family was over thrown and the young prince was thrown out a window. While falling through space he entered Earth's atmosphere and crashed on the coast of the Pacific ocean.

In Moon's universe a human-like alien species lives on Earth's moon and also owns Mars. Moon the kid only has partly knowledge of any of that stuff since he is a kid and wouldn't know all the details of his species doings and history.

Human's in this reality are not familiar with aliens outside of T.V. - the time period is flexible as long as it's still modern-ish. Anything after radio and/or T.V. up to the current year.

Waiting to see how many people are interested and stuff before picking someone for sure. I may RP with different people that show interest to see how things go first, because it can be hard to know how two characters work together just from a profile not matter how well written they may be.

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