A few days ago I was derping around with my tools on Sai, trying to make some fluffy animals look convincing - one for a gift art, the other just because.
So I ask the animal artists, how do you make your animals look furry?
What I mean is, I want them to look less flat, but I'm not really sure how. :T
Thanks in advance!
A few days ago I was derping around with my tools on Sai, trying to make some fluffy animals look convincing - one for a gift art, the other just because.
So I ask the animal artists, how do you make your animals look furry?
What I mean is, I want them to look less flat, but I'm not really sure how. :T
Thanks in advance!
Personally, I like to glue cotton balls to the image, then take a screen shot. Works very well for me.
Other than that, I think they both look pretty good, though, and I'm not sure how to say this, but it almost looks like there is a lack of perspective.
Also, the werewolf reminds me of the 90's era Godzilla costume, which isn't a bad thing.
Also also, I personally cannot draw to save my life, so all of the above should be taken with a grain of salt.
Other than that, I think they both look pretty good, though, and I'm not sure how to say this, but it almost looks like there is a lack of perspective.
Also, the werewolf reminds me of the 90's era Godzilla costume, which isn't a bad thing.
Also also, I personally cannot draw to save my life, so all of the above should be taken with a grain of salt.
Prolly because I didn't draw the other eye and the other ear isn't really visible. xD;
Making fuzzy animals can be a real challenge! I've been looking through photos of fuzzy animals--kittens, puppies, rabbits, and the like--so that I could give you some solid advice. What I've seen (and what I've experienced when making my own fuzzy animals; not a common occurrence) is that fuzzy fur has a specific quality of light combined with some very fine lines. The outline of the creature is fairly solid, to a point, but then there are hundreds of thin lines which taper to nothingness. The light also brightens up these flyaway bits of fuy/hair and almost creates a halo effect on the outline of the animal. You might try using a brush or fine artists pen to achieve the fur effect and then some very light, pastel tones of your palette to create that halo effect. Be very loose-wristed and free with your lines and I think you'll get that fuzzy quality you're looking for.
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