This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
Hey Twilight, we're kind of waiting on you to post, or at least I am, you're the only one who hasn't posted yet, and you're supposed to be the leader.
(Dxfoe when can I join the rp just curiou
Sorry Dragonhybrid I haven't really been on all day so I haven't been able to respond. And I don't know, you could be someone we meet and ask to join the team, or like I said I can make another thread and just make a completely different version of the rp with different people if thats what you'd like.
Hey, I have a question. Do the main Avengers exist in this rp?Cause I think you mentioned Nick Fury in one of your posts, Dxfoe, and Cyborg is playing Agent Coulson and such.
The actual Avengers like Thor, Iron Man, Hulk etc. aren't but agents like Hill, Coulson, and Fury are.
Well, Shield and the agents exist, but I don't think Iron Man or Captain America or any of the canon superheroes exist, it's just us.
Do ya'll think ya'll could give me a hand with Vivia's Huntress form? When she's in her huntress form she gets a decrease in intelligence, and I figured I'd show that through her dialogue and actions. But I don't really know how to do that through her dialogue, so suggestions would be helpful.
Maybe you can make her talk like the Hulk or something, you know refer to herself in the first person and don't use proper grammar.
dfxoe when will i be abkle to use zayne
Monkeycyborgninja wrote:
Maybe you can make her talk like the Hulk or something, you know refer to herself in the first person and don't use proper grammar.
I figured she wouldn't use proper grammar like that, but she isn't Hulk speak stupid

dfxoe when will i be abkle to use zayne
Is this still open?
May I join in? I could possibly be an enemy you guys have to fight.
You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Avengers-ish (closed)
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