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Forums » Art & Creativity » Looking for Constructive Criticism

Hey evvverybody. I don't know if many of you know, but I love to draw (I won't call myself an artist because I don't think I'm that great). I've been working on something for my character Bliss for quite a while and...well it's rather infuriating but I can't get her flipping face right.


So at this point I'm left asking for help, well constructive criticism to be more correct. Any comments and tips are GREATLY appreciated.";
Sanne Moderator

The problem with the face is that the angle of the nose/mouth/eyes are different from the angle of the face's outline. :) It's tricky and hard to get that right, but if you like I can redline to show you.

Alternatively, these things are easily fixed by mirroring the picture. Mirroring helps find mistakes more easily, but generally you need to correct the drawing while mirrored too. Which is a bit difficult for traditional art! Still, it might help to mirror this scan in Paint anyway. :)
I'm taking a perspective drawing class at the moment.. so maybe I can help?

The right eye.. (the small one?) its in the wrong position. Do you use lines when you draw for persepective?

Its really hard to explain without showing you.. but um..

K.. so the face is the egg shape.. and you put the centre line down where the nose will go.. and *checks picture* K.. so I would recommend, this central line.. which would basically be where the main line of her nose is now.. that needs to be moved over to the left just a tad. Then you put in your two lines from the top to the bottom in line with where your eyes should be. This will help with positioning, as this is where you are coming undone with trying to make it mesh.

I have this problem myself all the time.. it just takes a bit of fiddling.. but yeah.. the lines are a really good tip. If I havent been clear, or you havent heard of them before, I can explain in more detail when I see you?

Otherwise babe.. Love your work! I look forward to seeing more. xo
Pineapple Topic Starter

Thanks guys. And sanne that would be AWESOME!

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