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Forums » Looking for RP » R-Roommate? (Closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Shortcake (played by Knitten)

Lately, it's been getting a bit lonely in the house. Zack doesn't visit anymore and Shortcake isn't being watched anymore. She decides to put up an ad in the newspaper for a roommate. Will you except? Males preferred just for the sake of romance. Located in modern time, with some bits of fantasy. Beware, you will have to start. :3

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

(i would like to do this rp with my character zayne)
Knitten Topic Starter

A-Alright! I-I'll send y-you a m-message.
The Gang (played by ThatAndalite)

Chandler pops his head in. "College roomies? 'Cause I need someone too.. I get bored. Oh, and I have a dog."
Bertholdt Ackermann (played by Parkerdrome)

Would Bertl here work? .3. I can alter his age if ya want!
Knitten Topic Starter

X3 H-He w-would work. D-Do you mind s-sending me a m-message? X3

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » R-Roommate? (Closed)

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