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Forums » Looking for RP » Another world, another life (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Mitch (played by Derglet)

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in another world? Perhaps... My world?"

When your family is either all gone or want nothing to do with you, when your friends all leave you for dead, and everything else in your world goes to ashes, a meeting that can only be fate occurs. A young boy, no older than 11, asks you if you'd want another shot at life, in another world that could only exist in a dream. Agreeing, thinking you're just doing so for the boy's enjoyment, everything around disappears, the last thing you see being the boy's smile as he waved.

What seems like hours later, you find yourself falling from the sky, in a completely different world.
Another world, unlike our own...
Perhaps this was fate?

Looking for 1 to 3 other people who want to join me in this Roleplay! Fantasy type characters allowed! Please make them Humanlike, though. Humans are, however, encouraged!
Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 40%
Industrial revolution
Combat 30%
Distant war may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat will likely be summarized, not played out in detail.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.


Hey, Sounds very interesting. Strongly reminds me of No game No life in some way ^^
Would be interested in rping with you if you'd have me. Would have to still make a character though.
Derglet Topic Starter

-UpbeatOrchit *Reads it over* Huh, you're right XD
And go ahead! Throw a character right at me!

haha, I'll get one ready and show it to you ^^
Derglet Topic Starter

Luna Skye (played by zimey1)

I could maybe use an Alternate version of sorts of Luna for this? This RP sounds pretty interesting to be honest.
Victor Yurcov (played by UpbeatOrchit)

SINDragon wrote:
-UpbeatOrchit *Reads it over* Huh, you're right XD
And go ahead! Throw a character right at me!
Might use Victor for this if that's okay. He would have a reason to start over so that's a good thing i guess... If he's too modern i'll change him up a little! ^^
Derglet Topic Starter

It's alright! ^^ Count 'im in!
Victor Yurcov (played by UpbeatOrchit)

Alright then! Ready when the rest is! ^^
Thalsian (played by Cyroris)

Hii! Your story sounds really interesting, would it be ok if I joined in with this guy? He's human, I need to fix his thumbnail.

I'd have to figure out a bit of an idea why Thal would actually go mind you, but I don't mind sorting that out. c:
This sounds interesting. Could I possibly try? Sebby can be completely human rather than a neko if you prefer.
Mashiro Nakiya (played anonymously)

I'm interested, pretty please.
Derglet Topic Starter

-Thalsian Sure!
- Sebby No Neko please ^^' Sorry though!
-Mashiro Sure! ^^
I could offer up a non-Gem version of Diopside?
Derglet Topic Starter

-Sketch444 Sure!
But she doesn't have to be human right? Just human-like?
Derglet Topic Starter

Yep! (To the Humanlike thing)
Ok then

Can I join in?
Derglet Topic Starter

hannibal32 wrote:
Can I join in?

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Another world, another life (closed)

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