This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
carmine wrote:
Count me in. If I can't find a reason to pull Welles there with me, rest assured I will have brought someone.
uyudong wrote:
Sweet Jess, of course I'll be coming for the unveiling!
liquidchaos wrote:
I still have not figured out what I'm brining.. Frigging evil woman 

Corvus wrote:
I'm totally going to RP my man-eating mermaid there. I'm stoked. I haven't had a good place to really RP her in YEARS. 8)
RevanStar wrote:
(count me in)
Exodus wrote:
Mmmm, yeah. You can't see it. But I'm breathing so heavily on this thing. (I'm in agreement with Corvus, the map is absolutely stunning.) God, I can't wait to pitch an idea here.
/insert ebil smirl and steeple fingers here.
/insert ebil smirl and steeple fingers here.
Aces wrote:
I am in!
So excited to share it with everyone! 

Four days....
I am so excited to see this finally come to life and see Eaden open its doors.
I know you've worked so hard for this as I saw the pieces come together. And looking at all the comments before mine, I see only an outpouring of love and support which makes me proud!
You're going to do great! Count me in, you have my love and full support.

Let me just give you a hug, babe.
I know you've worked so hard for this as I saw the pieces come together. And looking at all the comments before mine, I see only an outpouring of love and support which makes me proud!
You're going to do great! Count me in, you have my love and full support.

Let me just give you a hug, babe.
Tavien wrote:
Maybe I could throw tav in there since he doesn't have a homeee

Might be interesting. Although Furcadia... I still don't fully know how it works
Reima wrote:
Might be interesting. Although Furcadia... I still don't fully know how it works
A good portion of Furc's userbase is extremely helpful when it comes to teaching new players the ropes, so that's certainly nothing that should deter you from really wanting to try it out.
If any new Furcadia users want help, you can drop me a PM or whisper me in game by typing /unicorn <message here> into the text box of the Furcadia client window.

Sounds interesting! I'll have to at least have a look around. Nanowrimo is just around the corner, and a lot of my RP-time is taken up by my main.. So I won't be able to commit to anything right off though.
I'm just looking at the names on the map and I'm wondering if there is any real rhyme or reason behind them?
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
Aud wrote:
I'm just looking at the names on the map and I'm wondering if there is any real rhyme or reason behind them?
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
The dream and names / titles have no connection to specific meanings that may or may not be reflected by them.

(Also, the Faust are not the only type of fae, they are simply one aspect/species designed specifically to the continuity.)
The context and setting of the dream also has absolutely no connection with any existing history or time period. It is purely a fantasy creation with fictional settings and characters designed by myself and some of the staff.
However, I do agree that it will need more time to grow, given it's a brand new creation.

It's purely designed to be a fun environment where people can come together as a community and enjoy role play. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm sure that some will love it and for others it might not be their cup of tea, but I prefer to keep a positive outlook on it and offer the experience to anyone who'd like to check it out.

I just wanted to give a big shout out to everyone who came for the opening of the dream today!
You guys were fabulous and super fantastic and I'm so happy that everyone liked it!
We found a few glitches and had A LOT of laughs... Especially with those tours.
I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and I can't wait to see all the familiar and new faces!
We're uploaded in FurN North-East of the palace gates in the Palace Courtyard!

Aud wrote:
I'm just looking at the names on the map and I'm wondering if there is any real rhyme or reason behind them?
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
I find this comment highly inappropriate even if Isnelx handled it like a pro. A public forum advertising a new place to roleplay is not the place for criticism. This should have been taken to PM, honestly. If you don't like it, fine, but you don't need to publicly call out what YOU consider to be faults and what YOU don't like about it. That is extremely poor taste and quite frankly just rude.
1. Certain names translating is bound to happen. What we consider made up is often times based on familiar sounds even if we don't consciously think about it. I've run into this very problem myself when making up words/parts of languages. Thing is, though, it doesn't matter. The English language as we all know has many words that while they sound exactly the same and even look very similar can have entirely different meanings. English is also notorious for borrowing words from other languages and changing them a little, though they still might translate to their original meaning in their original language. Unless she plans on writing out a seven part novel series as in depth as any of the great fantasy writers, going into THAT much research over every little word is not a necessity. That aside, it's a fantasy world and our translations mean absolutely nothing to that world.
2. I don't know where you're getting this "western colonialist obsession with whiteness" ordeal from. Again, it's a fantasy world and there is nothing to do with western colonist...ness. It's fantasy, plain and simple. If you are talking about certain undertones having a more western civilization point of view? Well, yeah, that tends to happen when that is where the writer is from. That said, I don't pick up any overtly western tones. As for whiteness? There is only one of the species with fair skin. The Faust have "steel-like" skin, which implies metallic appearance and gray in color - which can range quite a bit if you've ever seen steel treated at different temperatures.
3. Don't know what you're referring to with macro/micro aggressions.
Remember folks, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
Also, I am pumped about checking this out when I get home this evening!
Moki wrote:
Aud wrote:
I'm just looking at the names on the map and I'm wondering if there is any real rhyme or reason behind them?
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
I find this comment highly inappropriate even if Isnelx handled it like a pro. A public forum advertising a new place to roleplay is not the place for criticism. This should have been taken to PM, honestly. If you don't like it, fine, but you don't need to publicly call out what YOU consider to be faults and what YOU don't like about it. That is extremely poor taste and quite frankly just rude.
1. Certain names translating is bound to happen. What we consider made up is often times based on familiar sounds even if we don't consciously think about it. I've run into this very problem myself when making up words/parts of languages. Thing is, though, it doesn't matter. The English language as we all know has many words that while they sound exactly the same and even look very similar can have entirely different meanings. English is also notorious for borrowing words from other languages and changing them a little, though they still might translate to their original meaning in their original language. Unless she plans on writing out a seven part novel series as in depth as any of the great fantasy writers, going into THAT much research over every little word is not a necessity. That aside, it's a fantasy world and our translations mean absolutely nothing to that world.
2. I don't know where you're getting this "western colonialist obsession with whiteness" ordeal from. Again, it's a fantasy world and there is nothing to do with western colonist...ness. It's fantasy, plain and simple. If you are talking about certain undertones having a more western civilization point of view? Well, yeah, that tends to happen when that is where the writer is from. That said, I don't pick up any overtly western tones. As for whiteness? There is only one of the species with fair skin. The Faust have "steel-like" skin, which implies metallic appearance and gray in color - which can range quite a bit if you've ever seen steel treated at different temperatures.
3. Don't know what you're referring to with macro/micro aggressions.
Remember folks, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
Also, I am pumped about checking this out when I get home this evening!

Well said.
Aud wrote:
I'm just looking at the names on the map and I'm wondering if there is any real rhyme or reason behind them?
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
Why is one area "princess " in Arabic, and Rodane basically means "man whore"?
Also why are the fairies called "the fists"/"the fist"?
And "valin" is just 2 letters knocked off of Tolkien's valinor
I'm also incredibly uncomfortable with this settings very western colonialist obsession with whiteness.
This could be good but more time and research is needed. Like googling names of things to make sure they mean what you want them too. Perhaps pick a base language and pull from that. It really pulls the world together which is why Tolkien, Martin, and Rowling are so successful
And their world craft admired so.
Also meta research in regards to media representation, whiteness and micro/macro aggressions would be useful.
It has potential but needs a lot more work and time.
If there is one tale away it should be the need for a cohesive well thought out world
I found this incredibly rude. It should not be anyone's place to come in and bash someone else's setting in such a way. It doesn't matter if you personally don't like it. I also have no idea what the business with micro aggressions is? And 'whiteness?' Again, please don't let your own personal preferences become a free for all card to insult other people's rp setting.
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