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Forums » Looking for RP » I need a long-term rp! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Check out my characters and tell me if you want to rp with me and come up with stories for them!
Wouldn't be interested in bringing Violet to The Phoenix State - Vauc Berheemius?

It's a city from my empire elsewhere, and Violet would suit the theme of characters. My main, Zaltos is a god-slayer who goes for thw gods that abuse mankind. Violet, the goddess she is, would seem to stand up for what's right and decide that she found this new found land from another realm is best suited to protect the gods and man from eachother.

Dunno if you're interested, but would love to have you join.
hey kiraxo I'm Sophie I'm pretty new to role play. So you'll have to be patient with me but I would love to role play with you. Check out my profile and let me know if your interested :)
smashking29 Topic Starter

Hello I am interested in roleplaying with both of you.
What do you mean both? And ok how should we start?
smashking29 Topic Starter

I sent you a PM.We can do a 1on1 rp.And by “both”I meant 2 rp's,one for each of you.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » I need a long-term rp! (closed)

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