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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: Princess Azazel

The castle gates were open, townspeople trundling through the marble courtyard. The castle itself was shillouhetted against a sky full of stars. The courtyard had been swept of snow, revealing the hundred of exotic flowers, the paths were lit with real fluttering faries of different colors.
Azazel, in her templar style armor, oversaw the activities as she wandered through the courtyard, introducing herself to people who she had yet to meet.
A long table near a willow tree in the gardern was heavily laden with hot food, cakes, and casks of warm mead with goblets next to them. There were a dozen large silver bowls full of different types of candies.
A band in the center of the courtyard, just in front of a large fountain, was playing music that seemed to fill the entire courtyard.
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

Markus walked through like he was on a stealth mission. He was dressed like Solid Snake with a beard and everything. "Trick or Treat Lady Zay"
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Azazel gasped, hugging Markus. "I haven't seen you in ages!" She said softly, Then pulled off her helmet, bowing and freeing her black hair.

"Hello, happy All Hallows Eve!" She said softly, Then touched his chin. "Oh wow."
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

"Yeah sorry. I've been busy. I came to see how Halloween is here. That detective Zack hooked me up with some good chocolate. What do you have here" he smiled. "That beard took a few months to grow. I miss my scruff though"
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Azazel smiled. "It's very becoming of you. You've met Zack? He's a good friend of mine." She pointed over to the table full of food. "There's candy there, wanna look?"
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

"Yeah. He's pretty cool. I met him in a festival in Los Angeles." He smiled going over to the table
Ezra (played by Puppet)

Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Azazel smiled, following him to the table. The bowls were full of dozens of different types of lustrous chocolates and pastry sweets.
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

"Wow those looking delicious" he said grabbing a few and putting it into a sack
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Azazel smiled, taking a bright yellow heart shaped fruit off a pile. "Here, try this." She offered.
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

"Ok" he smiled. "I'm down with fruit"
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Azazel smiled at Markus. "Feel free to hang around for awhile, mingle with the townspeople."
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

Markus smiled. "Sure"
Mitch (played by Derglet)

A short boy that wore an adorable Lion costume wandered down the path and through the Gates. He held a plastic pumpkin in one hand, full of sweets. Mitsuki looked around, curious and amazed at the sight. Sure, he'd seen lots of amazing scenery in his life, but this was amazing-er, in a sense. As he continued to stumble down the path, he came in contact with some townsfolk. None of which spoke to him, which saddened him a little. Oh well, he wasn't here for anything else then for candy, right?
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

A few moments after Markus whirled away to mingle, Azazel caught sight of Mitsuki. She shook her head disapprovingly at her citizens' lack of welcome and leaned down, pullling a small velvet gallon- sized bag from under it.

She made her way to Mitsuki, her helmet under her arms to keep from spooking him, and crouched. "Hello," she said softly, smiling. "Are you having a nice time?"
Mitch (played by Derglet)

Mitsuki looked up at Azazel with a smile, his eyes gleaming. "Uh huh uh huh uh huh!" He replied, nodding vigorously.
Markus (played by DetectiveZack)

Markus was going around talking to everyone about his travels
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Azazel smiled, holding out the bulging bag of candies she packed, offering it to Mitsuki. "Here you go, Handsome." She says softly.
"Are you gonna hang around for the dancing?"
Mitch (played by Derglet)

Mitsuki immediately bowed, "T-thank you, P-princess! A-a-and, of c-course!" The boy answered, slightly regretting the answer he gave her, knowing Dancing in general wasn't his strong point. He'd tried many times with Rae and Maya, but had failed horribly in every way.
Azazel Rutela Black (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"Would you like to dance with me?" She offered, Smiling at him and readjusting the way she held her helmet

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