Zack sat on his porch sitting with a bowl full of full sized chocolate bars. Zack was dressed as Sherlock Holms. He had some ambient music with strobe lighting. He was smiling as the people were passing by
Azazel wandered up the street, then stopped at the foot of the stairs going up to his porch. "Hiya, Zack." She said, crossing her arms.
She was dressed in full body silver armor but her helmet was in her right hand, allowing her long ebony hair to cascade over her shoulders. "How is my favorite young detective on All Hallows eve, huh?"
She was dressed in full body silver armor but her helmet was in her right hand, allowing her long ebony hair to cascade over her shoulders. "How is my favorite young detective on All Hallows eve, huh?"
Christofer couldn't resist the smell of chocolate. Having a sharp nose was going to be a dooming factor for him when sweets were included. He would look around spotting a full set of shining armour. Oh boy, that was not something he'd want to approach. Who knows; maybe they had a sword and they were ready to slice some innocent people with it? Bleh, what was he worried about? It's just a costume
The person dressed up as a famous detective seemed friendly. Maybe approaching them wasn't going to be too bad?
Christofer would follow shortly after the lady in armour, overhearing a bit of their talking.
"Ummm... Do you two know each other?" the boy - dressed up as an animal themed nature spirit, with a faux deer skull and all - would ask.
The person dressed up as a famous detective seemed friendly. Maybe approaching them wasn't going to be too bad?
Christofer would follow shortly after the lady in armour, overhearing a bit of their talking.
"Ummm... Do you two know each other?" the boy - dressed up as an animal themed nature spirit, with a faux deer skull and all - would ask.
Zack smiled at the two. "I'm doing fine on this evening. I mean I like seeing the vibe of this evening. Choose any candy you like." Zack smiled at Chris. "Yeah we do. She's a pretty cool friend" Zack sighed. "I'll probably make a haunted trail to make it scary next year. You know that saying: 'The scariest house has the best candy'" He chuckles
What was this? Why would a dog go Trick or Treating? Not that this mattered. Repede really was in it for the treats. He did dress up, with the help of Yuri of course in a rather intimidating costume. A black cap was placed on his head, following by a long coat. In the dog's mouth was a chewing twig. Supposedly the dog was dressed as a delinquent of some sort. His tail slowly waved behind him as his nose caught some sweet, human treats.
He padded over to where Zack and two other people where. Rather curious and keeping his distance, he sat down, far from the two.
What was this? Why would a dog go Trick or Treating? Not that this mattered. Repede really was in it for the treats. He did dress up, with the help of Yuri of course in a rather intimidating costume. A black cap was placed on his head, following by a long coat. In the dog's mouth was a chewing twig. Supposedly the dog was dressed as a delinquent of some sort. His tail slowly waved behind him as his nose caught some sweet, human treats.
He padded over to where Zack and two other people where. Rather curious and keeping his distance, he sat down, far from the two.
Zack stared at Pepede. 'Well I've seen stranger things. Plus dogs have been dressed before.' "Are you sure you want some chocolate? " he asked the dog 'It's a shame I can't talk to animals..' he thought
Christofer would smile back. He wasn't too used on the saying, but really and truly, he preferred the non scary houses with mild or no decoration at all. As long as they had some goods that is.
The boy turned to look at the newcomer. A dog? Well, this was surprising.
"Mmmm... Maybe it's collecting them for its owner? You know, maybe they've injured their legs or something?"
The boy turned to look at the newcomer. A dog? Well, this was surprising.
"Mmmm... Maybe it's collecting them for its owner? You know, maybe they've injured their legs or something?"
Zack shrugged his shoulders. "Well it is Halloween after all" he smiled. He still wasn't sure about giving chocolate to a dog. He knew about the dog getting killed by chocolate thing.
Azazel crouched, scratching the dogs chin. "He's a pretty big dog, a little chocolate shouldn't even make his stomach hurt." She said. "So, Zack, I'm 'pretty cool'?" She asked, smirking
"Yep. Zay you're awesome" Zack smiled. He gave the dog a bar of chocolate. "Do you have any brands you like?" He asked
Azazel grinned. "I don't eat candy, Zack. Do you mind if I come back later?" She asked softly, leaning against the stone banister. "... for a cup of coffee, Maybe?"
Sniffing the chocolate, he wagged his tail. It did smell rather nice to him. HE sat down as he gave a rather happy bark. These people seemed rather friendly and not bothersome one bit!
"Sure!" Zack smiled at Azazel. 'Well this holiday is fun' Zack thought to himself. He loved seeing who was in costume and how creative they could get.
Azazel took the chocolate from the dogs bag, jerking the package open then holding it out for him to eat. "Here, handsome boy." She said softly, smiling.
Christofer would tilt his head a bit, wondering if he should or could pet the dog. Probably not. Maybe it was for the best to not go touching all the things. He should try to stray away from tilting his head too as he had to adjust the faux deer skull of his nature spirit costume so that it wouldn't fall
"Hey Zay, do you talk to animals? I have telepathy but not that strong to talk to animals" he asked his royal friend in a formal tone
Azazel laughed. "No, I'm sorry Zack. I mean... I could use some blood magic to change into a wolf, but that's an awful lot of work." She shook her grad, Her black hair falling over her shoulders.
Ezra wandered the dark streets, though he wasn't dressed up as anything. He was just going around, using minor ape to impress little kids. He loved the reactions they gave him, and all the attention.
Zack noticed Ezra. 'Wow is this guy gives werid vibes' "Hey dude happy Halloween!"
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