Wonder sat on the only couch in his entire home, playing a fighting game with some online friend named CandianPilgrim56 while he waited for at least someone to arrive. He managed to wear the only costume that he's worn on every single one of his missions, a shiny and metallic suit, a black, but yet perfectly suitable, Wonder-Mask, and a Famicom on his head. Waiting for them was incredibly boring, and he wasn't sure if he would go out Trick-or-Treating, since he was 14 years old. From the outside, his house looked like any ordinary house; there was nothing really special about it, except the front door. On it was a sign, labeled "Knock first. Entry optional, may depend on my mood.
On the inside, however, it was mostly dark. Sure, it was Halloweeen, but he left the entire house like this because of mass hours of sitting around playing video games. Beside him was a huge bowl of candy, which he occasionally took from. This bowl was obviously for the candy for the random people that would visit his unoriginal home, and he just takes from it! Despite all that, he could hear footsteps from the door.
"Finally," he thought to himself. At last, someone managed to stop by. Taking the bowl, he told his online friend that he'd be gone for a few minutes, and walked towards the door. Casually, he opened it to see who would be there...
On the inside, however, it was mostly dark. Sure, it was Halloweeen, but he left the entire house like this because of mass hours of sitting around playing video games. Beside him was a huge bowl of candy, which he occasionally took from. This bowl was obviously for the candy for the random people that would visit his unoriginal home, and he just takes from it! Despite all that, he could hear footsteps from the door.
"Finally," he thought to himself. At last, someone managed to stop by. Taking the bowl, he told his online friend that he'd be gone for a few minutes, and walked towards the door. Casually, he opened it to see who would be there...
Christofer would wonder around the street, not daring to set a foot on any scary yard filled with traditional or a bit more creative Halloween decoration. The German was not fond of creepy things and his biggest worry was that he might end up breaking something by accident. He sighed. He was not going to score any sweets this way.
The boy, dressed up as an animal themed nature spirit, would be delighted when they spotted a house with a yard clean as it had just been sweeped. Nice. But there were no lights? Was no-one home?
He'd fix the position of the faux deer skull he had on his head and approach the door. There was a note. Oh. So there was someone home? It was probably that the house was scarier on the inside then. But he didn't need to go inside so that was that.
Christofer knocked on the door and waited. He was a bit surprised when the door opened and at first there was no-one. Being taller than the other person, he'd only see the famicon until he looked down
"Ummm... Hi..?"
The boy, dressed up as an animal themed nature spirit, would be delighted when they spotted a house with a yard clean as it had just been sweeped. Nice. But there were no lights? Was no-one home?
He'd fix the position of the faux deer skull he had on his head and approach the door. There was a note. Oh. So there was someone home? It was probably that the house was scarier on the inside then. But he didn't need to go inside so that was that.
Christofer knocked on the door and waited. He was a bit surprised when the door opened and at first there was no-one. Being taller than the other person, he'd only see the famicon until he looked down
"Ummm... Hi..?"
Morgan was walking down the streets all by her self. What was her costume? She had none! She didn't have a need for one. From what she has seen so far, a lot of people actually believed that she was cosplaying as Morgan... Who was who she actually was. It was strange though. Did she become famous enough that people knew who she was in.. What year was it, 2015? It was strange, as she was supposed to be barely known. Wasn't this supposed to be a different dimension or something, not the future?
Back in Ylisse, Morgan had convinced Lucina, her mother, that they should try and experience Hallow's Eve in the future and see how it changed. Naga had once told Morgan it existed in the future and was fun, so she wanted to try it out badly. She went to Tiki herself to try and convince her to convince Naga to bring them to a time and place where they could try it out. She even offered giving them the memories she made while she was there in order to experience it. Not knowing if she would loose those memories, they allowed Morgan and Lucina to come here.
Now Morgan was out trick or treating alone while Lucina decided to stay at the townhouse they had rented for the time being to possibly give out candy to trick or treaters who wanted some. She wanted to see the costumes more than get the candy after seeing the amazing designs some people had.
She had found the next house she would get candy from. Her bag ready, she would walk up to the building, which was rather natural looking compared to the other houses that were decorated. At it, there was a rather odd creature. Perhaps it was one of the many people wearing a costume? Walking up next to, who she presumed was a guy, the boy, she would smile happily as she had to look up at him.
"Hey there! Are you the-" She cut herself off upon seeing the man at the door. Instantly, she knew this must have been the man. "Treat or trick!" She would call, not knowing if it was wrong or not.
Back in Ylisse, Morgan had convinced Lucina, her mother, that they should try and experience Hallow's Eve in the future and see how it changed. Naga had once told Morgan it existed in the future and was fun, so she wanted to try it out badly. She went to Tiki herself to try and convince her to convince Naga to bring them to a time and place where they could try it out. She even offered giving them the memories she made while she was there in order to experience it. Not knowing if she would loose those memories, they allowed Morgan and Lucina to come here.
Now Morgan was out trick or treating alone while Lucina decided to stay at the townhouse they had rented for the time being to possibly give out candy to trick or treaters who wanted some. She wanted to see the costumes more than get the candy after seeing the amazing designs some people had.
She had found the next house she would get candy from. Her bag ready, she would walk up to the building, which was rather natural looking compared to the other houses that were decorated. At it, there was a rather odd creature. Perhaps it was one of the many people wearing a costume? Walking up next to, who she presumed was a guy, the boy, she would smile happily as she had to look up at him.
"Hey there! Are you the-" She cut herself off upon seeing the man at the door. Instantly, she knew this must have been the man. "Treat or trick!" She would call, not knowing if it was wrong or not.
Wonder then opened the door you see Christopher, a slightly familiar face.
WG: Toffi! How you doing?
He was glad to see him. The first time he'd ever met the guy was back at Wild Woods 2, and that was a painful experience. After greeting him and grabbing the bowl to give him candy, Wonder heard another voice, a female one, saying "Treat or trick." He decided to correct the voice.
WG: It's actually "Trick or treat," not-
He had been cut off from seeing who was behind Christopher.
WG: (stammering) O-Oh my God...! Y-You're...Morgan!
How strange, seeing someone from like the, what? Middle Ages? Seeing someone from a time of magic and knights and dragons and whatnot, standing at this time, in front of him. And yet, out of all those Knights and mages, one from one of his favorite games was near his home.
WG: I-I can't believe it...! It really is you!
WG: Toffi! How you doing?
He was glad to see him. The first time he'd ever met the guy was back at Wild Woods 2, and that was a painful experience. After greeting him and grabbing the bowl to give him candy, Wonder heard another voice, a female one, saying "Treat or trick." He decided to correct the voice.
WG: It's actually "Trick or treat," not-
He had been cut off from seeing who was behind Christopher.
WG: (stammering) O-Oh my God...! Y-You're...Morgan!
How strange, seeing someone from like the, what? Middle Ages? Seeing someone from a time of magic and knights and dragons and whatnot, standing at this time, in front of him. And yet, out of all those Knights and mages, one from one of his favorite games was near his home.
WG: I-I can't believe it...! It really is you!
They knew his name? A familiar face? From where? The boy wasn't sure but he'd smile in return anyway
The talking from behind him surpriced him. He had no idea there were others out on the same street. Sure it was unusual for there to not be many, but he could now claim himself both blind and appearently deaf for not noticing the girl until Wonder had mentioned her
"Oh, sorry" he appologized as he got out of the way and allowed there to be a bit more room for other trick or treaters. He wasn't familiar with the girl either, but she seemed to be a celebrity of some sort? Man, he started to feel a bit guilty. He wasn't That old, but still, wasn't trick or treating more of a children's thing than adults? Was he even an adult? Eh, who cares, Free Sweets!
The talking from behind him surpriced him. He had no idea there were others out on the same street. Sure it was unusual for there to not be many, but he could now claim himself both blind and appearently deaf for not noticing the girl until Wonder had mentioned her
"Oh, sorry" he appologized as he got out of the way and allowed there to be a bit more room for other trick or treaters. He wasn't familiar with the girl either, but she seemed to be a celebrity of some sort? Man, he started to feel a bit guilty. He wasn't That old, but still, wasn't trick or treating more of a children's thing than adults? Was he even an adult? Eh, who cares, Free Sweets!
Seeing the man open the door and appear before them, Morgan would hold her bag up a bit higher for some candy. It was only a paper bag, but most of the money they were allowed to use was spent on candy to give out, some food for while they stayed, the townhouse itself, and some clothes in case they for some reason needed some more things to wear, but they should be only staying for a few days.. There was no time to get an actual trick or treating basket! ...Okay, there was. They just didn't think they should spend money on it.
"Oooh, it's trick or treat? Wow.. That's a bit embarrassing. I've been saying treat or trick all day! No wonder people have been staring at me as if I was dumb or something." She would rub the back of her neck, slightly blushing just because she was embarrassed from making that silly mistake that even a six year old would probably never make. However, she still had a wide smile on her face as if she didn't mind it at all. All she wanted to do was have fun, so she might as well while not get all down in the dumps over that little thing.
Looking back up at the boy, she couldn't help but slightly giggle. "Oh don't worry about it! I'm just glad you gave me a little bit of room to move forward." Morgan would let him know, keeping a smile on her face. She was also glad because she wouldn't start becoming Kellam, as everyone always overlooked him.
The tactician looked back down at the man at the door. She was about to ask the strangely armored man about getting a piece of candy when suddenly his whole personality seemed to change. He was stuttering all over the place as he said she was the real Morgan. That reaction was definitely different than all over the other reactions she had got that day. Most people just said she cosplayed Morgan well and looked just like her.
"Yep, it's me, Morgan!" She would decide to admit. She had a rather mischievous idea on her mind, and in order to do that she would need to reveal she was actually who he said she was. "I guess you know of me..?" She'd ask innocently, trying to still sound natural, though.
"Oooh, it's trick or treat? Wow.. That's a bit embarrassing. I've been saying treat or trick all day! No wonder people have been staring at me as if I was dumb or something." She would rub the back of her neck, slightly blushing just because she was embarrassed from making that silly mistake that even a six year old would probably never make. However, she still had a wide smile on her face as if she didn't mind it at all. All she wanted to do was have fun, so she might as well while not get all down in the dumps over that little thing.
Looking back up at the boy, she couldn't help but slightly giggle. "Oh don't worry about it! I'm just glad you gave me a little bit of room to move forward." Morgan would let him know, keeping a smile on her face. She was also glad because she wouldn't start becoming Kellam, as everyone always overlooked him.
The tactician looked back down at the man at the door. She was about to ask the strangely armored man about getting a piece of candy when suddenly his whole personality seemed to change. He was stuttering all over the place as he said she was the real Morgan. That reaction was definitely different than all over the other reactions she had got that day. Most people just said she cosplayed Morgan well and looked just like her.
"Yep, it's me, Morgan!" She would decide to admit. She had a rather mischievous idea on her mind, and in order to do that she would need to reveal she was actually who he said she was. "I guess you know of me..?" She'd ask innocently, trying to still sound natural, though.
Wonder proceeded to give a handful of candy to Chris while talking to Morgan.
WG: What're doing here?! How'd you get here?! Wait, don't tell me! You got here by Outrealm Gates, right?
Clearly, he was getting excited; a bit too overexcited. With each question, his speech would get faster and faster until he ran out of breath, giving her time to answer some of the questions. As he was catching his breath, he asked a more important question, this time being more calm.
WG: Say, where're your parents? They have to be nearby somewhere.
He was slightly becoming excited again, thinking of seeing Robin and Lucina in 2015 on Halloween. As he did so, he also gave a handful of candy to her.
WG: What're doing here?! How'd you get here?! Wait, don't tell me! You got here by Outrealm Gates, right?
Clearly, he was getting excited; a bit too overexcited. With each question, his speech would get faster and faster until he ran out of breath, giving her time to answer some of the questions. As he was catching his breath, he asked a more important question, this time being more calm.
WG: Say, where're your parents? They have to be nearby somewhere.
He was slightly becoming excited again, thinking of seeing Robin and Lucina in 2015 on Halloween. As he did so, he also gave a handful of candy to her.
Christofer would store the candy he got in a bag he carried with him. He'd keep his ears sharp though, listening to the two 'youngsters' talk. It appeared that the girl might have been more special than just a celebrity. What was she all about?
The German didn't want to bother them or break up their conversation, so he'd wait for the right moment - unless that would take hours, then he wasn't too sure anymore. The thing is: he was actually going around and trading treats with people. Nice
The German didn't want to bother them or break up their conversation, so he'd wait for the right moment - unless that would take hours, then he wasn't too sure anymore. The thing is: he was actually going around and trading treats with people. Nice
As the man continued to ask her a barrage of questions, Morgan felt more confused by the second. Why did this man know so much about her? And how did he know about the Outrealm Gates?
As he stopped talking, Morgan took the time to respond in a slightly slower version of how he asked her the questions. "Candy and fun! I kinda came here from an Outrealm Gate, so you're right enough!" She said with a rather bright smile.
When the man asked her a question calmly, Morgan felt relief enter her body. The man was talking rather fast and anxiously, and Morgan was worried she would mishear something, and then answer incorrectly. However, the question he asked was rather odd, and somewhat personal. Was this man her stalker or something?
"Well, they should be somewhere else, at like another building... Uh, why do you want to know? It is a weird question to ask someone..." Morgan would ask, slightly worried from what the answer could have been.
When he had given her candy, she would remember how excited he was to see her. Now would probably be a perfect time to try and go out with her trick. "Say.. Is there a chance you could help out..? I was doing a dare with my father that I could get a certain amount of candy, and it is a fairly large amount. Maybe you could.. Give me a bit more candy? ....Like maybe all of it? ..Or at least half of it!" Morgan would ask innocently, doing a fairly good job at covering up the fact that she was asking it out of greed.
As he stopped talking, Morgan took the time to respond in a slightly slower version of how he asked her the questions. "Candy and fun! I kinda came here from an Outrealm Gate, so you're right enough!" She said with a rather bright smile.
When the man asked her a question calmly, Morgan felt relief enter her body. The man was talking rather fast and anxiously, and Morgan was worried she would mishear something, and then answer incorrectly. However, the question he asked was rather odd, and somewhat personal. Was this man her stalker or something?
"Well, they should be somewhere else, at like another building... Uh, why do you want to know? It is a weird question to ask someone..." Morgan would ask, slightly worried from what the answer could have been.
When he had given her candy, she would remember how excited he was to see her. Now would probably be a perfect time to try and go out with her trick. "Say.. Is there a chance you could help out..? I was doing a dare with my father that I could get a certain amount of candy, and it is a fairly large amount. Maybe you could.. Give me a bit more candy? ....Like maybe all of it? ..Or at least half of it!" Morgan would ask innocently, doing a fairly good job at covering up the fact that she was asking it out of greed.
Wonder felt a bit creepy, knowing many of the things about Morgan. He decided to stop with the massive amounts of questions he had.
WG: I kinda wanted to know if you came here with them or not.
He decided to not say, "I want to meet them." Might make him look like a total stalker.
WG: Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who knows a whole lot about the Shepherds.
Another thing he decided not to say was that she was from a video game, along with everyone she probably knows. It could shatter her reality. After hearing about her question, Wonder shook his head.
WG: No dice. Sorry.
Even though this was Halloween, even though that Morgan is standing right in front of him, he still was a defender of justice, even if that included everyone getting their fair share of candy.
WG: And I'm pretty sure Robin doesn't make those kinds of bets. Like, 99% sure. (Shrugging) Just sayin'...
WG: I kinda wanted to know if you came here with them or not.
He decided to not say, "I want to meet them." Might make him look like a total stalker.
WG: Besides, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who knows a whole lot about the Shepherds.
Another thing he decided not to say was that she was from a video game, along with everyone she probably knows. It could shatter her reality. After hearing about her question, Wonder shook his head.
WG: No dice. Sorry.
Even though this was Halloween, even though that Morgan is standing right in front of him, he still was a defender of justice, even if that included everyone getting their fair share of candy.
WG: And I'm pretty sure Robin doesn't make those kinds of bets. Like, 99% sure. (Shrugging) Just sayin'...
"Well, they did! I don't know if they'd want me to bring visitors back home, if that is what you are asking me." Morgan would tell him, having a more neutral expression at the time, but she still had a somewhat faint smile. It wasn't as if she was mad or insecure or anything of that, she was actually quite happy!
"Really? That's... a bit concerning actually.. H-How much do you know about me?" She would ask with an obviously nervous tone now. She had no idea there was a video game based off of her and the others, not that she knew what one of those was in the first place. If she did, she would definitely not want to hear that she was in a video game, as that would seem to her as if everyone knew every little thing that she had done at any given moment, which she wasn't comfortable with.
When the man said he was not going to give her a bit more candy, she would feel herself frown. "Aw.. Okay.." Morgan's eyes went to the ground for a few moments, standing there in silence. However, she felt as if some gears began to make that annoying sound that always make as they were twisted from Armorman's words. "Hey! I don't really know how much you know about me and my family, but you do not know them better than I do, do you understand?! I am his daughter, I'd know him well!" She said with a slightly agitated voice. The only thing she did, that wasn't shown on her face, to show she was mad was clench her fists tightly. She would and could have cast a spell on him, like a hex or a curse, but she didn't.
"Really? That's... a bit concerning actually.. H-How much do you know about me?" She would ask with an obviously nervous tone now. She had no idea there was a video game based off of her and the others, not that she knew what one of those was in the first place. If she did, she would definitely not want to hear that she was in a video game, as that would seem to her as if everyone knew every little thing that she had done at any given moment, which she wasn't comfortable with.
When the man said he was not going to give her a bit more candy, she would feel herself frown. "Aw.. Okay.." Morgan's eyes went to the ground for a few moments, standing there in silence. However, she felt as if some gears began to make that annoying sound that always make as they were twisted from Armorman's words. "Hey! I don't really know how much you know about me and my family, but you do not know them better than I do, do you understand?! I am his daughter, I'd know him well!" She said with a slightly agitated voice. The only thing she did, that wasn't shown on her face, to show she was mad was clench her fists tightly. She would and could have cast a spell on him, like a hex or a curse, but she didn't.
Morgan right now is like:


WG: Eeeeeeehhh... Long story...
He tried to dodge the question.
"Well, I screwed up..." He thought of this phrase as he flinched from Morgan's sudden anger.
WG: L-Look, I'm sorry! I didn't actually mean it!
He meant that a little... But that didn't stop his from apologizing.
He tried to dodge the question.
"Well, I screwed up..." He thought of this phrase as he flinched from Morgan's sudden anger.
WG: L-Look, I'm sorry! I didn't actually mean it!
He meant that a little... But that didn't stop his from apologizing.
Wonder's dodge at the question would be, undirectly, successful. Morgan was a tad bit too mad to even rememberif he answered or not, nor was she exactly looking for an answer anymore.
Sighing a bit after he said sorry, she slightly calmed down. "I'm just.. going to get going now.." She would say with a bit of sorrow, turning around to walk down the stairs to get back on the street of Halloween's Trick or Treaters. It was better then having to stand around and hear things about how other people knew her family better than her... It went more to heart simply because of the amnesia she used to have.
Sighing a bit after he said sorry, she slightly calmed down. "I'm just.. going to get going now.." She would say with a bit of sorrow, turning around to walk down the stairs to get back on the street of Halloween's Trick or Treaters. It was better then having to stand around and hear things about how other people knew her family better than her... It went more to heart simply because of the amnesia she used to have.
He felt guilty. He knew he shouldn't have said that, and yet he did. Wonder had to make it up to her, and he looked down at the bowl of candy. After much hesitation of deciding whether or not to do it, he growled in annoyance silently ran towards her.
WG: Here, take it!
He handed her the bowl of candy.
WG: Just.. D-Don't toy with people's emotions..!
WG: Here, take it!
He handed her the bowl of candy.
WG: Just.. D-Don't toy with people's emotions..!
Out of no where, Morgan heard the voice call out behind her. She turned, and Wonder was right behind her. How did he move so quickly, and silently at the same time? She didn't even hear him walk up behind her, which made Morgan feel a bit worried. If she couldn't have heard him, what would her senses be like during a fight, if she got into one?
To her surprise, the man was handing her the whole bowl of candy he had, and was asking her to take it all. "..Really? After how I shouted at you, too?" Morgan would ask with surprise, mainly because she still got the outcome she was scheming at, but in a different way than she had expected to.
Hesitantly, Morgan would take the bowl of candy and began to dump it into her bag. However, feeling a bit guilty that he gave it to her because his emotions were basically being used from Morgan's sadness, she left some candy in there for him to give to the other trick or treaters, or to eat himself.
"Thank you!" She would say with a bright smile. It was almost as if she had just had a sudden mood change just from receiving all of that candy. She put the bowl down on the ground next to him instead of giving it to him. For a brief moment, she put her arms around him, giving him a friendly hug that a friend would give someone, then let go a second later. "Have a good night!" She'd say with a happy tone as she walked down the sidewalk to the next house. Her candy bag was already getting heavy now.
So basically, Morgan successfully got all of the man's candy... It was just from different means than she intended.
To her surprise, the man was handing her the whole bowl of candy he had, and was asking her to take it all. "..Really? After how I shouted at you, too?" Morgan would ask with surprise, mainly because she still got the outcome she was scheming at, but in a different way than she had expected to.
Hesitantly, Morgan would take the bowl of candy and began to dump it into her bag. However, feeling a bit guilty that he gave it to her because his emotions were basically being used from Morgan's sadness, she left some candy in there for him to give to the other trick or treaters, or to eat himself.
"Thank you!" She would say with a bright smile. It was almost as if she had just had a sudden mood change just from receiving all of that candy. She put the bowl down on the ground next to him instead of giving it to him. For a brief moment, she put her arms around him, giving him a friendly hug that a friend would give someone, then let go a second later. "Have a good night!" She'd say with a happy tone as she walked down the sidewalk to the next house. Her candy bag was already getting heavy now.
So basically, Morgan successfully got all of the man's candy... It was just from different means than she intended.
Christofer looked after the girl. Well... They surely had had some good time. Or should he say... Sweet time? No, that was immature. He'd shake his head at the thought and turn to Wonder
"Are you allergic to anything?"
"Are you allergic to anything?"
WG: ...No, why?
The boy took a cookie from another bag he was carrying, this one being a smaller one. The treat was well preserved and was at least mostly in one piece and as fresh as if it was straight from the oven.
"I'm giving these away to those who give me something. So.. Thank you~" he'd smile as he handed the cookie to Wonder
"I'm giving these away to those who give me something. So.. Thank you~" he'd smile as he handed the cookie to Wonder
WG: Ummm...
So far, Wonder was just confused, but he still took the cookie anyways.
WG: Thanks...
He just simply went back inside, probably done with Halloween for only a few minutes, shutting the door behind him.
So far, Wonder was just confused, but he still took the cookie anyways.
WG: Thanks...
He just simply went back inside, probably done with Halloween for only a few minutes, shutting the door behind him.
Well, no matter if Wonder was truly happy or not, Christofer would have to make his leave. As he continued down the road, he'd have to wonder to himself: were the cookies really that good of an idea?
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