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Forums » General Roleplay » Trick or Treat: June and August Mayberry

The two shared a brooklyn style house. Six stairs led up to a small porch. June sat on the porch next to a large bowl of candy, wearing a bright turquoise and gold dress, and August stood behind her, wearing his Mountainside flight costume, complete with scar-makeup across his face.
The porch was lit by a dozen small jack-o-lanterns.
It was hard to tell who got more actiin, the pretty and freckled June , who bleated and gave passersby candy, or August, who signed photos of himself for the children and their chaperones.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

Asher approached the two, climbing up the stairs in a quick succession. Despite his age, he was dressed as Link, complete with a wooden master sword, painted to look quite realistic. He gave a soft smile, putting his hand up and giving a small-- Rather shy wave.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

Junes cheeks went slightly pink. "Hi there," she said, but pushed the candy bowl further away. "And what could I help you with, oh mysterious unknown trick-or-treater?" She asked in a high voice, brushing her skirt off.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

"What everyone else is here for." He spoke in a soft voice. He held out a small burlap-type sack-- Which went with his costume well, with a string tied around it, closing off the top. He undid the string, opening up the sack.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"Use your words," June offered, taking a handful of candy and hovering it teasingly above the outstretched bag.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He laughed a bit. "Candy, please." He gave her this, along with a gentle smile.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

June dropped the candy into his bag. "Happy halloween, Link." She said softly, waving at him. August flashed him a smile.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He smiled a bit wider, taking the candy from his bag immediately, unwrapping it and nibbling on it like a rabbit or a squirrel would. "So, what's your name?"
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"I'm June Mayberry!" She said, flashing him a smile. She tucked a ringlet of golden brown hair behind her fuzzy brown ear. "And this," she gestured at her brother. His curling ram horns were filled with gold.
"Is August Mayberry."
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He turned to face August, waving to him shyly. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Asher." He then continued to nibble on his candy bar gingerly.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"Hi Asher." They said and August inclined his head slightly. "Are you having a nice halloween, kiddo?" August asked.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

Asher would look up to August, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'm having fun."
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

A few children poked past Asher to get to June's candy. She smiled, crouching down so a girl with synthetic fairy wings could touch her ears.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He stepped out of the way so the children could get past him. He glanced to her ears, which he was just now noticing, because of the fairy-girl. "Your ears look fuzzy." He laughed a bit.
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

June squinted at Asher. "Well, I'm a quarter goat, so." She said softly, crossing her arms.
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

His eyes lit up, and he seemed almost childlike now. "Really? Like a Satyr?" He asked, excitement evident in his voice.
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

Zack walked up to the house and smiled. "Trick or treat my dear June and August." He was dressed in a Sherlock costume. He smiled carrying a pillow case. "Say what you want I love Halloween!"
Asher Sentos (played by Puppet)

He swiveled around to face Zack, waving his wooden sword in the air. "Hey!" He said with a bright smile.
Zack (played by DetectiveZack)

Zack smiled at Asher. "Hello kind sir." He tipped the hat then got out a magnifying glass
The Mayberry's Fantasy Style (played by Laineie) Topic Starter

"Hi Zack!" June chirpped.
August gave Asher a withering look. "No, not a satyr. Fauns." He corrected.

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